
That Place In Your Heart

The Spitfire After the sudden death of her estranged father, Earl of Ledbury, Julianne or Jules Cosgrove found herself to be at war with the overbearing brute, the new Duke of Hemington who claimed master of the estates and land previously belonged to the late earl. Now the headstrong Jules Cosgrove had to fight for her authority in defending her home and estates from befallen to the arrogant, handsome as sin Duke of Hemington, Gavin Rutherford but as they say opposites attract!. The more Jules pushes and fights Gavin the more entangled her feelings was to him! The Gentle Giant Gavin Albert Rutherford did not trust females. Especially blondes with sapphire blue eyes. To him they were nothing more but a designing females just like his last paramour, Lady Daniela Harlow But there was something more than meets the eye of the defiant hard headed Julianne that makes the Duke's blood boil and sing at the same time. Will Gavin able to crush Julianne's stern distaste of loveless matrimony? Or would he make the ultimate move on his chessboard to forever secure her hand in marriage?

dagnabit · History
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16 Chs

Chapter Five

In record time, Gavin distanced himself from Long Bennington as fast as he can. He momentarily felt sorry for his horse as the beast neighed in protest as he yanked the rein forcefully to a slower pace. Yet he could not suppressed the anger, the confusion and the disapproval for a certain lady. Females could not be trusted. Let your guard down and they will have a field day trampling your head into the dirt. Gavin thought angrily as he recalled the perfect scene he encountered in her study this morning.

Who is that cove? Her lover? Her suitor?

Gavin refused to acknowledge that he is her friend as she claims. Not in the way that buck held her hand with her chin lifted her face close. Most probably he was her lover. Gavin was stunned to realized that if he did not intervened into her study that morning, god knows what could have transpired between the two of them. He will have to sternly tell her to conduct her trysts with whoever she wishes in somewhere else. Gavin confirmed. But then he caught himself. Lord. Did he really wanted to face her again and her lover? You will have to , nitwit. You have unfinished business about the cursed estates. His inner voice screamed.

His gut clenched as he gloomily recalled the scene again. He felt someone has jabbed a knife into his stomach and slowly took a painful turn. The look of serene on her face as she gazed lovingly at her lover. Their hands held together. Gavin felt the breath crushed from him. He could not be jealous? He quickly shook himself. Why should he be jealous? Evidently he should feel relieved that the Cosgrove woman has a suitor.

Undoubtedly they will soon be married and the estates will definitely fall to his control.

Gavin pursed his lips in thought as he surmised. That buck will definitely no good to her. He is only after her fortune. He will definitely demand the man what of his intentions to her the next time he come to call.

Gavin was amazed at the possessiveness he felt towards Julianne.

What of her? His demons argued. She was like any other female. Like Daniela. They could not be trusted. She will humiliate you beyond words. Gavin clenched his jaw apparently irritated with himself. Irritated by his jealousy.

He was done with women. Done with manipulative females like Julianne Cosgrove.

Gavin's grip tightened on his rein. Cursed the female. With all his haste to get away from the Hall, he forgot to hire a carriage or curricle again. Now his back is sore. And it was her fault. He will tell her that when he meet her again.

To his amazement he reached his London townhouse at 9 the following morning having repudiated to stop in a lodging for the night. He was tired and angry and confused and it was her damn fault. He did not realized he managed to ride safely to the city. He could have been robbed or killed along the journey. But for what he was feeling right now, no robber or murderer will dare to mess with him.

Having exhausted of the curses he had known, Gavin climbed up the stairs and pounded on the door. He realized he forgot to bring his baggage with him. Being left in the master chamber at the Hall with the keys to his townhouse. Again, her fault. Gavin fumed as he decided he will kick the door down if Rigby didn't open the damned door any second.

The door swung open and the duke met with Rigby's astonished expression.

"Your Grace! What-"

"Spare me, Rigby. No mood" The duke held up his hand and climbed the remaining steps into the receiving hall.

Rigby frowned but smartly kept the thought to himself. "Very good, Your Grace. But you have a visitor"

The duke let out his breath in frustration. "Who in devil will call at this ungodly hour?"

"Lady Daniela. In your study, your grace" Gavin's nerves jolted at the name.

"Why in hell?-" The duke could not finished his sentence as he determinedly stalked to the door. He should get this beef grilled, eat it and done with. The matter should be settled now. He has more urgent matter in hand. And it lies in Long Bennington.

"Good morning, Gavin" a merry voice rang as soon as he strode inside his study. Ah. His raven-haired beauty. So graceful but hides the darkest soul Gavin ever known. The duke scanned the room and his lips lifted humorlessly. Just so like her. No escort, no chaperone. And she dared to pay him a visit in his bachelor lodgings.

"What brings you here?" Gavin drawled sardonically.

"Why darling. Aren't you happy to see me?"

Gavin cocked an arrogant eyebrow at her terms. "Before you could say more, I presumed you did not bring a chaperone with you?"

Daniela laughed her musical laugh. "Why would I do that?" She sailed across the room to cling at Gavin's arm. "We are betrothed, aren't we, my love?"

The duke shook his arm free and strode to the door and bellowed something to his majordomo.

A moment later, Mrs. Dearborn nervously entered into the room.

Daniela looked questioningly at Gavin, totally bewildered. "Gavin. Why do you summoned your housekeeper?"

The duke's smiled humorlessly as he took a sip from his brandy.

"She is acting as our chaperone. Now" Gavin took a breath, bracing himself. "What is it you want?"

"You. I want you back, my love" Daniela whispered huskily as she advanced towards Gavin.

Gavin nearly choked at his brandy.

"I was never yours, Daniela. Mrs. Dearborn, please remain" The older woman froze on her tiptoes, pursed her lips but she stayed.

"I made a mistake, darling. I came to apologize and I was wrong"

The corner's of his lips twitched as he felt the growing pounding in his head.

"Please take me back and resume our betrothal" Daniela reached out to smooth his dark hair but he snapped his head away.

"What about Radcliffe?" Daniela smiled as she flutters her eyelashes demurely, believing the duke has softened.

"What about him? Why must we talk about him?" Daniela placed her hands on Gavin's chest as she gazed primly into Gavin's eyes. "Why can't we talk about us? You. Me" Daniela lovingly ran her fingertips on Gavin's broad chest.

