
That Place In Your Heart

The Spitfire After the sudden death of her estranged father, Earl of Ledbury, Julianne or Jules Cosgrove found herself to be at war with the overbearing brute, the new Duke of Hemington who claimed master of the estates and land previously belonged to the late earl. Now the headstrong Jules Cosgrove had to fight for her authority in defending her home and estates from befallen to the arrogant, handsome as sin Duke of Hemington, Gavin Rutherford but as they say opposites attract!. The more Jules pushes and fights Gavin the more entangled her feelings was to him! The Gentle Giant Gavin Albert Rutherford did not trust females. Especially blondes with sapphire blue eyes. To him they were nothing more but a designing females just like his last paramour, Lady Daniela Harlow But there was something more than meets the eye of the defiant hard headed Julianne that makes the Duke's blood boil and sing at the same time. Will Gavin able to crush Julianne's stern distaste of loveless matrimony? Or would he make the ultimate move on his chessboard to forever secure her hand in marriage?

dagnabit · History
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16 Chs

Chapter Six

Both literally flew apart.

With shaking hands Julianne righted her hair and smoothed her skirts but she knew the act was ridiculous. She must probably looked close to a light skirt to Johnathan who was now glaring to both her and the duke.

"What have you done to her?" Johnathan demanded measuring the duke with murder in his eyes. Gavin returned his gaze steadily as he use his fingers as a comb to pat his wild mane into place.

"Miss Cosgrove here was just showing me her roses" the duke said calmly.

"Where? In her mouth?" Johnathan squared his shoulders and glanced at Julianne who was staring at her slippers. Her colors were high and she was close to tears.

"Jules? Is he forcing himself on you?" Johnathan turned accusing eyes to the duke. "If he does I swear to god I will kill him now!"

"No! Johnathan. He did not" her friend looked confused. "Then what the hell happened?"

Julianne took a deep breath, praying to the Lord above that she was making the right decision as she took the duke's large hand. "His Grace made an offer to me. A moment ago" Julianne quickly added at the look of the uncertainty crossing Johnathan's eyes.

His Grace has the tendency to grunt but Julianne kicked his booted feet silently.

Julianne gave a weak chuckle. "We are betrothed"

With that announcement, Gavin gave a light squeeze on her hand . "Yes, we are"

The small room fell silent. It grew uncomfortably warm as Julianne anticipated Johnathan's hugs of

Congratulations. Instead, Johnathan turned on his heels and stalked off.

"Thank you, love. You just saved me" Gavin whispered as he turned to hug her.

"Do not even think about it" Julianne hissed angrily, dropping his hand from her grip.

"Do we have an agreement or not?" Julianne faced the duke squarely who was grinning from ear to ear.

"What agreement?"

Julianne unconsciously blew an imaginary curl from her eye. "Plan succeeds. The properties stay with me"

Gavin made a great show of thinking deeply, furrowing his dark brows as he paced the small room.

"Well?" Julianne demanded as she felt her heart constrict with anxiety.

"I will think about it" Finally the duke replied, still grinning wide.

"Your Grace, please-" Gavin tsked, wagging his finger at her.

"As we are betrothed, you best address me by my given name" Gavin reached out to smooth the frown from her forehead. Julianne angrily snapped her head back.

"Smile darling. The servants will likely to wonder why their mistress scowl on her engagement day"

"I am not engaged nor betroth to you" Julianne fumed disliking the victorious glee on his handsome face.

"Pretend or not"

* * * * * * * * *

Julianne rose earlier than her usual time the next morning. Gavin had requested her to dine with him for dinner last evening and she fervently sent her regrets on that matter.

Julianne felt reluctant to face the duke or Edward after what had happened in her nursery yesterday afternoon. No doubt Gavin perceived her as a loose woman, clinging to him whenever he kisses her or do so much as touch her.

She wishes that the duke and his friend would receive a pressed matter and had to return to the city, but Julianne knew it was only wishful thinking as she saw an all-black but elegant carriage rested on her driveway as she walked to the back stable to fetch her gig. Julianne felt her headache is worsening.

