
Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan

A man who had everything. A loving wife. Two lovely children. A successful career. And a job that actually pays well that came with free healthcare and seasonal vocations. A man who had all those. A man who could be said to have succeed in life, mysteriously died one day. Only to find himself in the world of Marvel and in the body of The Mad Titan, Thanos. He was in despair thinking that he would forever be worlds apart form his family. But a mysterious voice suddenly propose a deal to him. He would be able to return to his family and get everything back. But there was a price he had to pay. Which was... Half of all life in the universe. So he had to commit a universal level genocide to return back home to his family. He would have to kill the innocent lives of trillions just to see them again. . . He never accepted a deal sooner. Read as he fought towards the same objective as the original Thanos did but for an entirely different reason and purpose. Read as he stand against all that is good just so he could hold his family again. Will he succeed with his future knowledge or will he succumb to fate and destiny. Will good triumph like it always did or will evil win this time. Read the story of his conquest of killing half of all life in the universe. A small price to pay, for his family. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning : Thanos will be more powerful than his MCU counterpart. He will not be a disgrace like the original who could be overpowered by Wanda and Captain Marvel. He will be able to defeat any avenger in a one on one battle. This will also contain the most vile evil things like killing children, genocide, etc. -------------

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Movies
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


"Whoa. Those are real Spaceships~!" He asked aloud as he gawked at the spaceships in amazement.

Deep down, in every man was a desire to see a spaceship at least once in their life, and his desire was fulfilled today. He felt his masculinity scream in childish glee at the dream of every man finally being realized.

But that only lasted for a few seconds as he immediately became aware of the dangers the sight before him posed.

A bunch of spaceships around you couldn't be good. Who was to say that they wouldn't blow him to kingdom's come?

Unless, of course, those spaceships belonged to him.

"Are those...mine?" He asked himself while scrutinizing his eyes. The spaceships were all identical to the ones he saw in the MCU movies, which belonged to Thanos.

The Chitauri mothership was the biggest spaceship and the most obvious clue to the fact that the army before his eyes belonged to him. Thanos.

It was one thing to see them through a screen but completely another to see them for real. The sheer magnitude of it's presence made him wonder how the fuck the Avengers won against them.

Thanos stared at the scene for five more minutes before he turned around and resumed his search for the throne again. He reckoned that he should stay there.

It seems like the original Thanos was in the middle of invading a planet and was overseeing the whole operation from the moon - like an ominous villain - before he took over his body.

He should stay there as he believed his subordinates would come there eventually, maybe after their invasion but he believed they surely will.

It did not take him long before he found his throne eventually again. He sat there on the majestic floating throne and contemplated his current situation again.

He thought about how he would make his goal a reality, how he would defeat the heroes, and how he would kill half of all life in the universe.

He sat there in the absolute silence of the rocky moon, his mind was abuzz with countless thoughts. He was not cunning, he was not intelligent and he was not that knowledgeable either.

But he was always competent.

So instead of focusing on how many obstacles he would face, he focused on how he would overcome those obstacles.

He did not think about how difficult it would be, he was thinking about how he would come out triumph.

Time passed as he sat on that mighty throne. Thanos did not know exactly how much time had passed but he suspected it to be around 5 hours.

By then his mind was organized. A plan was beginning to form in his mind. A way to win.

A way to get back home.

He opened his eyes when he felt the disturbance in space. He looked in front and his eyes narrowed and zoomed in on the incoming spaceship.

The spaceship was in the shape of a gigantic wheel. It was the same spaceship that appeared in the movie Infinity War.


As the spacecraft slowly closed in on his position, Thanos calmed his beating heart. It was no time to be nervous, it was not the time to hesitate.

It was the time to be serious.

The air was displaced and the rocks got blown away as the spacecraft finally reached his location.

Thanos stared at the incredible piece of technological craft that could travel through space, with a stoic expression. Even though he had never seen anything quite like it, he looked unimpressed.

There was a humming sound and the presence of the spaceship caused the surroundings to experience a constant raging gale.

A blue beam shot out from the spacecraft and someone materialized on the ground around 20 meters away from Thanos.

Thanos instantly knew who it was the moment he laid eyes on the figure. It was Ebony Maw, a member of the black order, a group that works directly under Thanos himself.

And also his adoptive son.


Ebony Maw, the ugly bald alien with no nose slowly walked towards him. You could tell from his slow gait that he was weak and old.

His main power was telekinesis and he usually levitated around wherever he went without having to walk. But he dared not levitate in the presence of Thanos.

He dared not increase the level of his head in front of his Father, the ultimate overlord of the universe.

So he weakly walked in his presence, his head also lowered as much as it could.

