
Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan

A man who had everything. A loving wife. Two lovely children. A successful career. And a job that actually pays well that came with free healthcare and seasonal vocations. A man who had all those. A man who could be said to have succeed in life, mysteriously died one day. Only to find himself in the world of Marvel and in the body of The Mad Titan, Thanos. He was in despair thinking that he would forever be worlds apart form his family. But a mysterious voice suddenly propose a deal to him. He would be able to return to his family and get everything back. But there was a price he had to pay. Which was... Half of all life in the universe. So he had to commit a universal level genocide to return back home to his family. He would have to kill the innocent lives of trillions just to see them again. . . He never accepted a deal sooner. Read as he fought towards the same objective as the original Thanos did but for an entirely different reason and purpose. Read as he stand against all that is good just so he could hold his family again. Will he succeed with his future knowledge or will he succumb to fate and destiny. Will good triumph like it always did or will evil win this time. Read the story of his conquest of killing half of all life in the universe. A small price to pay, for his family. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning : Thanos will be more powerful than his MCU counterpart. He will not be a disgrace like the original who could be overpowered by Wanda and Captain Marvel. He will be able to defeat any avenger in a one on one battle. This will also contain the most vile evil things like killing children, genocide, etc. -------------

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Movies
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Thanos vs the Avengers (2)

[3rd POV]

Then with a booming crack of thunder, everything became blue. A gigantic bolt of lightning, the biggest Earth had ever seen, descended on the command of the God.



Thanos felt the full weight of the disaster known as lighting. Powerful enough to split the sky, one could only imagine what it would do to a mortal body.

But Thanos was not just a mere mortal, far from it. So the relenting storm of lighting could only earn a single grunt of annoyance from him.

Nothing more.

"Petty." He said as he felt a spark across his body. It should have fried his nerves and paralyzed him even for just a few seconds but that didn't happen.

His bulging muscle tightened and shrugged off the lighting which was over a trillion volts. The surroundings experienced deep trauma because of the attack as the ground which the lighting struck was leveled.

The spear and Hulk's incapacitated leg had also been reduced to ash. The ground sizzles out to show the aftermath of the attack.

"It's impossible." Thor mumbled the only thing his mind was thinking. Indeed, it was an impossible sigh. He had called upon a disaster of the highest order yet Thanos had tanked it with no issue.

Instead of a corpse that should've died a hundred times over, Thor got a grunt.

Instead of the death of his enemy, he earned the comment 'Petty.'

It was a show of invincibility that Thor had never seen from another person besides his father.

'Invulnerable.' Thanos thought in his mind with a smirk. It was one of the main powers of Thanos, nigh absolute invulnerability.

Fire, Water, Ice, Gravity, Lightning, Magic, Divinity, and even the passage of time, he was invulnerable to all of these.

He marveled at his own power, the short clash with Hulk before had shown him how much stronger he was compared to the hero famous for his raw strength, and now he found out that he was capable of taking the strongest attack from the strongest avenger with no issue.

It was true that he was way stronger than he should be in the MCU.

And it was good, he was grateful for the power upgrade as that would mean a higher chance of success on his mission to collect the six singularities, the infinity stones.

But now is not the time to do a victory dance, Thor was now on full alert while taking a battle stance.

He probably should have been a bit nervous and fearful that Thor, himself was in front of him but he did not feel anything. He only felt how insignificant Thor was to him.

Maybe he had also inherited Thanos' temperament along with his instincts and skills. There was his bubbling urge to berate Thor, like an adult would a small child.

"Quite the power you have there." He said, "Perfect for accomplishing a whole lot of nothing."

Okay, maybe not 'berate' per se but talk down to him. He told himself that it must be a temperament he got from Thanos but he was also actually like that in his past life as well.

It was one of his quirks that got him fans in his lost life. He would talk down on his fellow competitors in the strongman. They hate his guts but most people like that about him.

Thor seems to be among the people who hate his gut as the puny God shoots toward Thanos like a bolt of lightning.

He was quite surprised as they never show Thor achieving such speed or using his power in such ways in the movie. But he thought that maybe the producers couldn't be bothered to add that much CGI.

A thunderclap resounded in a bluish flash, Thor was in front of Thanos with Mjolnir swinging down at him.

He moved back to dodge as sparks of electricity brushed against his purple skin. Their movements could not have been seen with the naked eye but Thanos saw everything. It was not exactly slow motion, it was a different feeling. He was just able to see even with such speed.

With a roar, Thor continued swinging his hammer madly at him. He had an infuriating smirk on his face as he easily avoided every blow with elegant ease.

The attacks meant for Thanos were bared by the surroundings as he dodged everything. The ground was cracked into million pieces and the buildings and even the Chitauri soldiers unfortunate enough to be in the area were blown apart.

Thanos simply stepped back again and again while dodging. Thor saw this was decided to change tactics. He stopped trying to hit Thanos and instead hit the earth with his hammer.

A pulse of electric shockwave tore the Earth apart and luckily Thanos was caught in it. Thor zeroed in on that opportunity where Thanos was in midair and swung his hammer upwards, sending Thanos into the air.

He did this because he realized that he wouldn't be able to best Thanos in sheer strength and skills. He needed an advantage and that would be taking the fight to the sky.

Because he could fly. and Thanos couldn't.



