
Testing ground1

What happens when a man from a futuristic apocalyptic world finds himself transmigrated into his own novel? Suddenly, Noah finds himself surrounded by swords, magic, demons, gods, dragons, humans, and beastmen. He quickly discovers that this world is not as he thought it would be. It is a world ravaged by war and destruction, where the forces of good and evil are locked in a never-ending struggle for dominance. ...consequences of his actions as a writer. Every character he has created, every battle he has imagined, and every decision he has made as an author has had a profound impact on this world.

DryImagination · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 1- Hope

As the train pulled out of the station , I

glanced down at my phone and saw a text from my mother, a gentle reminder to let her know when I arrived at my destinantion.

I slipped the phone in my pocket and leaned my head against the window and let out a deep sigh. The scenary outside was breathtaking, fields of green and gold stretching as far as eye could see.

But try as I might, I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom .

The world seemed to be hurtling towards some unseen disaster and I couldn't help but wonder if I would make it out alive.

My thoughts were interrupted by a hushed discussion between three companions. Their voices were low and tense, causing me to eavesdrop without intent.

"Hey, did you guys hear about the oxygen levels? They're increasing again,"_I couldn't see his face as he was in sitting in the front seat.

The other one nodded, "Yeah, that's odd. I thought oxygen levels could only increase if plants grew more."

"But something else has to be going on," a girl interjected, her striking blue eyes and raven black hair visible was visible to me.

"There have been too many strange occurrences lately",her voice laced with worry.

As I listened to their conversation, it was clear there was something more to these events.

It wasn't just about increasing oxygen levels, a foreboding sense of doom lingered in the air.

I tried to quiet my concerns and focus on the present, but something within me knew that this was just the beginning of something far more significant. Like the beginning...of the end.

I put on my headphones and closed my eyes.

I had a rare blood condition that made my life unceratin and the state of the world just intensified that feeling.

But there was hope , I was on my way to meet my grandfather, a scientist who was working on something that could change everything.

He has always been working on bemusing projects...

Embraced by the soft cushion of train seat ,Drawsiness soon began to envelop my consciusness...


I was at my father's office building, alone.

The office building was usually spacious and clean, but this time, it was all abandoned and rusted and falling apart.

I could see through some of the ceiling at times. I decided(for whatever reason) to walk into one of the rooms, one of the computer rooms.

Everything was destroyed, the ceiling was almost non existent, some of the computers were on the ground destroyed, others rusty: or in their place but broken.

Still in the room in awe of the place I frequently visited that was now destroyed. I think I heard something. Then I felt something grab my arm and throw me against the wall of the room.

That's when I could see it. It was tall, skinny, and pure black with white eyes and with long hands and nails. I was petrified...what was this thing?

I had no time to think, as it violently threw me to the ground. I couldn't get up for some reason.

While I was still down, it took it's long sharp nail, and forcefully pushed it into my stomach. It stabbed me.

Buzz buzz.

The sound of my smartphone woke me up.

Buddump Buddump

My heart was racing. I reached for my phone inside my pocket and felt something wet and cold in my back.I was sweating.

"Guess the nightmare did a number on me"

As I unlocked my phone , a notification from pencord server(A virtual platform popular in the world of novel) of my novel caught my attention.

Skeeming through the comments section one stood out to me, "TheyAsuke" had written, "I was expecting something fresh but this is just the same old story, I will have to drop it."

As an author I was used to critical reviews but it never got any easier.

I checked my sonata


Year 2393

Time 10:15 am

Date Nov 3


I stood up from my sit.

-Ding- Destination has arrived-

"Right" I took out my phone and texted my mother

"I have reached"

'huff' taking a deep breath I cleared my mind.

"Lets get this over with"

*Ding* "passengers please pay attention, the train has arrived City Z"- [from the robotic announcer.]


As the train stopped the Noah couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him. City Z was like a ray of hope in a world that could end at anytime.

Noah stepped outside of the train. The skies were a sickly orange color, and the buildings were all but destroyed.

The only sign of life was the heavily armed guards patrolling the streets, a reminder of the constant threat of danger that loomed over the city.

As he stepped off the train, a man approached him.

"You must be the grandson of Dr. Hope ," the man said, his voice gruff. "I'm the head of security here. Mr Reynar has been expecting you."

Noah nodded, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and fear.

The security head led the him through the winding streets of City Z, the tension palpable with each step.

Finally, they arrived at a large metal gate, guarded by several heavily armed men. The security head flashed a badge, and the gate slowly opened, revealing a sterile-looking facility beyond.

As they walked inside, a beautiful young woman approached them.

"Welcome, Noah," she said, her voice warm and welcoming. "I'm Dr. Kuki, your grandfather's assistant. He's been eagerly awaiting your arrival."

Noah couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as he followed Dr. Kuki through the lab, the sounds of machinery and the sight of scientists working diligently on various experiments filling his senses.

As they reached a door at the end of the hall, Dr. Kuki turned to him.

"He is inside," she said, a hint of excitement in her voice.

"He's been working on 'something' very special, just for you."

Her behaviour was kind of childish but it matched her beautiful appearance.

Noah took a deep breath and walked through the door, a sense of mystery and unease hanging in the air.

Acacia' POV:

As I meticulously cleaned the dusty windows, my gaze suddenly fell upon the photograph of my late husband.

Memories flooded back, as if it had happened just yesterday. I vividly recollected that fateful day when I followed the transport to the solemn Parker funeral home, where all the arrangements had been meticulously made.

After spending some time with relatives, I politely requested to wait in the serene front foyer, which suited me better.

It provided me with solace amidst the reminders of the business end of death. As I composed texts and emails informing friends of John's unfortunate demise, I remained remarkably collected and composed despite the sorrowful occasion. For it was not an unpredictable event, but nevertheless, profoundly poignant.

The resounding *clack* of shattering porcelain shattered the stillness, a discordant interruption that jolted me back to the moment at hand.

I looked down, noting with dismay that my hand had inadvertently collided with the delicate vase, causing it to tumble and break into countless fragments.

Gently, I began picking up the shards, careful to avoid any sharp edges that might cut or wound.

As I worked, memories flooded my mind, poignant recollections of my late husband John.

Only a few short months had passed since he had passed away in a nearby nursing facility. In advance, we had carefully planned and prepared for his cremation, a decision made easier by our disparate professional pursuits.

Normally, such measure might seem unusua ;however, given the present state of the world, it was deemed prudent to make such arrangements in the event of John's untimely death.

As an operator in the energy ionization department, John's occupation carried inherent risks due to the mysterious events transpiring all across the globe.

Tasked by the government to investigate the peculiar shifts occurring in our planet's space-time continuum, John responded to reports of gravity vanishing in certain areas and individuals inexplicably disappearing. Such anomalous happenings were becoming increasingly frequent and concerning.

Enormous insects, the size of cars, have begun to emerge as a result of mutations and a cataclysmic burst of light that marked the onset of this calamity.

The mere thought of Noah invokes a deep pain within me.

My son, was already grappling with a difficult existence even before the bizarre events began to unfold across the world.

As I ruminate on these thoughts, the apartment building where I had sought refuge begins to shake violently, as if a colossal earthquake has struck. With urgency gripping my senses, I rush to grab my phone and dial Noah's number, desperately hoping he is safe amidst this chaos.