As Ebony came towards him, Thanos analyzed the alien who reminded him of the dark lord Voldemort with their lack of nose.

Soon, Ebony kneeled in front of him and spoke with reverence.

"It has been done, my lord. The planet has been conquered and it is ready to receive your judgment."

Thanos processed the words coming from Ebony's mouth. So it was true, he was really in the middle of an invasion.

Now the question was, 'What is he going to do?'

Thanos stayed silent for a long time and Ebony continued kneeling in front of the great Titan. Then Thanos finally came to a decision.

"Ebony." Thanos' deep voice vibrated out from his throat. His voice was strong and firm even though he was nervous and unsure inside.

"Take me to the planet." He said in finality. It was not a request or demand, it was an order.

"As you wish," Ebony said immediately much to Thanos' relief.

From Thanos' perspective, his followers seemed to revere him more than he could possibly expected. That was a huge relief because, from the looks of it, they wouldn't question his actions.

They wouldn't even dare to be suspicious if he acted differently or if he asked strange questions. From their view, they would think that they simply couldn't comprehend his thoughts.

That was good for Thanos, and he hoped that his deduction was true.

Ebony slowly walked towards him with respect and stood by the side of his throne. Then a blue beam shot at them from the spaceship.

Gravity was defied as Thanos felt himself being carried up the spaceship. He felt a weird sensation through his whole body akin to being submerged in water of lukewarm temperature.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he was inside the spaceship.

He looked around the dimly lit surroundings. He was still seated on his throne and he was currently situated on the highest level of the floor.

Ebony walked away from him and took control of the spaceship while Thanos continued observing the interior.

He was amazed inside but did not show anything outside. Whatever he was feeling, he trapped it inside. He was quite good at it as being stoic was nothing new to him.

Then the whirling sound of the computer echoed and Thanos saw that they flew at breakneck speed towards the planet. But he did not feel anything from inside.

He recalled that the pilots of jets on Earth had to train extremely hard to endure the G force when flying at such a speed, but he did not feel anything. It was a testament to the advanced technology of his army.

There was no one else inside except for Ebony and him. It was just the two of them and Thanos watched with blinking eyes how Ebony controlled the spaceship.

After only a few seconds, they entered the planet and Ebony came to the side of his throne again before the blue light enveloped him again and they found themselves on the planet.




"Rejoice. The great Titan has graced you with his presence!!" Ebony declared when they got out of the spaceship.

Thanos felt everyone around him suddenly shifting hurriedly like soldiers when their commander visited their room.

He also heard loud exclamation and screams all around but that all died down in less than ten seconds. There was absolute silence.

Thanos looked around and observed the place he found himself in.

He was on a giant platform made with intricate designs. There was only Ebony and one strange alien on the platform with him. They were standing near him while Thanos was still sitting on his throne.

There were thousands of people all around him and he could see everyone from his elevated platform.

All the people were kneeling and they did not even dare to look up at him. He could also see different alien soldiers which mostly consisted of Chitauri soldiers. They were spread around among the kneeling crowd.

The crowd was gigantic, Thanos could not see the end of them as they spread until as far as the eye could see. There were probably millions of them.

He said people because they did not look much different from humans except every single one of them was absolutely attractive and they were dressed in beautiful colorful dresses.

Most of them were facing the ground but Thanos' eyes could see some of their faces. He reckoned that each of them could surpass supermodels in his past life, male and female alike.

They looked like AI-generated humans to be honest. With perfect smooth skin, figure, and hair.

Thanos removed his eyes from them and looked towards the sky where he could see many Leviathans flying around. Their massive size and majestic movement struck fear and awe in everyone who saw it.

The sky was stunning bright blue with hardly any clouds and there was a massive sun in the sky - a sun way bigger than Earth's. Thanos also saw different aircraft and spaceships floating in the sky.

Then Thanos observed the horizon and saw the beautiful structures which he assumed to be the settlements of the people.

It was artistically built and made of marble and stone instead of the normal iron and metal - which he expected from an advanced alien race.

There were hardly any electrical structures like billboards, street lights, etc. The place looked like a medieval paradise with its beautiful people and buildings.

It was only five seconds that Thanos took to observe the surroundings. Then he asked Ebony to give him a detailed report.

He asked for a report without specifying what kind of report he wanted, but Ebony still replied instead of questioning him about what he wanted to hear. He simply reported everything.

Ebony began his detailed reports and used many words and terms that made Thanos feel dumb as he could not understand. Some were scientific terms and alien terms that he had no idea of their meaning.

Ebony also gave him scientific reports on the condition of the planet, culture, and how the atmosphere worked, etc. he did not catch any of those.