The duke heard Mrs. Dearborn cleared her throat loudly.

"You are making Mrs. Dearborn uncomfortable, Daniela" Gavin snapped as he slapped away Daniela's hands.

Daniela threw a disdainful glance at the housekeeper.

"I want you back, darling. I have been waiting for your return from the war to resume our happiness together"

"Resume our happiness?" Gavin repeated, trying to suppress his laughter. "It was you who ended our courtship, remember?"

Daniela pursed her lips as she pouted. "Why should we discuss about the past, my love? We should discuss our future instead"

Gavin shook his head as he placed the decanter. "Future? We have no future together, my lady. Not anymore. Not since the day you threw my proposal back to my face" Gavin was getting angry at just remembering that fateful day. The humiliation.

"I was wrong, my love. I was stupid then" Daniela looked genuinely sorry as she hung her head, her hair covering her face.

"Barny-Barnaby never really love me as you do, Gavin" Daniela whispered brokenly.

Gavin sneered to himself. It was another act. He reminded himself. It was another perfect acting from an established actress.

"He never cares for my feelings. He was courting other women even if I am betrothed to him. Gavin! You must save me from this man! I need you!" Daniela exclaimed rather dramatically, clinging to Gavin's arms. The duke threw a frustrated look to his housekeeper who returned his gaze with a humorous glint in her eyes.

"Gavin, my love, please say you shall save me. Please say it" Daniela pleaded with tears gathering at the corner of her eyes.

The duke gave a frustrated sigh as he calmly loosened Daniela's grip on his neck.

A year ago, he will do anything to have this lovely creature as his wife. He will gladly be her knight in shining armor and shield her from whatever mishap she may have been.

But now, he had seen the true colors of her. And women.

"I love you, Gavin" The duke flinched visibly at her breathed words in his ears. Clearly the woman had gone daft. She had acted beyond uncivilized culture to get what she wishes. And by god, with Mrs. Dearborn in attendance!

"Why now, Daniela? Why now do you want me?" Gavin couldn't help but sneered the question.

"What are you talking about Gavin? I always loved you!!"

The duke pushed Daniela away, ignoring the hurt look on her beautiful face as he stood facing the window.

"You never did, Daniela" Gavin said quietly, allowing the heartache and humiliation washed over him as he recalled the day Daniela turned down his offer and chased him out of her father's house.

"You never love me. Why now?" Gavin repeated. "Is it because I am titled and wealthy now? Is that it?"

Daniela was silent. The only sound is his heavy breathing and the clock ticking on his mantel.

"My love" Daniela whispered as he realized she was standing behind his back. "Why must we ponder the past? I know you loved me and we shall soon be married"

"That is where you are correct, Daniela" He drawled without turning. The duke's voice rumbled deep. Daniela's heart leapt with uttermost joy as she realized her ploy had paid off.

"Oh darling! When shall we announce the Banns ? Tomorrow?" Daniela whispered, hugging him from his back.

"Do not be hasty, my lady or you shall misconstrue my meaning" Gavin turned, distancing himself a bit from her effectively loosening her hold on him. "You mentioned 'Loved', Daniela. 'Loved' is a past tense. And so were we. In the past" the duke smiled cynically as Daniela pouted.

"I shall never marry you or betroth to you or attach to you in any way" Gavin lifted an eyebrow challenging her to protest. "Never was. Never will"

To both Gavin's and Mrs. Dearborn's amazement, Daniela burst out bawling.

"Why ever we shall not be married?" she choked, lifting a teary eyes to Gavin. "Tell me you do not love me and I shall go away"

Gavin cocked his eyebrows in astonishment. "I did say I shall never marry you or betroth to you or attach to you in anyway. I think it was the subtle way to tell you I do not have feelings for you anymore"

The brutality of his reply made Daniela bawled more loudly and rather dramatically.

The duke looked worriedly at Mrs. Dearborn. He felt exhausted and anxious and his patience had run out by the minute. For all he knew, he will be standing in this study forever listening to this simpering excuse for a lady. Evidently his housekeeper could not aide him on the matter.

"Daniela, you have to leave now before my neighbors began to poke their heads into my home"

Gavin gestured to Mrs. Dearborn to escort Daniela out.

"No! No! I won't leave until you tell me why won't you marry me!" Daniela struggled from the housekeeper's grip. "I know you still love me. You cannot deny it!"

Gavin let out an annoyed breath. She was trying his patience. He admitted as he silently counted to ten to keep his temper under the boiling point.

"I won't marry you, Daniela!" the duke barked. "I do not love you. I never was and never will"

Daniela looked him squarely in the eyes.

"Tell me why, Gavin" She pressed.

"My god in heaven" The duke muttered, rubbing his face roughly he could feel the friction. Why is it so hard for her to understand? Did she prematurely inherited that scatterbrain of her mother's?

Heaving an aggravating sigh, he pinned his gaze into his ceiling. "I was already called for" he said finally.



Gavin's head snapped to the door as he saw Edward stood poised with Rigby peering curiously.

"Yes. I am betrothed to another" he confirmed to his audiences. Both Mrs. Dearborn and Rigby gave an audible gasps, Edward was looking at him distrustfully and Daniela was about to swoon.

"To whom?" Daniela asked dazedly.

"Yes Hemington. To whom?" Edward interjected as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Gavin hesitated with growing panic. Jesus, he did not think this through. Who? Who?

"Her name is Julianne Cosgrove" her name sprang easily from his lips. When none of them utter a word, Gavin guessed it was his cue to supply the information. "She was the daughter of the late Earl of Ledbury, Paul Cosgrove who unfortunately has passed on " Gavin was thankful he paid much attention to Julianne's information about her father.

"I did not read such information or announcement whatsoever in the papers" Daniela threw a suspicious glance at the duke. "Are you making up stories? If you do I swear I shall never forgive you, Gavin"

The duke relaxed his features to his most annoyed look . Edward has seen through his façade as he was struggling to contain his laughter. He would kill him later. He decided.

"My betrothal to Miss Cosgrove has only been recent, my lady" Gavin looked down at the petite lady who has grown white as sheet. "And why should I prove myself to you? I am the Duke of Hemington. Now. Mrs Dearborn, please show the lady out" Gavin pushed Daniela none to gently towards the door, but not before shooting a warning scowl to Edward.