This morning she hoped she could catch Johnathan before he went to the cornfield.

Julianne was still baffled what with the way her body and mind reacts whenever the duke was around her, she reflected as she smartly negotiated the gig out to the dirt road. The sun was fresh and the air was crisp.

She felt glad to be outdoors, she mused as she raised her face to the sun, feeling the soft warmth caressing her cheeks.

Her cheeks flushed hotly as she recalled their rendezvous in her nursery and she could not ignore the beat of her heart and the pulsating of her blood gushing like crazy as she remembered the taste of his lips and tongue. Hot and salty, yet warm and sweet. Julianne thought dreamily as she imagined how his strong hands roamed her body, loving her curves and how her body was awakened by his gentle yet persistent touch.

Just then the thought occurred to her of Gavin's proposal to her. Julianne sank back gloomily as she stared the road before her. Surely he was just using her as a shield to get his ways.

After the charade was over, what then? Julianne wondered.

The incorrigible duke has stated over and over again that whether the plans succeed or not, he will still be in control of the properties, Hall and plantation. As Julianne had only known the duke for less than a week, she knew the Duke of Hemington was a man who always gets his way. No matter what.

Inwardly, Julianne cursed under her breath as she berated herself to even admitted to Johnathan that

they were engaged. She should have come to Johnathan before making any decisions that she might later regret. Julianne felt in her heavy heart that the intuition came prematurely.

No doubt, Johnathan have a remedy in hand if she disclosed the plans that the duke concocted. Julianne thought hopefully as she directed her chestnut into the small driveway that led into Hastings' farmhouse.

If things could get any worse, she might consider answering to Johnathan's proposal. Julianne concur as she climbed out smiling from her gig as she was met with the twins, Harold and Anne.

* * * * * * * * *

Gavin was seething with panic until the moment she strolled leisurely into the receiving parlor at four that afternoon . He thought he would ripped the floorboards clean and headed out in search of her if she failed to turn up for another half hour.

Gavin was astonished as he was informed by Swinton and Alda that their mistress has gone out early in the morning. Apparently it was habitual for the woman to disappear every now then and to where, they merely pursed their lips and looked him squarely in the eyes.

He seeked out Mrs Hopkins in hope to extract a better answer from the housekeeper.

But Mrs. Hopkins proved to be the worst of the lot as she started to rambled on instead about how she fondly thought of her mistress as her own child.

Gavin turned on his heels and stalked off in search of Swinton and his minions and decided to comb the area if the need arises.

"Where in god's blood were you?" The duke barked in a tone more harshly than he intended. Julianne visibly jumped and turned questioning eyes to him.

"I was just..out" she said simply, peeling her gloves and bonnet and handed it calmly over to Swinton.

Gavin's eyes rounded in disbelief. "Out? What do you mean out?" His jaw locked, gritting his teeth, he fought the irresistible urge to throttle her neck and then kiss her senseless for the panic she caused him.

Nevertheless Gavin could not resist admiring the beauty before him. All angelic and proud. Her sapphire blue eyes round with determination, poised to defend herself the way she held her body rigid, her neck stiff.

Instead to his dismay, he repeated. "Where were you?"

Julianne cocked her gold head slightly as if the question did not matter to her. "Where is Edward?"

Gavin blinked. "Edward had to leave for the city today. Now answer me"

Julianne frowned. "He had to leave?" She parroted and looked at him suspiciously. "His departure had not got anything to do with you, does it?"

"Answer me, dammit!"

Julianne's eyes rounded angrily. "My absence is not of your concern. I can come and go as I want" she shot back, planting her hands on her hips.

"It is my damn well my concern. I am your betroth. And do not say otherwise" Gavin hissed as Julianne opened her mouth to protest. He very well knew what she was going to say. For the benefit of the succession of their plan, it is better to keep their argument subtle.

"Well, my dear duke. It looks like you have to find another woman for a pansy" Julianne muttered lowering her voice. "I did not recall to have agreed bending to your every unnecessary whims and notions" Julianne shuddered but she valiantly squared her shoulders. "It is either you submit to my terms or the deal is off" She gazed determinedly into the duke's strong form.

