
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

111 -=Breakdown=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



"Why are you here, Kaede?" Naruto asked looking wearily at Kaede

"Hi for you too" Kaede answered with a smile

"answer me" Naruto said in all seriousness, frowning and all that stuff, he had some lessons on how to be serious when needed, and he felt that now was a time he needed to be

"Sheesh, can't I just visit my 'friend' anymore?" Kaede asked faking surprise at this

"You are a nukenin, don't think I can't see that there is something wrong"

"... I see, but anyway I didn't come here to do anything, actually, I am just a clone, you can probably tell" Kaede's remark made Naruto snort

That was a strategy Hiruzen taught him, if you don't know if what your enemy said is true, snort

they will either think you saw through their lie or that you already knew

Kaede just smiled at that

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but anyway, Happy birthday I guess..."

To be completely honest, Naruto expected a fight, some weird remark he couldn't really understand or even to Kaede to just fade away being just his imagination right now, but this... this caught him off guard

"what?" Was all he could come up with as an answer

"Well, it is as you heard. and as a gift to you, I have an opportunity to give you" Kaede grinned as she continued

"An... opportunity?..." Naruto asked, still somewhat in a daze

"Yes, the opportunity... to kill me"

And that brought Naruto back from wherever he was at, making him widen his eyes

"What did you... say?" he couldn't understand... why was Kaede doing this? kill her? is that some kind of joke? if so he really disliked it

"I said I will let you kill me, of course" Kaede repeated as she grinned at Naruto

"But... why?"

"Don't you get it? I have done some pretty evil things, Naruto

you know it better

the thing is, I have not even once regretted it, and I feel like I will end up doing the worst stuff as time goes by

So, I wanted to try to stop that, but... I can't for some reason

and that's where you come in, I trust that you can do it, stop me before it's too late..." Kaede lied with a straight face to Naruto, who was in shock

'She can't control herself and does bad stuff? Like Luna's thingy?

If that's so, then it explains why she did what she did, and then... I can also help her, didn't Luna find a way? why can't she as well?' He asked himself, as the notion of actually killing Kaede never even passed by his head

But I guess it's Ashura's thing to forgive genociders...

"I won't do it, there must be another way!" Naruto said resolutely, but how could he even think that it was all a lie?

since the day Dygan told him Kaede must have gad a reason, Naruto never let the idea that she was just evil pass by his head, it was just stupid to him, he knew better than that... right?

"Sigh... Naruto... don't tell me you think you can help me somehow?" Naruto widened his eyes as soon as Kaede said exactly what he thought

"I... uh... Y-Yeah, I can" Naruto stuttered as he answered, he wasn't unsure, just caught off guard again

"Sigh... you are so dumb sometimes..." Kaede sighed and said in a disappointed way

"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto asked frowning

"Let me explain Naruto

No one in the Uchiha clan could help me, then they died

No one in this village could help me, then I left to not lose control

then I entered that Akatsuki organization, and guess what? not only they couldn't help me, but they all are gone

No one can help me, and then they either die or disappear

and then we have you, the kid that has nothing special about him

the kid that was sacrificed by his dad to the good of a village that hated him for it

the kid who can't understand what loss is because he never had anything to lose

the kid that was manipulated by everyone, and yet still holds them dear to him

If no one could help me, what makes YOU so special that you can do what no one can?" At some point, Kaede approached Naruto, and now she was looking down on him as he cowered back



That's your last chance Naruto"

Kaede took a kunai in hand and put it in Naruto's hand, also grabbing it and placing it right where her heart should be

"K-Kaede STOP"

"Stop this farce Naruto, end it all

kill me

kill me

kill me

kill me-to

Na-ll m-to


Naruto came out of his daze as he heard Luna call him

"Wh-what?" Looking down he saw the kunai in his hand

just that, there was no Kaede anywhere... it was above HIS heart, even piercing a bit of his skin, enough to draw blood

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HAVE YOU GONE MAD?" Luna screamed at him, bringing him back to reality

"Wh-where did she go?" Naruto asked

"She? who?"

"Kaede, she was just here..."

"Naruto, have you gone mad? I have been knocking on your door for minutes, and when I was about to go away, the door opened and you were just about to pierce that kunai on yourself" Luna said as tears gathered in her eyes

that just brought her some bad memories...

"..." Naruto couldn't say anything... he just stared at her his mouth agape

was that an illusion? or was Kaede really there?

He couldn't tell... but... why was Luna crying about him?

"Wh-Why are you crying?" He managed to ask

"I am not crying, you idiot!" Luna exclaimed as she hit him with weak punches

"Why did you do that? what would have happened if I didn't enter that door? what if I wasn't here? you IDIOT!"

Seeing her breakdown, Naruto couldn't help but ask with a shaky tone

"W-Why were you here?" He also couldn't help but shudder at the thought of what could have happened just now had Luna not called out for him

"I...I came to give your birthday gift... but then that..."

Naruto opened his eyes wide, he was just thinking no one remembered it, and honestly, he also forgot before... he just remembered because of the reveal of who his parents were

"I'm... sorry..." he didn't know why, but he felt that he should apologize for some reason...


Outside the house, a lone figure walked through the rain as she observed the events with an amused expression

"Hehe, that turned out more interesting than I thought it would..." She commented as she slowly disappeared in the rain, no traces of her ever being there remaining...