"When shall we meet your 'betroth', Hemington?" Edward quipped, his eyes laughing much to the duke's growing ire.

"Yes, Gavin. I would like to personally meet your so-called fiancé" Daniela snapped.

Gavin gritted his teeth. Damn Sandhurst!

"You shall but not now. Miss Cosgrove is busy as we speak"

"But Gavin, I-"

The duke slammed the doors shut.

"Bolt the doors. You. Come with me" The duke motioned Edward to follow him.

"I must say, Gav. Congratulations" The Duke of Sandhurst said jokingly as they re-entered the study.

The duke ground his jaw and scowled to his friend.

Edward's handsome features lightened. "I did not know you have the tendency of fictional stories. You should write a book someday"

Gavin said nothing as he strode to his desk to conjure a letter . If he wanted to convince Daniela and effectively leave him be, he must travelled to Long Bennington again and include Julianne into his plan. Gavin stiffened as he felt strangely excited to see her again. But then he shook himself as he ignored the pulsing of his blood rushing to his member just remembering her smell.

Gavin yelled for a footman to deliver the said correspondence to Long Bennington and growled he shall have his head if he failed to do so.

Edward furrowed his brow humorlessly as he noticed his friend's curt instructions.

"Well don't leave me in suspense anymore, old chap. You know I always thrived on our adventure together" he paused as he ran a critical eye over Gavin disheveled look. "What the hell happened to you? You look as if a wagon had run over you"

Gavin handed Edward his port as he began recalling of what he discovered in Long Bennington. He did not leave one minor details as he know much to Edward's taunting nature, he was all serious when it comes to his problems.

"And your plan now is to get this Cosgrove chit to agree of pretending to be your fiancé just to dodge Daniela?" Edward shook his head in disagreement. "If the girl is daft, undoubtedly she will agree"

The corners of Gavin's lips twitched mockingly. "If she is smart, she will have to. I have a proposition for her. Apparently, she and I had not come to terms over the estates" Gavin's heart somersaulted as he thought of Julianne. The heated argument they shared and how strange his senses reacted when she is around.

"I have to travelled to Long Bennington again today if I wanted this story a successful one" Gavin stood as he drained his brandy.

"I am coming with you" The duke threw a frustrated look to his friend's confirmation.

"Are you sure? 'Tis a long journey" Gavin uttered disapprovingly. Much to his need for Edward's support, he is the last person on earth to have him around Julianne. And Gavin was sure he did not want Edward to meet Julianne. Julianne will certainly falls head over heels on Edward's irresistible charms.

Edward threw back his blond head in laughter. "You did say you need to persuade the lady. I am your most humbled assistant" He bowed his head gracefully.

Gavin waved his hand in surrender and bellowed Rigby to ready his most comfortable carriage in an hour time. He will have to warn Edward that Julianne is off limits. He decided as he entered his bedchamber to change into fresh clothes. And he will have to instruct Julianne not to associate with Edward even if she agrees or not to play as his intended.

* * * * * * * * *

His letter arrived when Julianne was in her garden tending to her roses that afternoon.

Julianne looked up to discover Swinton walking towards her bearing a silver tray. She recollected that the said tray was unnecessary and should be pawned off not merely as a bearer for correspondences.

Nevertheless she welcomed Swinton with a smile as the butler silently presented her the missive.

"This came in just a moment ago, Miss Julianne" he confirmed as Julianne took off her right glove to open the letter. "A footman from the Duke household wanted to personally deliver it to you as I remember him saying that he 'still wanted to see the light of the day with his head attached to his body'" Swinton shrugged dismissively when Julianne gave him a puzzled look.

"Whatever that means. I told him that the correspondence will be in your possession without a doubt"

"Thank you, Swinton" Julianne muttered as she scanned the contents of the brief letter.

Dear Miss Cosgrove,

I trust this letter finds you well. Apparently my urgent departure has left the discussion of our quandary in mid air.

In a few hours time, I shall make an arrival at the Hall as I have an urgent offer to you. I am fairly certain that my proposal will clearly benefits to both you and I.

Until then, I remain.

Gavin A. Rutherford.

Julianne's heart leapt at the thought of seeing the duke again. But then, she frowned instantly as she reread the note again. What of his proposal will benefit him and her?

She turned over the letter as if looking for a clue. The duke is on his way to the Hall! Julianne thought as she nervously pocketed the note.

Granted, Johnathan has not come to any idea of solving her problems. He said he will think it through and discussed it with Papa Jonas. Julianne furrowed her brows in thought as she slid her hand into her gardening glove. She will have to invite Johnathan again to the Hall before the duke arrives. She will certainly needed someone to protect her from the duke mocking words and cynical comments. Julianne confirmed as she sank to her knees to extract a handful of wayward vegetation from beneath a rose bush.

"Now where is that grass?" she asked herself as she stuck her head into the bush searching for the grass.

She couldn't missed it as she just saw it somewhere.

Julianne heard someone cleared his throat loudly, deliberately.

"Oh Birtles . Could you hand me the shears please?" without withdrawing her head from the bush, Julianne held out her hand for the desired equipment from the gardener.

"For all you know, you could easily be poked by the thorns, Miss Cosgrove"

Julianne started and quickly removed her head from underneath the bush but not before a lone thorn grazed her cheek painfully.


"By god! I told you, didn't I?" the duke barked as he rushed to her side to cradle her head examining her bruised cheek.

The thorn has left a long cut and it bleeds steadily.

"You startled me" Julianne said breathlessly as she felt Gavin's gentle touch on her face. It was good to see him again. She admitted silently as the duke continued to examined her cheek. Their gaze caught and held. His eyes lit up as her senses flare. But then Julianne realized they were not alone as she noticed an equally tall and broad shouldered gentleman standing a few feet from them.

"The cut is not deep enough" the duke muttered, hastily pushing her away. For a moment, Julianne felt dizzy.

"You should instruct Alda to apply ointment" Gavin muttered as he strode away and entered the house.

Julianne awkwardly held her throbbing cheek as she gazed to the other gentleman.

The man smiled charmingly and strode towards her.

He bowed his head gracefully. "Apparently my fair weathered friend failed to introduce us properly. I am the Duke of Sandhurst. Edward Carlisle. I presumed you are the lovely Miss Julianne Cosgrove?"

