
That's how I met my soulmate 'you'

She wanted someone to understand her and give her the love and the care that she craved for years. He wanted someone to bring the light into his dark world. She felt the love and care more than she ever felt before with him. She met the only person who could understand everything about her. She felt the solace and warmth in his embrace. He felt how love feels like after meeting her. He found his reason to be happy which is her. He felt the solace,love, care and warmth which he never felt in his dark world. He reads her like a open book, ans she adds the brightness in his darkness. They are born to complete eachother and fulfill eachothers needs together and make a beautiful fairytale to make others feel the feeling of true love. Please read this book to see the eternal love we all crave for through the rule of Aadya and Simzon.

Swanlove · Urban
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Getting to know eachother


After a long and passionate kiss i broke the kiss to look at her. Her eyes had tears. I wiped her tears with my thumb. She looked at me and the next thing she said took me to heaven.

Aadya: Marry me

Again her eyes are filled with tears and without her permission a lone tear slide down her eyes but she quickly wiped it. I looked at her straight into her eyes to ask if she really wanted this thing. But i saw the determination in her eyes.

Aadya: yes, Marry me!

I mentally cleared my throat and and asked her.

Simzon: are you serious now

Aadya: yes, i am deadly serious about this.

Simzon: but you dont even know me little one, then how can you ask a stranger to marry you, huh? What will you do if i turn out to be murderer, or a rapist or a bad guy. You cant back out after that you know. Marriage is a big commitment little one.

Aadya: Okay! Let me clear that, if you are a rapist you would have kissed me with lust not with some kinda affection and even your touches are not something which has lust, then if you are a murderer your touches would have been harsh and not with much care like how you handled me. And i dont really think that you belong to that bad guy character too. I am pretty serious that i want to get involved in this huge commitment with you for the rest of my life. Your touches are not something that makes me uncomfortable, instead i felt soo cared, loved. Your embrace made me feel the solace, i feel so safe in your arms. I promise you that you would never ever regret getting in this beautiful commitment with me.

She feels comfortable with my touches, she feels secured in my arms. All i want is to protect my baby and love her to death. And her feeling so comfortable, and loved by me is very important than anything else.

Aadya: you are my first kiss. I had saved my first kiss for my hubby. I have saved myself for him. I had never felt this typa feeling with anyone before. My heart,my soul, my mind everything is screaming at me that you are my soulmate. I feel so magical with you.

Simzon: see little one. You are my first kiss too. But that does'nt mean we are already soulmates.

Aadya: it may not be big thing for you but it is a great thing for me. I care about all these things. I had always beleived in magical feeling. My instincts are so powerful. It guides me in right direction. Okay let me come to the point now, i am pretty sure about marrying you, all i need is your answer. But before that answer me do you love me or not. I know the answer, but i want to here it from.

Simzon: but-

Aadya: why would you be so calm with me, why did you not just runaway after kissing me. Tell me about it. You know the truth yourself so dont hide it.

Simzon: Okay! I agree i want to marry you.

The next thing i know was her lips are on top of mine. She kissed me first this time. I gently pulled her close to me by her waist and kissed her back. After a good few mins of kissing she broke the kiss to catch some oxygen.

Aadya: i love you soo much hubby. I had given you the place which i had kept for my future husband. It holds the highest place where i love him more that i love myself.

She hugged me. She barely reaches my chest. So she placed a soft peck on my chest saying...

Aadya: My safest place on this whole universe.

Simzon: so, you cant just kiss my chest out of nowhere.

Aadya: what's wrong in kissing my hubby.

"My Hubby" it gives such an amazing feel when i hear this. I am feeling thousands of fire crackers in my stomach. And i can feel the blush in my cheecks.

And i cant stop myself from kissing her forehead so affectionately. She turned her head towards me and smiled at me.

Simzon: well its already late so let me walk you back.

Saying this i took the heavy bags in my hands.

Aadya: its fine you dont have to do everything.

Simzon: listen little one now i am your husband,so i had to do all my duties as a perfect husband material,okay.

Aadya: you dont have to be like any husband material men, just love me in your own way...So tell me about yourself.

Simzon: I am Simzon Ryder Knight. 21 years old. I am a business man for this world and a Mafia King in under world.

Aadya: really! you are the Mafia King, who was there at **** university during a gangsters attack, right?

Simzon: hmm~

Aadya: wow~i loveee mafias especially the Mafia King.

Mafias are her favourite noted.

Simzon: okay now tell me about yourself.

Aadya: my name is Aadya. Well we dont really use surnames often in India so i dont have one. I am 18 years old. I am studying CSE at **** university.

We shared alot of things about eachother. One thing i noted is that she is a talk active person. She has this enthusiastic personality. Which i surprisingly loving soo much. I dont like when people talk so much but with her i feel like i will die without her talks. When we reached her dorm she turns to look at me.

Aadya: well then its a good bye right? I should be get going then.

Simzon:wait! I really really wanted to confess this now.

She looked at me and gave me a look like continue

Simzon: your are the first woman in my life after my mom. I dont want you to think something stupid as i am not the one to propose this marriage. I really feel this different and amazing feelings for you. I may not have proposed you in a great manner but..

( I took out two rings from my pocket)

Simzon: these belongs to my parents. With this ring i promise to adore you, cherish you, and love you till death part us.

I wore my mother's ring on her little finger and kissed it. She took my father's ring.

Aadya: With this ring i promise to love you and to take care of your everything with all my heart till the very end and to declare myself that i belongs to you and you belongs to me. We belongs to each other to the end of this infinity.

She wore that ring in my finger as well. Then i pulled her close to me by her waist and kissed her lips softly and broke it after few seconds before placing a long peck on her forehead. She looked at me and smiled. Just then her phone rang, she picked it up and answered.

Aadya(otp): Hey patner!.

Siya(otp): hey patner! Where are you? Its already soo late.

Aadya(otp): i am just standing out side the hostel. Dont worry i will come now. Okay!

Siya: then hurry up.

She hangs up the call. And turned towards me.

Simson: you have to go, its really late.

Aadya: yep!

She took a deep breath.

Aadya: well, have a good night and sweet dreams.

Simzon: you had already made my night wonderful.

She gave me a peck on my lips..

Aadya: its your good night kiss

With that she quickly ran towards her dorm.

Simzon: good night little one.

My first good night kiss. I love you soo much my little one. I turn around and went to the car which is waiting for me. When i got into my car, i was welcomed by my bestfriend who is non other than Mr. Leonardo knight.

Leo: well my advance wishes for the wedding.

I cleared my throat.

Simzon: her info.


He handed a file to me which has her information

Leo: not gonna lie, you have made a right decision by choosing her as your wife.

Simzon: yeah! I know right, no kidding.

Again he started teasing me but i ignored him by reading her informations. She really made my night. I love you baby.

>>with Aadya<<

Aadya pov:

I finally found my soulmate after waiting for all these years. He is the best for me no one can be compared with him. He is the gift god has given to me. I will do everything to cherish him and love him with all my might. I love you soo much my hubby. I wish we have a beautiful life ahead. And i really hope that God bless us with enormous happiness in our life.