The Duke of Hemington was silent as he stood erect by the fireplace looking decidedly handsome in his careless way. His midnight mane was in disarray as he returned Julianne's gaze blankly. His eyes darkened to deep green as he weighed Julianne's words.

They stood facing each other as minutes passed but it seems like an eternity to her. Julianne realized with a sinking heart that the arrogant man will not even consider her words.

Finally with an exaggerated sigh, the duke turn to leave the room leaving her in puzzlement.

Just when Julianne would crumble to her knees and weep, Gavin returned grimfaced.

"I have instructed Alda to wake you around 7 this evening" Gavin announced. "We will be having our engagement dinner" The duke sighed running his fingers through his dark hair.

Just when Julianne wanted to protest, he snapped. "Fine. I will concur to your damn terms" with that said, he stormed out from the room banging the door in the process.

* * * * * * * * *

As promised by the duke, an excited Alda woke her from her nap. Her eyes were dancing merrily and Julianne undoubtedly assumed the whole county was informed of her betrothal with the duke.

Pretend betrothal, Julianne corrected mentally to herself as she lets Alda assisted her out of her dress.

In return Alda placed a freshly pressed Chinese crepe empire silhouette on her bed. The color was gorgeous, pale lilac with high ruffled neck and soft slippers with matching color to complete the ensemble.

Julianne turned questioningly to Alda as she recalled that the dress was none of her collections.

"The duke bought the dress for you, especially for this evening's celebration" Alda smiled to her mistress. "I am so happy when the good duke informed us your engagement, Miss Cosgrove"

Julianne sighed resignedly as she examined the gown in the mirror. Thankfully, the dress fits perfectly and its flattering colors heightened the sparkle of excitement in her eyes.

She watched in silence as Alda expertly twisted her locks this way and that to create a simple but elegant hairstyle.

"The duke will not be able to keep his eyes off of you tonight, Miss" Alda announced as she step back to examined her work.

Julianne felt her heart pounding in her throat as she descended the long stairway. The receiving parlor was bathed in the smooth glow of candlelight. Freshly cut roses were placed everywhere as Julianne could smell their scent.

Swinton smiled broadly to her as he leads the way to the closed drawing room. Apparently he approved of her so-called engagement. Julianne realized with a groan. If only Swinton knew the truth, he wouldn't have that gleeful look on his face.

Swinton regally swung open the doors to let Julianne in and she almost gasped out loud at the elegant transformation in the drawing room. The vast room glowed romantically as hundreds of candles were placed strategically all around the room. The crystal cut chandelier sparkled in evidence of fresh polish and it also glowed softly from its designated candles. Julianne couldn't remember when was the last time the chandelier was being used. And the room was decorated with more roses, white, red and yellow ones.

In the corner of the room two long buffet table lined the walls, piled high with various selections of food: sweetmeats, Cornish pies, buttered salmon and glazed duck, jellies, bon bons and a generous spread of fruits and wine. Four livered footmen stood at each side of the table waiting to serve the small gathering of guests which Julianne guessed consists of her senior servants.

Her blue eyes finally came to rest on the duke's powerful form as he stood waiting for her with a dimple smile on his handsome face.

Julianne could hear her heartbeat thundered in her ears as he strode purposefully towards her. He looked decidedly dashing with his midnight hair tousled carelessly about his head. Julianne was sure it was because of its natural wave. He wore a linen white shirt over a soft green double breasted waistcoat with snug leather breeches and a shiny Hessian boots. But it was the way he held her gaze that makes him irresistibly handsome.

"Good evening" The duke muttered smoothly, rising her knuckles to his lips, his green eyes never leaving her sapphire blues.

"Good evening" Julianne replied breathlessly as she felt the caressing way his lips are on her knuckles.

"Before we begin tonight's celebration" Gavin paused as he produced a small velvety box from his breast pocket.

Julianne's breath caught between her lungs as she beheld the magnificent diamond ring. It supported a modest size of diamonds but it was the way the rock winked that caught her eye.