"Sandhurst! If you do not get back in here, I will personally drag you in!" Gavin bellowed angrily from the threshold, with his hands on his hips, looking over them.

The blond god chuckled as he offered his arm to Julianne. "Poor me. Rutherford seems to be a nagging wife rather than the Duke of Hemington. Shall we join the badger, Miss Cosgrove?"

Julianne giggled as she let Edward escort her inside the house.

"What are you two doing lolly-gagging about ?" The duke demanded, more to Julianne rather than his friend. His eyes angry and staring bloodshot to Julianne.

Edward shrugged his broad shoulders in nonchalance. "I was just admiring Miss Cosgrove's work on her garden and I would like her to teach me about gardening sometime" Julianne failed to suppress her giggle over the duke's banter. The image of Edward clipping roses sprang to Julianne's mind and she could not resist snorting.

Gavin threw Julianne his most irritated look. "Did I say something funny? Is this a joke to you?"

Abruptly, he slapped away Julianne's hand which is still resting on the crook of Edward's arm.

"And you are not properly introduced. I warned you, Sandhurst" the duke growled.

"I refuse to be treated as an infant in my own home, your grace" Julianne challenged, putting her hands on her hips. "Who are you ordering me and my guest about?" Gavin smirked in spite of himself.

How he missed this. "Before you forget, my dear Miss Cosgrove. You are in my home now"

Julianne momentarily shut her eyes. Truthfully she was tired of the obnoxious duke. He was a stubborn Neanderthal who cares nothing for anyone's feelings.

Julianne took a deep breath and counted to ten before she spoke: "Let us adjourn to the parlor, shall we? We can continue our head bashing like civilized people" She decided to get this over with so that the duke and his friend could be on their way.

Gavin let Julianne preceded to the parlor but not before throwing a warning look at Edward.

Julianne rang Swinton and ordered tea and biscuits for her guests.

"Now, what is your proposal that you have stated in your letter?" Julianne asked as she handed Edward his cup.

"I will transmit the matter but not with this cad around" Julianne's hand froze in poised of sipping her tea .

"Your grace! That is uncalled for-" Edward held up his hand and grinned easily.

"Please do not overset yourself over me, Miss Cosgrove. I shall be fine" Edward stood from his seat distancing himself over a bookshelf.

"Where in heaven's name are your manners? Edward is your friend" Julianne whispered frantically as she furrowed her brows in disapproval.

Gavin scowled at Julianne's usage of Edward's given name. "Oh now you are addressing him as 'Edward'? Whoever gave you that permission?" Gavin snarled from clenched teeth. The nerve of her.

Here she was innocently having her tea and addressing Edward by his given name, where she barely knew him, much less be introduced properly whereas she had warned him yesterday not to call her by her first name. His heart gripped as his frustration peaked.

Julianne let out an annoyed sigh. Clearly they were not going anywhere if they continue like this. They kept attacking at each other throats.

Julianne took a sip of her tea in hope of calming her nerves. "Now that you have calmed down, your grace if you will be so kind to relay your proposal?"

Gavin took a minute of munching his tidbits and sipping his tea before fixing his gaze on her lovely profile. Today she wore an old gown, undoubtedly her working gown. Gavin surmised. Her gold hair hung loosely down her back and a few tendrils escaped from the pins she fastened at the crown of her head. Her cheeks were flushed from being in the sun and Gavin could see the cut on her cheek has reddened. She smelt the mixture of sun, the tangy earth and roses. Gavin could not ignore the brief whiff of strawberry and the duke stiffened inwardly as he felt the blood rushing to his groin.

Gavin took a deep breath to calm his erratic heart. "Since we are reluctant to bend to each other wishes, I propose for you to be my betroth"

Julianne nearly choked on her biscuits. She was coughing fiercely. Her eyes watery. She pounded her fist to her chest.

"What? What do you say?"

"I will have to require you to be my fiancé" The duke repeated.

"Pretend fiancé" Edward corrected from across the room. Julianne stared his handsome face, not sure if she is hearing correctly.

"In what way, in Lord's name, will benefit us? Me, especially?"

Gavin's mouth curled humorlessly as he settled his broad frame into the lush velvet of the winged back chair.

"First and foremost, it shall benefited me as I currently wish to elude a certain lady who wanted to entrapped me in a marriage, which I, in countless time try to explain to her, did not have the idea emerged in my mind any time. And you, as my intended-"

"Pretend intended" Edward corrected.

Gavin sigh but continued, "Pretend intended, will have the sufficient time to manage the Hall, the plantation and the estate at your own ease. I, in return, as your intended-"

"Pretend intended" Edward's voice cut in, in a sing a song tone.

"Pretend intended could observe the work you had done and shall be done at my own time. Without us constantly at each other's throat" The duke paused as he lets Julianne absorbed the information.

"I am certain it shall come the time if I decided to relinquish my claim on the Ledbury properties, we could part in good terms. If I am satisfied with the way you handled it" Gavin stressed on his last words as he noticed Julianne's blue eyes lit up excitedly.

"If also I discovered during the course of our betrothal-"

"Pretend betrothal"

The duke rolled his eyes heavenward. "Pretend betrothal, If I ever found you suitable to fill the post as my duchess, we shall eventually have a real wedding" Julianne nearly dropped her napkin. Married to this man? To be his wife forever?

"Bloody hell, Rutherford" Julianne heard Edward swore.

Gavin shrugged his shoulders, not caring. "I will have to wed somebody eventually to continue the damned title"

Julianne's heart constricted painfully in her chest. First, this conceited man invaded her home and started to order her about. Then he had the nerve to stake claim over the properties. Then insulted her and he had the vexing idea of using her as his pawn to finish his personal matters with other woman, and now he treated her as some kind of an object which he could use and discard if she may or may not suit him and he dared to announce that his plans could benefit her? Julianne lose count on her fingers.

Her eyes round with budding resentment.

"You-you sir is a-is a" Julianne was lost as she couldn't think of anymore insults she could come up with.

"I have never being insulted in my whole life. Is it your tendency of putting people's feelings down, or is it in your nature?" Gavin's lips curled as he met with Julianne's crimson face. She looked lovely when she is mad. Gavin observed. Her eyes burning, her lips trembling and her gold curls seems to glow more as if mirroring their mistress' mood.