But Thanos did learn quite a lot of things. Like the people living here are called Moors and they have three connected continents that were occupied by different classes.

There was no more nature except for the city where we are, which was the most important and beautiful city on the planet. It was occupied only by the higher-class people of the Moors race.

The Moors admire beauty over anything else. They were well known in the galaxy for their beauty products and surgeries. Which was why everyone I could see was so beautiful and looked artificial.

[The Moors : IMG]

The city we were currently in was like a paradise of the planet, it did not have much technology and nature still existed here. The other places on the planet were not like this.

And the other organisms that once inhabited this planet with the Moors had absolutely gone extinct except for -  of course - the cute and beautiful once. They get their meat and vegetables mostly from labs.

This means artificial food.

Another interesting thing to note was the fact that their society held children, specifically babies in the highest regard. It was not a patriarchy or matriarchy. He did not know exactly how that worked either. Something about the cutest babies having power and everyone being equal since both genders had been babies or something.

It was strange and Thanos did not catch everything from Ebony, but he did understand enough to satisfy my curiosity.

Around half an hour had passed and Ebony was going into the topic about the continental plates of the planet so Thanos stopped him.

There was absolute silence and the world seemed to wait for his command. Thanos finally stood up, his feet carried his big stature around the platform.

Each of his steps was like the heartbeat of the planet as he walked around like a king. His words would dictate the fate of this planet.

He knew what he had to do. He had to give the order to kill half of the population on the planet and also make this planet his territory.

But can he do it? Can he really give the order that would kill that many people?

Thanos might have a bit of a crime-filled history but was he that insane? To simply command the lives of innocents for an ideal that he did not even believe in?

The original Thanos was the one who wanted to achieve balance across the universe, he did not want that. He just wanted to return home, and he could do that by collecting the infinity stones.

He did not need to kill half of the Moors. In the grand scheme of things, their death was not beneficial to him at all.

When he snaps and uses the infinity stones to kill half of all life in the universe, the Moors will still be halved again even if he were to slaughter them at this moment.

It was a meaningless slaughter which was just a waste of ammo, time, and manpower. The only thing he could even benefit from this was not garnering suspicion from his subordinates., something which he felt was absolutely insignificant. 





Will he do it?





"As always.." He began, his voice exuding deep authority. "Reduce their numbers into half."

He said it, and he felt nothing. He did not feel numb, he did not feel guilty and he did not feel like he was doing something wrong.

He truly felt nothing. He did not flinch when he gave the command for the genocide.

Thanos was not that kind of person. He surely would never order the death of so many people. He was a family man, he was not that crazy, he was not like Hitler or some shit. 

He was always humane.

But the thing was, right now he did not exactly view anyone in front of him as 'real' people. He did not feel the sense of reality that he would've felt back home.

Being transmigrated into the universe that you have once watched as entertainment, could anyone really just accept that new reality?

The answer was no. It was something that every reincarnated or transmigrated person seemed to go through in those novels. It usually leads to the character development where the MC finally views the character as real people and feels that his new world is just like his old one.

But Thanos did not need such development. Instead, it worked extremely well for him. It was better that he did not see them as 'real' people.  Someone like him.

It makes it easy to slaughter them.

It makes it easier to commit genocide.

So he had no intention of fixing his mentality. He had no intention of accepting this reality. He had no intention of feeling at home here.

His home, his reality was there with his family. With his wife and his children.

Right now, everything was just like a game. They were just sophisticated NPCs. It was a game which would decide if he returned or not.

It was a serious game where everything was on the line but a game nonethless.

He was aware that they were very much sentient, they could feel love, and they were as much living beings as he was. But there was this deep rejection in his mind, something that Thanos thinks differentiates them from the people in his original world.

And he dared not question or fix this mentality of his. Lest he felt empathy and his humanity might hold him back.

"Kill half of the pupulation. That will be my mercy." He repeated his command.

"As you wish." Ebony said with a bow. 

Then it began.


The Moors screamed in terror. Thanos could hear them clearly as they wailed like a pig about to be butchered. 

He could hear the voices of men, women, children and even babies. He hated the fact that he could understand them, he wondered why he could understand their foreign language.

Because they begged him. They begged for themselves, some begged for their families and some begged for their partners.

Thanos heart shook when he heard such cries but in the end, it was not enough to move his heart.




He calmly observed as his order was followed. The chitauri soldiers separated the Moors exactly in half, preparing them to be killed.

Thanos still felt nothing.


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This will have three updates a week but consider joining my patreon for update everyday. Two early chapters are already and will increase until 10 chapters.

Thanso for reading.

And patreon is : Emmanuel_Capricorn. Link is in the Synopsis.