"Oh my goodness" Julianne was at loss of words as Gavin slid the diamond encrusted ring into her finger. She never had in her life in possession of such a beautiful and expensive jewelry.

Gavin smiled pleasantly at Julianne's sigh of approval. "It belonged to my late mother and it was handed to her by my grandmother" Gavin smiled examining the trinket on her finger. It looked good on her. Gavin admitted solemnly as he placed Julianne's hand on the crook of his arm.

"How do you managed all of this in a short duration of time?" Julianne asked from the corner of her lips as they walked to the center of the room to begin the festivities.

Gavin leaned down a bit as he replied, "I believe it was Swinton and his men who shall have the credit, my dear" The duke smiled charmingly when Julianne threw him a suspicious look. "I daresay your staff was overwhelmed when I announced the news"

Julianne had no chance to reply as the duke formally announced the celebration of their betrothal to begin.

Everyone cheered heartily and drank to their upcoming nuptial. Julianne's teeth were set on edge when Gavin proclaim that their wedding will be taken place in St Paul's Cathedral in three months time commencing tonight. He looked irritably at ease and relaxed while Julianne wanted to strangle him if he ever concocted a wild story about their so-called wedding again.

Why won't he keep the thoughts to himself? Julianne fumed as Swinton sat her at the dining table. The duke smiled charmingly to her as he seated himself at the head of the table.

Dinner was delicious but Julianne hardly tasted it. She drummed her fingers impatiently as she watched with growing disdain at the duke who faultlessly charmed everyone with his easy banter.

What is he doing? Julianne thought angrily. Ours is only a sham. No need to go great length of captivating the whole staff with his imaginary wedding.

Julianne told him that when she got the chance of extracting him from his well wishers.

Gavin wrinkled his dark brows as if not understanding her agitation. "You seem forlorn, love. Please make an effort to be at least looked happy" Gavin sipped lightly from his wine. "The staff will notice"

The duke deliberately dropped his voice to a whisper.

"I do not care a fig if the staff notice or not" Julianne snapped furiously. "Please cease your actions of planting your make believe nuptial into their heads"

Gavin shook his head slowly, an easy grin marred his handsome features. "Our make believe nuptial, my dear" he paused, eyeing Julianne's reaction. "After all I had to make it believable in order to pull our plans into action. The reading of the Banns will commence tomorrow" At his words, Julianne's jaw nearly dropped.

"So-so soon?" she sputtered with a sinking heart. The duke wasted no time in proclaiming to the whole of England of her being his pansy. No doubt he will eventually get his revenge.

"Of course" Gavin nodded squeezing her hand, smiling pleasantly down to her. "After all, I have everything to lose as I was not permitted to step my foot in Ledbury Hall if the plan succeeds, remember?"

Something flickered in his eyes as his expression altered but Julianne was not certain what it was as Gavin quickly averted his face. "I will have a hell of a time of enjoying our pretend engagement, Julianne"

He said in his most regal tone. But Julianne was sure that the duke's words contained double meaning.

Gavin was silent as he surveyed the festivities around him and Julianne wondered what he was thinking.

"I shall have to return to the city tomorrow as I received a summon that needs my urgent attention, my dear" Gavin paused as he gazed at her. "Will you accompany me? As my betroth it is imperative for me to introduce you to society" He leaned down close to her as he whispered smoothly. "It also will strengthen our tale of romance. I noted you are overly eager to have our masquerade over and done with. Am I correct?" Gavin raised his brows expectantly. "Whether it succeeds or not?"

Julianne shivered involuntarily from his warm breath kissing her cheek and neck. She could smell his familiar scent assaulting her brain but she vehemently shook her head, determine not to let his nearness affected her. "I am afraid I cannot join you on your journey, Your Grace. I have a pressing requirements to attend to at the plantation"

"Was your 'pressing requirements' came in the name of Hastings?" Julianne's head snapped in his direction but Julianne could not tell what he was thinking.

"My involvement with Johnathan was and never will be any of your concern, Your Grace" Julianne said as sweetly as she can but could not keep the sarcasm from her tone.