"You are an insufferable Neanderthal " with that stated, she regally swept past the room and exited the door.

"Well, old chap. Seems like we are both wrong" Edward muttered as he took the seat Julianne has vacated.

"Yes" The duke agreed as he sipped his tea. "She is neither clever nor smart"

Edward gazed longingly at the door. They both said the next word in unison.

"She is intelligent"

* * * * * * * * *

Edward found her having her breakfast alone the next morning in the dining room yet she seems not tasting her food as Edward noticed she was pushing her food around. Edward stood poised at the door drinking the sight of this golden haired beauty. No wonder Gavin was all out of sorts after he had returned from Long Bennington.

Julianne had the faraway look in her eyes as she dutifully munched her breakfast.

"Good morning, Miss Cosgrove" Edward cleared his throat and pinned his most charming smile.

Julianne jolted nearly dropping her fork and raised on her feet . "Your Grace"

"Please, continue with your breakfast" Edward waved Julianne to resume her seat as he took a platter and helped himself with poached eggs and English muffin.

"Where is, by any chance is our other friend?" Edward questioned as he settled beside her. Julianne rolled her eyes .

"I have no idea. I did not see him this morning. I thought you knew, Your Grace" pursing her lips delicately, she added with a small voice "Your friend. Not mine"

Edward shook his sandy blond hair as he jabbed his poached eggs with his fork. "There is no need for the formalities, Miss Cosgrove since you will be the pretend fiancé of Rutherford. Call me Edward"

"I do not recalled to having to agree with the duke's plans" Julianne replied gloomily as she stared down at her plate.

"May I say something?" at her questioning look, Edward prodded on. "You have to admit Gavin is an ass-"

"Your Grace" Julianne started to protest but she could not help but giggled.

Edward grinned as he took another bite of his breakfast. "No no, call me Edward and please let me finish. Gavin is not the happiest chap in the world since he encountered a traumatic experience with Daniela"


Edward furrowed his brows and gazed at the lovely creature beside him. Her brows were knitted together in concern, her sapphire blue eyes clouded. "Let us just say that Daniela viewed Rutherford merely as a toy to fill her time. Now I am quite sure that she was filled with regrets that lasted her for a lifetime"

"Now she wanted to unite with him again after the duke have inherited the title and the vast properties" Julianne surmised much to Edward's amazement.

"Smart girl" Edward muttered which makes Julianne blush.

"Well if you put two and two together, it is no brainer, your grace" Edward smiled charmingly as he sipped his coffee.

"This is what I like about you, Miss Cosgrove. It is not an everyday occurrence that I met with a beautiful lady with brains to match" Julianne rolled her eyes at Edward's teasing.

"Please, your grace. Spare me the flattery. I know I am not what you said"

Edward grinned. "On the contrary, for what I had experienced in London, I only met with beautiful women with feathers for brains" Julianne laughed. She decided she liked the Duke of Sandhurst. So the opposite of the more solemn and brooding Duke of Hemington.

"That's better. You look more beautiful when you smile and laugh. It brightens up the room" Edward supplied as his handsome face turn serious.

"As Hemington had said before. This will definitely benefitted both of you, Miss Cosgrove. I know that Hemington jiggled your nerves whenever you try to reasoned with him. But he has a good heart and cares for the welfare of people underneath him. He was all serious when it comes to one's hardship"

At Edward's admission, Julianne was silent as the duke continues.

"He had been through so much, I wanted to help him yet I cannot masqueraded myself as his intended" the duke smiled easily. "People will start to wonder who is going to be the wife and husband" Julianne giggled.

"I am not saying that you should make a decision now. I wanted you to think it through before you make up your mind." Edward grinned broadly. "Granted, I have the premonition that we shall be good friends, my dear"

"Nevertheless, I shall be happy to throttle Hemington for you if he ruffles your feather" Edward continued.

"I think I can manage my own, Your Grace"

Edward shook his head, grinning broadly. "Please call me Edward if you let me call you Julianne or is it Jules?"

Julianne dimpled, deciding to like the much more at ease Duke of Sandhurst. "Very well then, Edward and it is Jules after all" They laughed. Momentarily, Julianne was able to forget her worries over the estates.

The door suddenly swung open as Gavin stormed in. His breath labored as if he had been running. He still wore his great coat and his midnight black hair was tousled in dark waves.

Julianne nervously met his eyes.

"Gavin. Just in time for breakfast" Edward quipped merrily, grinning good naturedly to his friend who was scowling darkly at them.

The duke was silent as he assessed the flush color highlighting Julianne's cheeks, the laughter around her eyes faded quickly as she met his gaze.

Inwardly he ground his jaw. Damn Sandhurst. He had rose early from his bed this morning after unsuccessfully trying to sleep and decided to ride to visit the lands and the plantations.

He was utterly impressed by Julianne's adequate management of the plantations, having reviewed the accounts . Gavin discovered that Julianne smartly kept reports of every shipment of the products going out of Britain every month. Every transaction was recorded neatly and stored in individual folders for each and every month. It appears the plantation was thriving well with demands issued as far as the Colonies. She had a swell of loyal employees under her administration, from laborers, warehouse workers, haulers to tea leave pluckers, all were arranged to work in shifts and paid adequately every month. She previously owned twenty of the plantations, stretched as far as Arlington in the north. Presently she only possessed two, having the rest of the plantation auctioned off in every two or three months. Gavin failed to discover the purpose of her intentions. And today he will demand an explicit explanation from her.

No wonder she was so hell bent in defending her late father's properties. The duke admitted as he left Kelly with the workers that morning. It came no surprise to him where the Cosgrove chit behavior was concerned. She was a conniving female who wants to retain the wealth in her possession, albeit it was no longer her rights.

"Will you be joining us for breakfast, Rutherford?" Edward quipped, rising a questioning brow. "Or you would prefer to scowl all morning?"

Gavin merely grunted, hastily peeling his coat and handed it over to a footman.

Swinton came over to pour Gavin tea but the duke waved for a coffee instead.

Gavin noticed Julianne had grown silent as she pretended to enjoy her food.

"I was just saying to Jules about your proposal, Gav"

The duke nearly choked on his coffee. Jules?

