
That English Girl

Hazel Shaw... that's all you need to know. If you have NOT watched Fast and Furious: Spy Racers or Spy Races: Rio on Netflix. Then go watch. If you don't mind miss like the whole story line then go ahead. I'm just warning you. The team and Hazel are about 18-19 I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS ( EXCEPT THE OC'S- JOEY, SETH, HAZEL, AND IVAN), I ONLY OWN THE PLOT!!

_hazel_lee_4903 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Race Night

"Toretto's boy." Tony stands there shocked.

"Well this is going to be fun." Echo says sitting down in one of the seats.

"Ummhm." Frostee hums.


"And why him?" Hazel asks like she's not shocked.

"Because, I know he won't try anything." Deckard says. Hazel sighs and grabs the folder out of Dom's hands.

"Fine," She pauses and turns around and points at Tony. "But if you get in my way, this mission is over with." She walks way and heads to her car.

"Alright, is there somewhere we can stay?" Cisco asks.

"Yes, follow me." Deckard says. They all get into their cars and follow Shaw.

They pull up to a mansion and into a garage.

"What is this place?" Echo questions.

"My home." Hazel replies plainly getting out of her Camaro. She pulls the hood up and starts adding a torque converter to the car.

Deckard puts a hand in Tony's shoulder. "I suggest that you get your know her better if you're going to be her 'boyfriend'." He puts quotations around boyfriend. Tony nods his head and walks over to her.

"Hi." Hazel says not looking up.

"Hi. Look I know you probably would have picked Cisco or maybe even Echo, but-" She pauses him there and giggles.

"Actually I was going to pick you. Just don't tell my dad that." She states, still working on the car.

"Wait, really?!"

"Yes," She closes the hood and looks at him. "You're potential boyfriend material." That makes Tony blush. Hazel giggles; pats his cheek and walks away.


Three weeks later at the races, the team walks around to check out the other racers and their cars.

"Kiss me." Hazel demands while stepping in front of Tony.

"Wait wh-" He was interrupted by her lips on his. Tony didn't kiss back at first - because of shock - but he kisses and puts his arms around her waist. She pulls back and pants. When they pulled away Tony noticed that some boys were looking at her.

"You're a good kisser. Would love to do it again when we don't have a mission to do." She says. Taking his hand in hers, she lead him back to their cars.

"I would love to." Tony whispers in her ear. Heading back to the cars, two guys walk in front of them. Both Tony and Hazel lean up against her car. He puts his arm around her waist.

"Shaw!! You do have a boyfriend!" A guy in black says interrupting their moment.

"No way! Hazel would- Holy shit she does!" A guy in blue says.

"Oh calm down boys! So I let one get pass my firewalls. No big deal." She states.

"No big deal!! You punch every guy that even looks your way in the face!!" Guy in black says.

"Who are these guys?" Tony asks. Holding Hazel tighter.

"The one in blue is Joey and the one in black is Seth. Their friends of mine."

"Bro, you a lucky one if you're dating Hazel Shaw." Joey says.

"Thanks." Tony replies.

"Alright, racers! The races are starting! If you're number 101 and 121, come to the starting line!" Ivan announces over the speakers.

With that the races start.


"Man, that was epic!!" Frostee says. Echo, Cisco, and Frostee walk into the Shaw home.

"Where is Hazel and Tony?" Dom questions.

"I see her car. Where is she?" Deckard asks.

"Oh them two said that they were going on a cruse in Tony's car. So Frostee drove her car back here." Cisco explains.


"Soo... I'm the only one who's every 'dated' you?" Tony questions.

"Yes, but I really do like you. We've been working together for 3 weeks now but I really do like you. And I know this sudden but-" She was interrupted by Tony kissing her.

"If you were going to say that you like being my girlfriend, then I love being your boyfriend." He says pulling her into his lap in the drive seat.

"Are you asking me out?"

"I could.... Will you?"

"Will I what?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


With that Tony kisses Hazel.