
Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan

A man who had everything. A loving wife. Two lovely children. A successful career. And a job that actually pays well that came with free healthcare and seasonal vocations. A man who had all those. A man who could be said to have succeed in life, mysteriously died one day. Only to find himself in the world of Marvel and in the body of The Mad Titan, Thanos. He was in despair thinking that he would forever be worlds apart form his family. But a mysterious voice suddenly propose a deal to him. He would be able to return to his family and get everything back. But there was a price he had to pay. Which was... Half of all life in the universe. So he had to commit a universal level genocide to return back home to his family. He would have to kill the innocent lives of trillions just to see them again. . . He never accepted a deal sooner. Read as he fought towards the same objective as the original Thanos did but for an entirely different reason and purpose. Read as he stand against all that is good just so he could hold his family again. Will he succeed with his future knowledge or will he succumb to fate and destiny. Will good triumph like it always did or will evil win this time. Read the story of his conquest of killing half of all life in the universe. A small price to pay, for his family. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning : Thanos will be more powerful than his MCU counterpart. He will not be a disgrace like the original who could be overpowered by Wanda and Captain Marvel. He will be able to defeat any avenger in a one on one battle. This will also contain the most vile evil things like killing children, genocide, etc. -------------

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Movies
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Thanos vs Sorcerer Supreme(2)

[3rd POV]



He looked around, contemplating what he should do next before he saw the Ancient one standing upside down in one of the buildings. She was making different signs and gestures with her elegant hands while chanting something.

"Bolts of Bedevilment."

A beam of pure light shot out from the ancient one. It was akin to the laser of Iron Man's suit but a hundred times deadlier, and Thanos did not want to test out their power as he dodged and flew with the help of the Space Stone.

To say he was flying was a stretch because he just made the space below his feet harden into a construct and he leaped away.

The beam hit his previous position and it did not stop until the eye could see. It left a melted hole and penetrated through everything.

But the Ancient One was not trying to let him go that easy. With the movement of her hand, the beam of yellow destruction changed direction. They split the jumbled city in half, leaving molten lava as it was cleaved through cleanly.

Thanos ducked as the beam passed right by his face, an inch more and he would have been cut. Luckily, even the Sorcerer Supreme could not spam such high-level spell so she stopped.

"Quite agile for someone your size." She siad, her tone was not affected by the pressure of the battle, she sounded like she was taking a stroll in her garden.

Centuries of hard times and battles had forged her courage to be as strong as diamond. fear and nervousness, the emotions that did not help in impossible battles were already casted away in her mind.

 Thanos clenched the Space Stone in his hand as he called forth its power. He concentrated the space energy above his hand and color faded away.

A ball of pure darkness that swirled around came into existence, devouring the atmosphere, light, and even the time and space around it. It was a mini black hole. 

Thanos felt an incredible weight on his hand and before it got to the point that he could no longer carry it, he threw the black hole towards his opponent.

A black hole that distorted the fabrics of Space and time itself came charging at the Ancient One. The speed was slow yet it would suddenly cover a huge distance as if it had eaten the space in front of it.

Buildings, cars, and different objects swirled around it like a tornado and they were shredded apart to the atomic level when they got too close.

Immediately, the Ancient one tried to make a portal and send the black hole away but it quickly ate any portal made near it. The black hole got stronger and stronger and with the fluctuation of space around it, it was impossible to seal it or portal it away.

She immediately got to work on another spell, one as powerful as the black hole. She also needed to hurry as she felt the Mirror Dimension collapsing in on itself.

Eldrich's magic came to life in her hand and her small, nimble fingers worked with experienced and fluid ease as they conjured up a new spell.

One thing about the practitioner of the Mystic Arts was that they relied on stronger more powerful beings and dimensions for their strength. So as much as their power was of their own, it was ultimately borrowed strength.

Which could have its advantages and disadvantages. One of its advantages is the fact that in a tight situation like this, they could suddenly get more power by making sacrifices that they normally would not make.

Meaning it was almost impossible to outpower a sorcerer or even surprise them. As long as given enough time to respond, a sorcerer could never be helpless.  Of course, this might cost them their literal souls but the point still stands.

So the Ancient One made such sacrifice as her eyes blackened and the area around her eyes became ash black and blood red.

"With this sacrifice, I call upon a fraction of your power. Dormammu." She chants and the yellow Eldrich energy in her hand takes the color of the darkness as they shimmer in evil mist.

She then released the Dark energy and it completely engulfed the incoming Black Hole. What started off small, the black hole fed on the time, space, and matter around it so when it reached her, it was twice the size of when Thanos released it.

But it did not matter, the dark energy covered the Black Hole and neutralized it instantly. The bright day in the Mirror dimension became night for a brief moment.

But was Thanos your typical villain who only threw one ultimate move? No, so he sent another three more black holes and only stopped when it took a toll on his body.

Unluckily for him, the Ancient One was able to deal with all of them. The dark energy receded back into her and night became day again as her eyes also turned back to normal.

She no longer played around as she immediately conjured another spell. She made some signs and her hand multiplied into six hands before she split into multiple numbers and they all floated around Thanos. 

"Images of Ikkon." All the different Ancient One began making spells of their own. Some conjured an energy construct sword, "Sacred sword of Vishanti." and came charging at Thanos.

While others conjured a reddish whip-like weapon, "Crimson Bands of Cyttorak."

Thanos got into positions as his opponent, now multiplied into hundreds due to magic bullshit, came charging at him.

He had no soul-based attack to find out the real one like he did in the movies, so he had to do it the old-fashioned way. Crush every single one until he hits the one.

He made a foothold below his feet as he propelled himself forward with a burst of speed, the sound barrier was broken as a hurricane erupted due to the sheer strength.

The battle intensified.