Edward grinned easily despite the murderous glance directed at him.

"It was decided that we shall become good friends from now on since she will be your pretend intended" Edward supplied with a low voice so neither of Julianne's servant heard him.

Julianne cleared her throat. "I beg to differ, Edward. I am yet to decide on that matter"

Gavin shifted his frown to Julianne. She was a gold vision in lavender empire silhouette. Her locks were arranged in delicate style and a stray curl had escaped from its pin. Gavin felt itched to reach out to tuck the errant tendril behind her ear.

"When was this happen?" Gavin demanded instead, his fist curling on his napkin.

Julianne threw him a frustrated look before lowering her gaze back to her forks.

"Edward said that I should buy my time-"

"Not that. The first name basis" Gavin snapped, willing her to look him straight in the eyes.

"I suggested it, Rutherford" Edward supplied much to Julianne's relief as she felt Gavin's furious gaze burning her. "You and I are practically brothers and it-"

"Enough from you, brother. I am asking Miss Cosgrove" Gavin sneered his last phrase as he felt jealousy coiled within his gut. He sensed his frustration summited as he waited Julianne to offer her clarifications.

"I have no comment on that matter, your grace. I will address to whomever I feel comfortable with"

Julianne gazed him with a challenging look, her defiant little chin raised.

"Let me get this straight, Miss Cosgrove" Gavin's brow cocked arrogantly. "You barely knew Sandhurst and now you are letting him address you by your Christian name? Whereas I, as the lord of this estate and you practically at present are under my jurisdiction, cannot do so?" The duke scratched his jaw in thought. He was well aware that he had gone too far. Yet he cannot help himself. Gavin needed something to provoked her ire in return for all the jealousy, frustration, the confusion, anger and sleepless nights she caused him.

Julianne stiffened noticeably.

Edward cleared his throat. "Gavin-"

The duke arrogantly held up his hand. Apparently Edward was used to his friend domineering behavior as he obligingly ceased talking.

Julianne noticed Swinton and his assistants had left the three of them alone together. What was he thinking? Julianne momentarily fumed. Leaving her unprotected with the likes of these two men?

Especially the dark glowering one. Who was now gazing at her with that arrogant look of his. Clearly he was waiting for her to explain herself.

Abruptly she stood, scraping her chair loudly in the process. The duke's lips curled wryly. She was leaving again. Regally, no doubt. Gavin thought, as he anticipated her parting remark.

Julianne struggled to curb her ire that swelled in her chest as the anger built. She shot daggers at the infuriating duke which he returned with an easy, almost humorous look.

Her fist curled at the side skirts of her gown that her nails dug painfully onto her palm.

Gavin was strangely disappointed when Julianne exited the parlor wordlessly.

Edward gave a move to preceded Julianne but Gavin forestalled him.

"As her betroth, do you think I should go after her?" he reminded Edward.

His friend snorted crossing his ankles. "I must say , I am truly amazed at your optimistic look on the matter but I had the feeling Jules is otherwise"

"There you go again addressing her by her given name" Gavin snapped blowing a frustrated breath of air noisily from his nostril. "Who gave you the permission?"

"You know, I discovered that Jules has a fascinating character" Edward muttered instead, a dream-like expression touching his features.

"I warned you," Gavin growled, leaning menacingly. His green eyes flared up instantly. "She is off limits"

Sandhurst chuckled. "I know, Hemington" He leaned toward s the table, eyeing Gavin with a serious look in his face. "But yours is only an act. Whereas I, might be after the real thing"

Gavin cursed. "Whatever lecherous notion that are presently planted in your brain, you better shake it off if you want to see the next dawn"

Edward's eyes snapped in fury. "I won't defend myself to something that are fabricated" He stood and strode towards the door. "Consider yourself to have competition, Rutherford. We shall see who will stand with her by the altar" Gavin felt his heart constricted in a vise-like grip. The thought of Edward pursuing her added more to his restlessness.

"If I find you as much as touching her hand, I swear I will kill you"

Edward's lips curved knowingly but he kept his thoughts to himself as he exited the room, whistling tunelessly as if he owned the world.

Gavin decided to locate Julianne and demand her answer today so that he can decide his next course.

He toured all over the manor looking for her to no avail, but finally he discovered her in the back parlor tending to her nursery.

As he propped his heavy frame at the doorway and casually crossed his ankle over the other, the duke took great delight scrutinizing her. Her back was to him, she was humming softly as she employed her attention to her roses.

Gavin's eyes ran appreciatively at the soft curves of her rounded bottom, her hair hung loosely down her back like a cascading river of gold. She unconsciously blew a wayward lock of hair from her eye as she bent down to retrieve her rose clippers from underneath her working bench.

Her actions brought his pulse racing and rushed to his veins, Gavin felt lightheaded.

"It seems like you are using your roses as an excuse to escape your problems, Miss Cosgrove"

Julianne jumped dropping her single precious blossom.

"You scared me" She whispered breathlessly, not expecting him standing there, looking helplessly handsome.

She suddenly felt nervous being alone with him in the secluded section of the manor.

Abruptly, Julianne bent down to recollect her rose the same time the duke did. They banged their heads together in the process.

Julianne half grimaced, half laughing as she held the crown of her head.

"Damn it to hell. Did I hurt you?" Gavin groaned, gently inspecting Julianne's head to see any sign of bruises.

Julianne ceased laughing as her gaze leveled with that of the duke's green ones. She was mesmerized by the vibrant color of his eyes as she never realized how green it was.

For a moment, Gavin's eyes fastened on her mouth. Slowly, ever so slowly, he lowered his lips as if to grant Julianne the chance to tear herself away in the last shred of maiden modesty. Yet Gavin saw Julianne slowly shut her eyes and raised her lips.

Her lips were soft and ripe for the taking. Gavin intended to end the kiss abruptly but he heard Julianne uttered a soft sigh and move closer into his arms. His hands snaked from holding her head to gently cradling her nape. He felt her hands clung to his arms for dear life as the kiss intensified.

Just a little more. Gavin promised to himself as he let his probing tongue out to explore the sweet warmth of her. Liquid fire burning down his loins as Julianne responded shyly by yielding her mouth to permit him to delve into her secrets.

