
Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan

A man who had everything. A loving wife. Two lovely children. A successful career. And a job that actually pays well that came with free healthcare and seasonal vocations. A man who had all those. A man who could be said to have succeed in life, mysteriously died one day. Only to find himself in the world of Marvel and in the body of The Mad Titan, Thanos. He was in despair thinking that he would forever be worlds apart form his family. But a mysterious voice suddenly propose a deal to him. He would be able to return to his family and get everything back. But there was a price he had to pay. Which was... Half of all life in the universe. So he had to commit a universal level genocide to return back home to his family. He would have to kill the innocent lives of trillions just to see them again. . . He never accepted a deal sooner. Read as he fought towards the same objective as the original Thanos did but for an entirely different reason and purpose. Read as he stand against all that is good just so he could hold his family again. Will he succeed with his future knowledge or will he succumb to fate and destiny. Will good triumph like it always did or will evil win this time. Read the story of his conquest of killing half of all life in the universe. A small price to pay, for his family. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning : Thanos will be more powerful than his MCU counterpart. He will not be a disgrace like the original who could be overpowered by Wanda and Captain Marvel. He will be able to defeat any avenger in a one on one battle. This will also contain the most vile evil things like killing children, genocide, etc. -------------

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Movies
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36 Chs

Thanos vs the Avengers (5)

Bruce Banner in Hulk's Body was smarter and way more dangerous than the normal Hulk. If the mindless beast was fearsome before, one could only have nightmares about the intelligent version.

Hulk was right in front of him, and only then did the explosion of his movement ring out. Hulk pulled back his right arm and with an animalistic roar, launched it.

Thanos was frozen as the attack came his way, his eyes widening at the shocking display. It was not just about the speed or the strength of Hulk that shocked him, his eyes saw beyond that.

Hulk's bulging muscle moved with fluidity and refined technique which showed hundred times of practice. The animalistic roar he let out held an inkling of intelligence which was a stark contrast to the roar of a normal Hulk.

Behind the green eyes of the brutish body, one could see an infinite pool of intelligence enough to freeze a person.

The punch came at Thanos with overwhelming strength as the sound barrier was broken by the sheer speed of the attack. He moved his body as fast as possible to dodge the attack, he did not even think and acted on instinct.

Thanos's eyes never left Hulk even as the punch came close to his face, for he saw something scarier than the punch.

Behind the absurd strength of the attack, Thanos could see cunning.

Hulk's arm fully extended yet the punch never landed. It slightly brushed past Thanos' face, just as it was meant to be.

'A feint?!' Thanos relaized, alarmed.

Hulk twisted his hips and threw a kick right at the side of Thanos's lower things. A loud clap of flesh resounded as the ground cracked due to the sheer momentum of the kick.

"Well, I learned some shit after you beat me the last time we met!!" Hulk roared, remembering the time Thanos beat him down on the spaceship of Asgard. The time when he couldn't save his friends.

Hulk ducked the hook that came at him and delivered a body shot at Thanos' bare torso. Thanos got the air knocked out of his body as he flew away like a ragdoll and crashed through multiple buildings before the final building collapsed on him.

The ground trembled because of the collapsing buildings.

Every Avenger stopped on their track as they stared at Hulk who turned back at them, specifically at the two Steve Rogers.

"Captian, sorry but this one is out of your league." Hulk said as his face hardened. He tore off the suit he wore and his muscles tensed, getting ready for the coming fight.

This was only the beginning.

Future Steve nodded, "I will clear out the remaining Chitauri and evacuate anyone left."

He signaled Steve and they both left the area to help in any way they could. Iron Man watched the two Steve leave before turning back to Hulk.

"That was nice. Karate?"

"MMA." Hulk said, "Practiced it over the years, Yoga too."

Then they heard an explosion from the building that collapsed on Thanos, followed by a bellowing laugh.

"Well that's not ominous at all, hope you're ready." Iron Man said to which the green behemoth grunted, getting his game face on.

"You hear me, big guy? The sun's getting real high." Hulk let out a huff of annoyance before charging like a rocket towards Thanos.

Iron Man shot to the sky as tiny missiles flew out of his armor and headed straight to Thanos with supersonic speed.

The missiles hit the Mad Titan from different angles as shockwaves and explosions erupted and blew away the debris around. Thanos was unaffected as he swiped his hand and the smoke was swept away by a gust of wind made from the force.

Then he ran forward and intercepted Hulk with a punch before the green beast reached him. His attack landed right on Hulk's jaw but he was not affected and swung back at Thanos.

Hulk had caught Thanos off guard before but now, the difference between their power became obvious. Hulk was strong, but Thanos was stronger, Hulk had fighting skills but Thanos surpassed those skills with battle instincts alone.

The two exchanged mountain-shatter blows as they brawled out in the middle of New York City. Thanos grabbed Hulk's arm and delivered consecutive punches on his green opponents.

Then he felt something akin to a gunshot on the side of his head, that made him pause his onslaught as he threw Hulk's body and focused on the small man riding an ant.

Thanos's eyes zoomed in on Ant-Man and although he was the size of an ant, Thanos could see him clearly.

"Annoying ant." He said and swung his arm around to try and hit Ant-Man. Then he caught the tiny man and closed his fist and trapped him in his hand.

"Oh shit!!" He heard the small man curse before Thanos gripped as hard as he could to kill the man.

But then his closed hand was forcefully pried open as Ant-Man turned into 65 feet giant. The giant Ant-Man swung his big arm at Thanos and it was way faster than shown in the movies.

Thanos crossed his hand in an axe as he skidded away due to the force of the attack. But Thanos quickly recovered and leaped into the air to punch Ant-Man's ain't head but he suddenly shrunk again.

While he was in the air with his target gone, Iron Man flew down like a meteorite. His leg had morphed into something akin to a hammer as it hit Thanos right on his head.

The armor released kinetic energy like Black Panther's at the point of impact as Thanos fell on his back on the ground. His huge frame was planted deeply on the ground as the surroundings crumbled due to the fall.

That was not the end of it. As he lay on his back, slight soreness infiltrating his body, a giant boot came down at him.

From the soles of the feet alone, one could tell that this one is an absolute giant. Ant-Man had turned into a 120-foot behemoth. The largest he had ever gone and almost twice as large compared to before.


The ground sinks in due to the weight of Ant-Man like a man stepping on mud. A terrible shockwave hit the city as a Tsunami formed due to the sheer shockwave.

After that was silence.

"Did we get him?" Ant-Man asked in a hopeful tone.

But then his hope died down as he felt movement on the bottom of his boot. Immediately he tried to shrink back but he couldn't move.

Blue energy covered his entire 120-foot body as he was suspended in space, unable to move. He panicked and tried to move but he couldn't.

It was as if space itself had forbade him from moving in their plane. He stood frozen like a statue.

Then he saw Thanos from the corner of his eyes, his arm pulled back, and an evil smirk on his face. Ant-Man felt fear grip his heart as he felt death closing in.

His mind ran millions of thoughts, perhaps his larger brain allowed faster process. He thought about the reason he was fighting. To save his family, and for his daughter.

Then at the final moment, mobility returned to him but it was all too late as Thanos reached him.


That was all he could utter before his giant head exploded like a watermelon smashed by a hammer.

Brain matter and blood splurt out like a fountain as the ruined city was bathed in red and flesh.

Ant-Mas's body slowly fell onto the city, smashing and crushing everyone and everything in the area.

"One down~!"

The Mad Titan was covered in blood and pieces of brain.
