
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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67 Chs

The passage to hell 1/2

A/N: Hello guys, before I commence this chapter, I would advice my readers to please comment on the paragraphs and tell me what you think of each paragraphs. I need to be challenged, please bombard me with questions!!!!


Wisp of dark smoke lingered around, announcing and indicating the materialization of Din Le. Her eyes were filled with thick void and darkness which seemed to be producing clear mist of ice that was capable of turning a whole nation into her icy slaves. Her demonic weaves appeared slightly gathering her palm in a dark reddish light weaving into Sparks in correspondence to her natural stances. If she needed to open up the gate of hell in order to call on other demons for help, then she was ready. Her eyes gleamed dangerously with immerse powers as every cores within her pulsing and convulsing with powers untold. Her perspective of Ja changed a bit, she thought that Ja was a weak human girl but seeing all she had done to her subordinates, her perspectives changed. This lady was hellbent on protecting Dal Chan but for how long exactly?

"Dal Chan had the guts!" The lady grunted in immense anger as her eyes darkened even more. She couldn't get the man she had aimlessly worked tirelessly to get for the the past 1000 and 1 years and all of a sudden, he had done the blood wish! He now had a new body, and the blood goddess had granted him powers beyond measures, plus he was extremely powerful before the goddess had blessed him. Now Din Le couldn't imagine the kind of powers she would have to fight against and definitely, she wouldn't be able fight Dal Chan so she needed a hand, and to do that she had to open the passage to hell. The gates of hell is like a breach created to allow passage between both realms the humans and the demons. But that breach had been powerfully obstructed with the strongest of all magic and the deepest of all concentration. And to access this passage, the magic wielder must possess tier 3 of their magic because a tier 1 and a tier 2 wouldn't be strong enough to open up the passage for a brief moment. Each descendant wielding this proclearn powers are supposedly binded by their core because each decades passing the magic grants them another soul core which adds up their life that in case they are killed by anything, they would be able to bounce back to life. Actually demons don't die because of their quick abilities and trait of healing themselves when injured but a brief history of the demon clan could spare a little tale that the demons do have a really sensitive spot down their spine that once it is destroyed the demon ceased to exist. But in correspondence to the soul cores being given as a gift to a demon after a decade was rare because it refers only to demons with proclearn powers and Din Le was one of them and she had stored and accumulated a thousand of cores that she didn't even fear death but Dal Chan, he seemed capable of draining her life in just one go.... He was extremely powerful and that with a blessed power too from the blood goddess and the only solution is to open the passage to hell.

Long ago when the breach between the gate of hell and the human race was opened, demons were seen roaming on earth unnoticed. They were able to blend as humans and could copy the insane and mundane lives of the humans, the even found humans quite fascinating and attractive. They were able to stay with humans and reproduce a half breed due to their love and lust for the humans. But things went out of control. The demons became corrupt that they forgot what love was and started reproducing half breeds a half human and half demon with different ladies. The ladies and some random humans began to discover that demons were really in existence and some of the demons on their own began to reveal their identity to humans which began to cause riot and chaos in the world. But it took one man a lot of stress and sacrifice in order to produce that powerful spell that would create an impregnable barrier over the breach and that man was Dal Chan. His sacrifice was that he was denied entry to hell untill the gate of hell would be able to breach again. He knew how hard it took him to take the demons back but whatever he did then it was worth it and now Din Le wanted to summon demons for help, bringing these corrupt demons might turn the world upside down again but it seems like Din Le didn't care of the consequences. All she wanted was to get Dal Chan, rule him and so that he would be able to do as she's said. So that all her word would make sense to him, because right now all Dal Chan think of Din Le was that anything she was or is doing is not making any sense at all so that was why... "Dal Chan. I will get you" She hissed in anger which disintegrated her emotions and returned it to a different one. Everything would change soon, once she had opened the passage, the gates of hell, the gates to catastrophic doom to Dal Chan and the world. Once she opens it, she would control the minds of the demons she sees and would be able to use their powers to her advantage and access much greater gem to obliterate each powers been sent off as a moist to empower the demons. She would be able to access, how they grow, how they are empowered, whether they need to live or die, whether they have to dilute the powerful gem or not. This is needed so she had to open the passage of hell and if there's any time placed to do it then it had to be now!