Slowly, the pace of his kiss changed as he ravaged her lips hungrily as if she was the only thing mattered. Deliberately, he brushed his right knuckle at the tip of her breasts and Gavin knew her nipples tightened suddenly as he felt Julianne shuddered. Still clinging to their kiss, Gavin slowly ran his fingertips at the underside of her full breasts and he smiled triumphantly as Julianne moaned.

"What are you doing to me?" she whispered dazedly. Her eyes sleepy with arousal, her lips swollen from his kiss. Gavin wondered if she looked as delicious as she does now in the morning.

The duke smiled, kissing her lips for the last time, feeling sorry that it ended. "I always wanted to do that ever since you called me a 'horrible monster' or is it 'insufferable Neanderthal'?"

Julianne had the tendency to blush fiercely as she shakily removed herself from the duke's strong embrace. She could not think, much less act sanely being held in the circle of Gavin's hold.

Julianne felt like a wanton as she observed the duke's victorious smile.

He had a beautiful smile. Julianne noted as she felt her heart thundered in her ears as she met with Gavin's heated gaze. He look less serious and more..human.

Hastily Julianne returned to her task of tending her roses fervently hoping that the duke would get the hint to leave her be. She wanted to sort her thoughts, but not with him around her adding to her already confused state.

But she sensed that the duke came behind her as he drawled, "I must admit, your roses are beautiful, Miss Cosgrove"

Julianne stiffened as she saw from the corner of eyes, his strong hand reached out to stroke a white rose with his fingers. She remembered how wonderful it felt when those strong fingers lovingly caressed her breasts.

How heated her skin was whenever he was near her, as she was feeling now. Her heart raced as she recalled the way he was kissing her and felt the scorching heat gathering in her loins and settled between her thighs.

"Where do you learn to accomplish the skills of gardening?" Gavin whispered dangerously close behind her, Julianne could feel the warmth of his breath on her neck.

Julianne was totally at loss to answer to his mundane query. As if his nearness was helping her at "M-my mother. Mama taught me" she mumbled finally, her back was still to him as her hands absently continued their work.

"Mmmmm. 'Tis a pity your mother was not around to witness the beauty she produced" the duke said smoothly, his voice rich baritone.

"I think you should go back into the front area, your grace" Julianne muttered shakily, closing her eyes to chase away the euphoria and the anxiety he caused her.

"Why?" Gavin whispered, gently turning her to face him.

"I think you know why"

Gavin's hot gaze fastened at her lips as he slid his fingers underneath her chin to meet his kiss.

"We are betrothed, aren't we? There is no reason on earth that can stopped me from doing this"

The duke's sensual lips clung to hers in a spellbinding kiss. Their lips tangled as were their tongue in ancient rhythm of lovemaking.

Julianne make a move of pushing his hard chest away but Gavin growled as he molded her slender body to his. He boldly cupped her derrière closer to his hard arousal as if he wanted her to feel what she had done to him.

Julianne finally gave up, surrendering herself to Gavin's expert guidance as she sank into the kiss and returned his kisses softly.

"Your Grace" Julianne protested softly as Gavin moved his hot lips to the long column of her neck.

"Someone might walk in" she whispered, feeling her head whirled as the duke administered wet kisses on her throat.

"We are betrothed. Remember?" Julianne snapped from her drugged pleasure as she struggled fruitlessly from Gavin's strong embrace.

"I-I do not recalled of agreeing to your proposal, your grace"

"After what we had experience together, I gather it will change your mind drastically, my dear" Gavin

drew Julianne back into his embrace. "Come and give your fiance a proper kiss, love"

Julianne twisted from the duke's hold. "Your arrogance is showing, your grace" She shot Gavin her most annoyed look. "I need more time to think it over"

Gavin smiled. It was the first time he smiled since his return from abroad. Most time he will only scowl. At least , Julianne was no longer refusing his proposal outright. He crossed his arms over his chest and regarded her solemnly.

"Nevertheless, I need to gain some clarifications from you"

Julianne was silent as she moved to gather her tools and wondered how the very existence of the confusing duke had turn her life outside down.

"Pray do not leave me in suspense anymore, your grace"

Gavin took a deep breath as he raked his fingers through his hair. "Firstly, I will need you to stay away from Sandhurst"

She considered the duke's words for a fleeting moment before replying, "Edward? Why should I do that? Edward is your friend and he has been no more than a gentleman towards me-"

"And please cease the use of Sandhurst's given name"

drew Julianne back into his embrace. "Come and give your fiance a proper kiss, love"

Julianne twisted from the duke's hold. "Your arrogance is showing, your grace" She shot Gavin her most annoyed look. "I need more time to think it over"

Gavin smiled. It was the first time he smiled since his return from abroad. Most time he will only scowl. At least , Julianne was no longer refusing his proposal outright. He crossed his arms over his chest and regarded her solemnly.

"Nevertheless, I need to gain some clarifications from you"

Julianne was silent as she moved to gather her tools and wondered how the very existence of the confusing duke had turn her life outside down.

"Pray do not leave me in suspense anymore, your grace"

Gavin took a deep breath as he raked his fingers through his hair. "Firstly, I will need you to stay away from Sandhurst"

She considered the duke's words for a fleeting moment before replying, "Edward? Why should I do that? Edward is your friend and he has been no more than a gentleman towards me-"

"And please cease the use of Sandhurst's given name"

"Why?" Gavin blew a breath.

"Julianne, I know Sandhurst from his short coats. He isn't what he seemed"

Julianne pursed her lips in protest of the duke's unpermitted usage of her name.

"I damned well will address you by your name. I won't hear any of it anymore" Gavin barked, gritting his teeth. The duke caught himself as he took another deep breath and reiterate slowly yet firmly. "We are betroth"

Julianne retaliated, crossing her arms beneath her breasts as she spoke, "I will not care for whatever problems you may or may not had with Edward, but if you offer me a reasonable explanation as to why I should avoid him" shooting daggers at him, she confirmed "And we not betroth"

The duke sighed. "Secondly, I also need to know of your association with the gentleman the other day"

Julianne frowned trying to remember. "Which gentleman?"

"The one you were with in the study" The duke supplied, his tone curt as he felt his restlessness building whilst Julianne to his annoyance, was at ease. His jaw locked and something inside him stirred just recalling the scene the other day.