"You were with him this morning, were you?" the question were uttered in a deceptively calm manner. The duke leveled her with an expectant, straight face. Julianne return his gaze, uncertain how to respond.

"I do not have the faintest idea-" The duke arrogantly held up his hand effectively silencing her.

"I do not care if you want to have a romp in the hay with Hastings in the middle of the day, my dear but you may do so when our arrangement have come to an end" Gavin drawled easily but it was enough for her to want to reach out and scratch the smirk from his face.

"I have you know sir that Johnathan is no more than a brother to me" Julianne could not understand why she was explaining herself to this overbearing man. "And how dare you view me as a loose woman?" Julianne choked fiercely. She forcefully swallowed back the tears that threatened to prick her eyes.

"Am I wrong?"

Julianne felt her anger rose as she shivered with rage.

"If you perceive me as low as an immoral woman, Your Grace, I refuse to tolerate further humiliation from you" Julianne stated as her heart was violently crushed. How could he be so heartless, so ruthless of branding her as a loose woman.

Julianne was utterly confused by this vile man. First he was charming, nearly knocking her feet off with his gentle touch and words, his head spinning kisses, then he changed dramatically with his foul attitude and insults whenever Edward or Johnathan emerged as much as mentioning their names. His demeanor appalled her and whatever tender feelings she felt blossoming in her heart was squashed entirely.

"Pretend betroth or not, I will not allow you to associate with Hastings or Sandhurst or any male for that matter. Do you understand?" Julianne heard him say much to her growing displeasure.

"You do not own me, Your Grace. I will interact with whomever I wish" She managed through clenched teeth, apparently she was exercising great control in holding her rein.

They strolled about the room as if their argument was non-existent.

Julianne had to admire the duke though as he carefully placed a cool mask, exchanging comments about the excellence of the wine selection or the sumptuous spread.

Julianne felt her body numb and her heart plummeted to the floor as she realized that the duke will eventually get his revenge even though he failed to acquire the properties. And it was that what worries her the most.

The Duke of Hemington was a pompous man, with no regards of considering her feelings before opening his mouth. And Julianne has to masquerade as his fiancé for the next three months. She realized with dread. How can she cope with his haughty nature when she felt as if she wanted to hang herself in mere minutes in his company?

"Do you understand, Julianne?" His question snapped her back to the present.

He looked down at her expectantly appearing rather pleased with himself. But Julianne refused to give him the satisfaction.

"You said it so yourself, Your Grace. 'Tis only a pretend betrothal" Julianne took a dainty sip from her sherry. "I do not have to prove anything to you nor submit to any of your ridiculous demands"

With that said, she drained her glass. "I fear I must retire to my rooms, Your Grace. I have to be up early in the morning to inspect the shipments" She settled down her glass on the Pembrooke table.

"May I request your company for breakfast before I set off to the city tomorrow, my dear?"

Julianne quickly shook her head. She felt she did not have the energy to start her day by resulting herself to anymore of his cynical comments and condescending behavior.

"I am afraid I cannot as I will be leaving the Hall at first light" Gavin looked at her worriedly.

"May I accompany you to the warehouse before I leave then?" It was one thing that Julianne seems to avoid his company but it was another if Hastings will be with her tomorrow. The very thought of Hastings touching her and laughing with her set Gavin unconsciously grounding his jaw.

"Please, do not go all that trouble for me, Your Grace" She said quickly. "I will be perfectly fine by myself"

"Will Hastings be there too?" Gavin could not help himself but saying it. His question drew a puzzled look from Julianne.

"Even if Johnathan be there, will it matter?" She muttered finally. The duke was silent.

"He will be there to escort me around" Julianne lied, shrugging her shoulders emphasizing her careless thought on the matter. Gavin was silent, his jaw was flexing noticeably.

If Reilly had not stated that his presence was urgently required to meet with the dealers from the construction company, he surely will let Reilly handled the matter as he will stay in Long Bennington to escort Julianne. Julianne returned his questioning look with an expressionless face. Slowly she executed a brief curtsy and silently slipped out from the room.