Like a jet breaking the sound barrier they took to the sky. Thor was not the God of Electricity. He was the mighty God of Thunder and the sky was also part of his domain.

Dark rumbling clouds began boiling and rolling in the sky, making it as dark as night. These dark clouds were not meant to carry rain nor was it meant for nourishment.

It was meant solely for destruction.

And destroy they did.

Streaks of blue lighting cracked and slit the dark rumbling sky. The people, the police, and the Avengers looked up as a battle beyond their comprehension took place above.

Steve who had taken the corpse of Tony under Thanos' nose could be seen holding the body while clenching his fist.

The chitauri on the other hand were relentless. They were now fighting with the army in New York as they continued spreading chaos.

The stormy and chaotic world in the sky was reflected perfectly on the Earth. The sky was angry as occasionally, lighting would strike the Earth and that would be enough to collapse buildings and towers.

This continued for exactly one minute as Thor kept bashing Thanos around in the sky. Thanos would simply block and counterattack with an unremovable grin on his face.

Finally, Thor had enough and he had tired himself out. In a last struggle, he gathered every drop of his strength and divinity he had on Mjolnir.

Thor let out a roar that was louder than thunder and swung down the hammer made of the heart of a dying star.

Thunder crashed on Mijolnir as it made its way to Thanos. The surroundings, the sky, the lightning, the anger, and the immobile enemy.

Every element aligned itself for Thor as he executed the strongest attack he had ever done. The world roared with him and when the hammer hit Thanos' back, the sound of glass cracking could be heard.



Thanos's body shot down on the Earth, lighting entirely covering him. Everything in a 1 km meter radius was completely destroyed due to the shockwave alone.

A deep cavity was carved on the land of Manhattan.

It was as if a star had fallen on the Earth, completely reshaping the city. That was not all, to top it all off, Thor's hammer flew down to where Thanos crashed with lighting completely engulfing it.

Another Explosion.


Another calamity.


Thor was smart enough to drive the battle in the unpopulated part of Manhattan so there would not be many people in the area. Maybe around a thousand died instantly but that was small to Thor considering the caliber of the fight.

The city was unusually quiet after the climax of the battle. But it only appeared so because the defeating thunder had stopped. Gunshots and screams were still present in the air.

Thor, completely worn out at this point, staggered towards the crashed site The smoke was finally settling as Thor walked on the bare brown Earth that was laden with cracks.

His staggering step stopped when he reached the crash site as he fell to his knees. His eyes shook in denial of what they were seeing.

"You see boy..." A deep voice penetrated the smoke which slowly settled to reveal Thanos whose armor had been torn apart with his sculpted torso visible.

"You don't know strength." Thanos was standing tall with only a few burns on his body. One of his hands was raised as it blocked a falling Mjolnir which was pressing down on him with unrelenting force.


Mjolnir vibrated as it was unable to cover more distance from Thanos' palm. It was completely stopped.

"How?" Thor asked with a voice that held no arrogance nor might, only helplessness.

It was the same feeling he would have when he was banished to Earth by his father. Now he was feeling it again.


"It was fun. I got to find out my true capabilities." Thanos said uncaringly. before he suddenly redirected the falling Mjolnir to the side.

"But playtime's over." Thanos burst like a missile and hit Thor straight on his head, knocking the God out instantly.

Thanos held up Thor's limp body by grabbing him by the head.

He couldn't kill him, at least he faced the wrath of Odin. It would be troublesome if he did so.

But he also needed to put out Thor for good. So he got into position and threw Thor's unconscious body away in the sky.

Thor's body flew away until it got too far into the horizon for the eyes to see. His body would probably end up in the ocean or somewhere but Thanos knew the God who could withstand to full force of a star would not die from it.

Seeing that he was alone, Thons stretched himself and felt the soreness of his body. He was actually not unharmed as he pretended to be.

"That was good and all but I should not play around with someone on Thor's level anymore." He said to himself.

Thor was also stronger compared to the movies. Thanos looked around the destroyed surroundings and accepted his assessment. It was proof.

He tried gauging how strong he truly was from the fight just now and assessed his strength to be around Hela's if not stronger.

But that's not considering any infinity stone or weapon. Just him alone.

"Or I could be stronger." He shrugged. The feeling that he could do more and assert more strength never left throughout the whole time he was fighting Thor.

But now was not the time to powder on those anymore. He turned towards the main part of the city and easily spotted the tall Stark Tower in the distance.

Above it was the blue portal from which his army poured out even now.

Thnos bent his knees and took a mighty leap toward the tower. He first needed to get his hands on the two infinity stones.

The Mind Stone and the Space Stone.


[3rd POV]

"Why is he here?" Someone in an alley said as he had just witnessed the battle between Thanos and Thor.

The identity of the person was unknown but from his voice, you could feel anger, hatred, and fear. The one who said it was also trembling, whether the cause was fear or wrath was also unknown.

"Do you think we messed it up?!" A panic voice of another person was heard. The voice was a young male whose voice reflected his restlessness.

There was silence between the group of people before one person walked forward and looked at a particular scene of Steve holding Tony's headless corpse in the far distance.

"That was not supposed to happen." He said, his voice was firm like an unbreakable shield.

"It doesn't matter." The one who first spoke said again.

"We need to stop him."






"Oh and do you know how weird it feels to see your own dead body?"