"You mean Johnathan?" Her blue eyes rounded with amusement. "As far as you are concerned, my relation with Johnathan was not your business, your grace"

"If I were to be your intended, even if a pretend one, I need to know every aspect, everything in your life" Gavin managed through clenched teeth. He was trying to keep his anger under control. Gads, she was a stubborn one.

Julianne humphed, tossing her curls. While curling her arms under her breasts, a gesture which Gavin now noted as her defense mechanism, she retorted sweetly, "If this is your idea of pretend betrothal, your grace, I shudder to think of the real thing"

Gavin sighed, deciding to change his tactic, "I will be forever grateful if you could just aide me in this little masquerade, Julianne" The duke advanced slowly towards her. Julianne immediately put her guard up. It is the very nearness of him that makes her legs wobbly.

Julianne cocked one gold eyebrow, imitating his actions. "Oh? Now you are asking me a favor" she smiled sweetly as she continued. "Whatever I shall gain from this agreement?" Julianne tapped her chin thoughtfully , furrowing her delicate brows.

She heard the duke took a deep breath before answering. "I told you before you can manage the estates and plantations at your ease-"

"No. That is inadequate" Julianne cut in, keeping her arms curled, her face a mask of determination.

Gavin raised his own brows in astonishment. Julianne never failed to surprise him. A regal beauty at first, a spitfire the second and a full spirited determined lady the next. Gavin predicted he will have his hands full if ever she agreed to his proposal.

Still keeping her slender arms curved beneath her breasts, Julianne regarded him with a solemn look.

"I shall agree to your proposal in one condition" smiling, she angled her head slightly when Gavin grew silent. "If the plan is successful and your beau, Daniela will leave you be, you shall renounce your claim to the estates, Hall and plantation once and for all" "How on earth do you know-?" Gavin started but he shook his head in contempt as realization dawned.

"Damn Sandhurst"

Julianne smiled triumphantly as she noticed the dark scowl lined the dukes handsome features.

"And you shall not by all means return to Long Bennington" Julianne raised a brow as she noticed the duke took a sharp intake of his breath. "Do we have a deal, your grace?"

The duke shook his dark head cursing mentally. Julianne was going to deny him his rights.

"No. If the plan succeeds or not, all of this will still under my control"

"Then what in god's teeth will it benefit me?" Julianne demanded, her fist curled underneath her breasts.

"You shall have the privilege to administer the management at your own ease" Gavin repeated blankly all the while knew that Julianne will not give up without a fight. It seems that his reasons grew more outlandish with each passing argument.

"Then the deal is off. Go find yourself another woman to play your mind games" Julianne stated firmly her tone grew cold. "I failed to see in what way this little masquerade shall benefit me" She muttered, eyeing his reaction. Turning away from him, she pretended to examined a rose petal, hoping the duke will leave. Leave the Hall, away from Long Bennington and away from her life.

"Why is it so imperative for you to remain in power of the properties?" His voice vibrated deep behind her and she knew he was standing scandalously close behind her. Julianne squeezed her lids shut as she felt her body trembled. Julianne could smell his scent, of leather and sandalwood and a brief tang of his cigars. The smell strangely assaulted her senses and she could feel the hard pounding of her heart.

"Was it because of self-importance?"

Julianne's eyes flew open. Her control snapped. Any ardent feeling that she experienced just now was chased away by his thoughtless remarks.

Julianne abruptly whirled around, only colliding against the hard wall of his chest. She drew back her hand and with all her might swung it to his face only to be caught by the wrist.

"No. You shall answer me and no more walking out on me" The duke grunted as he twisted her arm painfully behind her back.

Julianne winced but she hissed back. "You are hurting me! Let me go this instant!"

Gavin loosened his hold a little but still anchored her wrist behind her.

"Why?" the duke demanded holding her angry blue gaze.

Julianne whimpered as she realized struggling from his firm hold was fruitless. "Let me go, you big lummox"

"Not until you answer me" Gavin whispered dangerously close to her lips.

Julianne ceased her effort and looked deep into his rich green eyes. "Without the estates, I have no security. No future" Julianne sobbed as at last Gavin relinquish his hold. She stumbled backwards to the small counter that serves as her workbench.

"What about your inheritance? Your dowry?" Julianne shook her head sadly to both questions.

"The earl gambled away both my inheritance and my dowry in a card game. All I have was this" Julianne gestured about the room weakly. Gavin swore.

"If I lost the properties, I have no choice but to marry Johnathan" with that said, Julianne covered her face and cried softly in her hands.

Gavin felt like the biggest fool in England for putting her through hell. It is no wonder she loathe his presence.

Gently, the duke pulled her into his arms, enveloping her protectively. Julianne did not resist, welcoming his comfort.

"Christ. I am sorry for terrorizing you, love. I am sorry" Gavin whispered into her hair, smoothing her rigid back. Julianne cried on his chest, pouring the tears that she held valiantly for so long.

Slowly Gavin disengaged from their embrace, pulling a handkerchief from his breast pocket dabbing her swollen eyes.

Her cheeks were beet red, her sweet lips trembled but she kept her gaze downcast.

She laughed nervously as she took the handkerchief from the duke.

"I am sorry for being such a watering pot. I must have looked horrible-"

Gavin lifted her chin with his forefinger, forcing her to meet his eyes. It was tender and warm green, not as before, angry and distrustful. "I never thought you could looked more beautiful " The duke whispered and it was all Julianne could remember as his lips clung possessively to hers. Julianne sighed and let herself float in the sea of pleasure Gavin was bringing her. His kiss was tender and slightly possessive as if he was branding her as his own. His warm hands rested at the sides of her ribcage and Julianne mentally chastised herself as she shuddered involuntarily.

"Julianne" She heard Gavin sighed her name. Her hands snaked around his neck, wanting to bring him closer to her as she applied pressure on their kiss. Just as he unconsciously thought her, Julianne traced his teeth with her tongue, boldly inviting him. Gavin groaned, hugging her closer to his rigid member. Dazedly he urged himself to end this now or he might do something that they shall both regret.

Gavin managed to pull back a little but he found himself pulling her closer to his aroused body. His hand fluidly began to slide under her skirts.

Suddenly the door bursts open and a very familiar voice boomed.

"What in god's name is happening here?"