
That English Girl

Hazel Shaw... that's all you need to know. If you have NOT watched Fast and Furious: Spy Racers or Spy Races: Rio on Netflix. Then go watch. If you don't mind miss like the whole story line then go ahead. I'm just warning you. The team and Hazel are about 18-19 I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS ( EXCEPT THE OC'S- JOEY, SETH, HAZEL, AND IVAN), I ONLY OWN THE PLOT!!

_hazel_lee_4903 · Fantasy
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Car Hood

"Where is Hazel and Tony?" Dom questions.

"I see her car. Where is she?" Deckard asks.

"Oh them two said that they were going on a cruse in Tony's car. So Frostee drove her car back here." Cisco explains.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"


With that Tony kisses Hazel.


Hazel and Tony laughs while walking back into the mansion.

"Well, look who the cat dragged in." Dom states angrily.

"Where were you two? Do you know what time it is? It 4 o'clock in the morning!" Deckard questions.

The two teenagers stop dead in their tracks. Both knowing what they did before coming back to the mansion; but the two adults didn't. Hazel quickly recovers and smiles.

"Did the others not tell you? Me and Tony went on a cruse around the town. I was just showing him around." She says all innocently. Deckard did not seem impressed.

"Sorry, Mr. Shaw, for keeping her out so late. I should have brought her home earlier." Tony states trying to help the situation. Deckard hums,

"It's alright. Just don't be out so late next time. Okay?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay dad."

The teenagers head up stairs to their rooms. Tony waits to steal a kiss until their fully upstairs. He pushes Hazel up against the wall while still kissing her; taking her thighs in his hands. Wrapping her arms around his neck for support.

"Toretto, don't get too excited."

"How can I not with a beautiful girl in front of me."

"I'm serious. We need to focus on the reason your really here." She tries to get out of his grip, but fails.

"I am focused on the mission, but right now I'm more focused on you." He kisses her neck and holds onto her tighter.

"How about we get some sleep? We have another race to go to tomorrow." Hazel states. Tony groans, but put her down. They goes to their separate rooms for the sleep they need for the day ahead of them.


"Layla, I need you to run the races for me. I need to go get my own payment myself."

"Yes Ivan, I will."


The team parks at the race and wait.

"I heard Ivan ain't runnin' the races today." Joey says.

"Well, then, who the hell is running it?" Seth questions. Tony and Hazel share a look and he holds onto her tighter.

"One of his hoes. I think Layla Grey is her name." Joey replies.

"Oh great, that bitch again!" Hazel remarks. Tony shakes but keeps quite.

"How do you know her? " Cisco asks.

"She's the one who gave me this scare!" Hazel pulls up her shirt and everyone see the scared flesh across her stomach. "She almost killed me. If it wasn't for those two idiots over there, I would be dead."

"What were you two fighting over?" Echo interrogates.

"We just finished a race that I won and we were driving back. She all the sudden tries to make me crash. I ended up in a ditch car flipped over and she pulls me out by my arm. I don't remember what she was yelling at me for. She then pulls out a knife, continues to yell, and just starts cutting me up. I guess I was screaming so loud that my fathers, Joey, and Seth heard me from where they were. By the time they got there I lost so much blood that all I remember is Joey picking up. Then I woke up in my room." Hazel explains getting madder by every word.

"Layla was never to be heard or seen for until now." Joey adds.

"Hey Tony, long time no see." Layla's voice was heard by Hazel, who turned to attack.

"Im going to fucking kill you!!" Hazel yells but before she could do anything Tony holds her waist.

"Wow! Let's not get any charges just yet." Tony says. He then whispers in her ear, "Babe it's not worth it. You're already better than her by a long shot."

"Looks like the Shaw's really are hoes. Got a Toretto all over her." Layla laughs. "I came to tell y'all that the races start at midnight." She says while walking away.

"Okay! What the hell is her problem?" Frostee asks. Hazel storms off while Tony trying to calm her down.

"They're sisters." Seth states trying to fill in the holes.

"I think it's best if we leave her to calm down." Joey informs the team and they go get their cars ready.

"You okay?" Tony questions with concern,

"I just need to drift my anger out." They both start laughing.

"Racers 35 and 49 to the starting line." The speakers boomed across the parking lot.

"I guess that means I'm needed." Tony says letting go of Hazel. But she had other plans and pulls him into a kiss.

"Be safe, Tony."

"I will."


"You were like 'zoom' and the other driver was 'rrrrr'! How did you do that Hazel?" Frostee asks.

"Well, you don't just get the name Queen of the Streets by just being there." She answers.

"I think me and Hazel need to talk the next step of the mission. You want to take my car or yours?" Tony questions.

"Yours. Frostee here's the keys. Don't wreck it."

"I did it once, I think I can do it again."



"Hazel has Toretto wrapped around her finger. We ain't getting him to join anytime soon."

"Unless we take one of his 'precious' family members. Haha!"


"Soo.... I was think that once this was over, I could take you to LA and you can meet my family. What do you think?" Tony asks while laying on the car hood with Hazel.

"Meet an Latino family. Definitely on my bucket list."

"Is that a Yes?"

"Yes, I would love to meet your family." Hazel kisses Tony; both sitting on the hood of his car.

"Please tell me you have a baby sister or brother." Her sentence breaks the kiss.


"Because I love tiny humans. Their so cute!"

"Tiny humans? Is that you call babies?"

"Yes don't judge me!" Tony laughs and kisses her cheek.

"I would never." He continues to kiss her, but moves down to her neck.

"You never answered my question." Pulling his face up to hers.

"A baby sister. She's only a few months old."

He states. They both lean into a kiss. It starts it get heat and they make out on the hood of Tony's car.


"Looks like we found our target."

"Ivan, do you want to get her?"

"No, Layla, I want to do this myself."