
Terror of the Apocalypse

When the Comet burned through the heavens and landed on Theia, everything changed. A virus spread through the world at a sickening pace, desperate to infect every living being and turn them into something... superior. The infected individuals became rabid monsters hell-bent on consuming not only the healthy ones, but would even turn on themselves. The more they consumed, the stronger they became. Then there was humanity. When the world went to shit the darkness in their hearts was finally unleashed and allowed to flourish, showing their true nature. They committed all kinds of atrocities against their fellow man, even during these troubled times. But then again, you can't really blame them can you? They are just... inferior beings after all. That's why it's my duty to show them a better path. To make them all infected. Because once they see the glory of it, they will thank me. Treat me like a Messiah. Or even a God. Instead of calling me names like 'The Monster' or 'The Devil'. Go in with low expectations. I'm not good at writing.

KalamityAllTaken · Action
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67 Chs

Chapter 13: Week Four: Saturday-Sunday

The Sun began drifting off into a well-earned sleep, leaving the surface dwellers to their fate. The infected roaming the streets looked into the sky at the Sun, sensing it's demise and the rise of darkness. Most scattered towards nearby buildings, into cars, or anywhere else to shelter them for the night. The ones who stayed in the streets played a dangerous game. High risk, high reward.

When the last vestiges of light vanished, the city ushered in an unusual silence. As if waiting for something to arrive. 

Deep within the sewers, laid a humanoid figure curled up into a fetal position. In a deep sleep, the monstrous being's body moved slightly up and down as it breathed. Suddenly, it's eyes shot open. Sensing the retreating sun, it began rising to it's full height.

Although it looked humanoid, it was nothing like the species it once belonged to. Biological armor was plastered all across it's body with only a few gaps. It's head was hairless, like the rest of it's body, and the face no longer resembled the human it was before. The mouth featured long and sharp teeth, along with a dangerous tongue. Somehow, it's teeth were both serrated and canine. Able to tear apart the flesh of their enemies with ease.

When looking around it noticed more of it's kind waking from their slumber, ready for the next hunt. The Hunter rushed for the nearby manhole and pushed it open, revealing the night sky and nearby buildings. When topside, more of it's brothers and sisters followed it's footstep and reveled the cool night air.


That awful roar marked that the true owners of the night had awoken, and the nightmare of survivors had begun. 

Once the Hunter and it's pack finished their own roar in response, they set off. On four legs like a wolf, they ran at extreme speeds to find any nearby prey. Every once in a while they would stop and sniff around, their sense of smell strong enough to rival a dog's.

But unfortunately, nothing was in this area. In frustration the Hunter grabbed a nearby infected and ripped it in half, making sure to keep it alive as it fed on it's body. The others did similair actions to the other infected as well. It wasn't about the hunger for them, it was about the pleasure of tearing things apart. The fear their prey felt. The sport of it.

When done with their meal, they set off once more. In search for more victims to prey upon. