
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Lizard

[That time I got reincarnated as a slime fanfic] Slime, lizard, dragon, human. They all start somewhere... right? Some are given easier beginnings, while others? not so much. A lizard, even worse off then a slime. What do they get? What's so special about a lizard? Slimes regenerate, ogres have great strength- even goblins are stronger than a little lizard right? But with a difficult upbringing, starting from the bottom, through sheer effort, it is indeed possible to overcome such an obstacle. A friendly slime did it after all..... right?

JustAPerson1010283 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

2 - Magisteel Scales

'What.... am I?'

Her brief thoughts about what she was were broken almost as swiftly as they were formed. She heard a scurrying noise and instantly looked over at it. She may be... something now, but that doesn't mean she won't be aware of her surroundings.

Her parallel thought process was still thinking about the... voice she heard before dying. Not oblivious- but deeming the situation worthy of only one mind. Currently though, she was gazing into the dark before herself. The noise she heard sounded like it came from a small creature at least- so she felt at least a little safer.

She didn't want to walk towards whatever made the noise- it could be dangerous after all... and she wasn't one to take chances. She died once already. Why should she sacrifice her second chance?

Her attentive gaze brushed over something. It was... unusual to say the least. A patchy spot in the shadow, a glint like the night sky- wait a second.

As she observed the similar creature to herself she thought, 'Is that what I look like?'

Her eyes locked with the lizard in front of her. It was probably... twice her size? She couldn't exactly tell how much larger it was compared to her. She was, after all, minutes- if not seconds out of her egg. A newborn. Newly hatched.

The larger lizard scurried obnoxiously over to her, seemingly careless about whatever noise it was making. She was just, staring at it with curiosity. She'd never seen anything like this lizard before. It seemed almost... otherworldly.

The lizard didn't seem hostile at the moment, and it was the same species as her... so she thought, 'It wouldn't... attack me right? We are the same species after all...'

Suddenly the larger lizard brushed up against her side, a sign of affection? Probably. She couldn't tell with absolute certainty... but she was pretty sure. You don't have to be an expert in animal behavior science to know that brushing up against someone is most likely a sign of affection.

Her eyes tracked the newcomer as it scurried further into the cave, towards the ominous energy she was feeling before- and it looked back at her. She could assume it wanted to guide her somewhere.

As her normal mind was fully in the moment- deciding to follow along with her new companion, her alternate mind found something out. Those things the voice she heard was talking about- strangely enough... she could feel them in her soul.

It was as if whatever it had spoken about had- fused with her. It was a strange feeling. She didn't know how she could not only feel her soul now, but she felt like it was... strong. As her normal thoughts went on, her alternate mind began to think of what to do with this knowledge... perhaps she could...!

ZIP!! In an instant, as soon as her alternate mind tried to use a piece of the power of her soul- she warped forward. It wasn't very far- but whatever she just did was NOT normal. Her minds, both of them, raced with excitement!

She thought to herself in pure wonder and joy, 'D-did I just.... TELEPORT?!?!?' 

She had no idea how she did that, but now that she did it once... she knew how. Her body knew how, her soul knew how- matter of fact it knew how to use everything she was given... with the mastery of a toddler of course.

It's not like anyone could instantly master something without immense external help and luck. Even then it was an iffy scenario. But that didn't make her any less excited- it made her even more excited.

As she thought of anything else she could do- she thought, 'The voice said I gained... a unique skill 'relativity' so... are these powers called... skills?'

It didn't take much thought for her either, she wanted to try them out. But before she could, her little friend from before also teleported. Right next to her. It made a little squeak- sounding displeased with her, and it continued guiding her forward.

It brought her to a part of the cave that felt particularly dense in the air. The denser the air, the more she felt it pressing down on her. It felt like the presence of something dangerous. Very dangerous- but it also felt energizing, magical, or mystic. Quite the indescribable feeling.

She didn't quite understand what was happening, but she got the gist. She was not a normal animal, the voice in her head as she was dying probably reincarnated her into a creature of some sort, and she now really really wanted to mess with her new powers.

Finally, the lizard guiding her came to a halt. Taking in her surroundings she saw a room full of magical crystals- or was it ore? She couldn't tell... but for some reason, when she looked at it her stomach growled- or whatever her little lizard stomach could muster.

Looking at the crystal- it was probably her body speaking.... but it looked appetizing. Walking over to a small chunk of crystals, the other lizard scampered off to a batch of big crystals- and clamped it's jaw around the base of it. The crystal it just bit was probably 3 times it's size but it still tore a chunk out.

Staring curiously at the lizard, she saw the crystalline metal get easily crushed by her fellow lizard... Focusing her attention back at the crystal she thought, 'Do I really have to... eat this?'

As her little eyes traced the small bundle of crystals, each being around half her size, she decided to take a bite. As her jaws clamped down on the red crystal, an interesting- but not bad flavor permeated in her mouth.

It tasted kind of like a sweet strawberry candy, maybe a hint of apple, but it had a prominent metallic flavor. The crystal itself felt a bit weak honestly, kind of like a jolly rancher in texture. As she took another bite out of the crystal, honestly enjoying it.

She was happily munching away at the crystals while her alternate mind wandered off. It began to fantasize about her new powers and it wanted to try them out. 'Let's see.... it's kind of fuzzy in my mind because I was dying... but I think I it said something about relativity and sacrific-'

The moment she thought the word sacrifice, a wisp of black flames- enhanced by red highlights began to consume the crystals in front of her. Her mention of the word, combined with the intent to cast some sort of ability, caused it to activate on the spot.

The red flames spread only on the crystals, completely evaporating them in the process. Nothing else happened, she didn't get anything for it, there was no spooky demon to tempt her with an offer, nothing.

Then she realized, just a moment after activating the skill, 'It's called sacrifice.... I should probably say or think what I want from it. Yeah... that makes sense'

Walking over to a larger patch of crystals she thinks, 'Hmm... what would be something I want? OH I KNOW!... Harder scales seem great! That'll help me survive longer.'

With the thought in mind to harden her scales, she thinks to herself, 'Sacrifice these crystals for harder scales'

Shame she didn't specify how much. As soon as she initiates the sacrifice, the wispy flames snake their way out from the inside of the crystal in front of her, the crystal dissipating without a trace. Swiftly spreading from crystal to crystal in a violent fashion.