
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Sorry Daddy!

"Kit! Where's daddy?... what hospital is he being admitted? tell me please..." Ja's voice trembled with fear and cold as tears filled her eyes. She desperately wanted to know her father's whereabouts and hoped he was safe.

"It's the City Hospital," Kit Ji replied, his voice filled with concern. The conversation abruptly ended, and a wave of determination surged through Ja. "Hyun!...you won't get away with this," she muttered, her words carrying a strong resolve. With a firm grip on the steering wheel, she pressed down on the gas pedal, causing her car to soar like a bullet down the highway. Ja had always been a fast driver, unable to tolerate slow speeds. It had become second nature to her, a way to channel her impatience. She drove for hours, her mind consumed with prayers for the journey to end. All she wanted was to see her dad, to hold him tightly, and apologize for everything.

Finally at City Hospital, Ja rushed into the imposing building without even pausing to catch her breath. Her body shivered from the cold, but her determination pushed her forward. Colliding with a middle-aged man dressed in a doctor's attire, she assumed he might be in charge. Concern etched on her face, she managed to ask, "Doctor!...my dad was admitted a few minutes ago. How is he doing? He fainted from...shock, I think." The doctor looked at her sympathetically and replied, "Actually, a man was admitted recently, but I'm not the attending physician." Ja's hopeful expression faltered slightly, but she quickly regained her determination. "Doctor, do you happen to know who the doctor in charge is?" she asked, her voice filled with urgency. The man smiled kindly and reassured her, saying, "Don't worry too much, your dad will be alright. Just ask around for Doctor Siya Ru."

Without wasting a second, Ja sprinted through the hospital corridors. After a few minutes, she found herself face to face with Doctor Siya, who briefed her about her father's condition. "Please be aware that your father should avoid any additional shocks, as it could worsen his condition. He's currently suffering from Cardiogenic shock, and it's a miracle he survived the last episode, as it hit him with full force. Make sure he eats properly, as I have put him on a specific diet. Sometimes these shocks occur when the heart fails to pump enough blood to the vital organs or provide adequate nutrients to the body. I advise you to ensure he eats well, and keep him away from any kind of shock. His emotional well-being is crucial too. I have prescribed some medications for him, which he should take regularly," explained Doctor Siya, concluding her detailed explanation. Ja nodded earnestly, taking in every word.

"D... Doctor, can I see daddy now?" Ja asked, her voice filled with a mix of hope and anxiety. Siya smiled empathetically and replied, "Of course you can, but be careful not to overwhelm him. He's currently on a drip." Ja entered the patient's ward swiftly, her heart pounding in her chest. As she laid eyes on her father, unconscious and hooked up to medical devices, a wave of guilt washed over her. It pained her to see him in such a vulnerable state, knowing that it was a result of her foolish decision to be with Hyun Woo. Bindo had genuinely believed that Hyun was a responsible man, capable of taking care of his precious daughter. He had never anticipated that his trust would lead to such a dire situation, the situation of being hospitalized.

Ja's face burned with fever, a sign that she had been exposed to the biting cold for too long. Her damp clothes clung to her body, increasing her discomfort. If Bindo were awake, he would surely scold her for neglecting her own health. Overwhelmed with remorse, Ja began pouring her heart out to her unconscious father. "Daddy! I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I blindly accepted Hyun into my life without realizing he was a fraud. Dad, I drained you financially because of that man. I gave him the money you provided for my own well-being, yet I failed to take care of myself. I kept giving my money away to that despicable person," Ja's voice cracked as tears streamed down her face. She tore her gaze away from Bindo's face, overcome with shame and regret. "Dad, please forgive me. I'm the one to blame for your condition. I caused you to end up here," she sobbed uncontrollably, her grip tightening involuntarily on her father's hand.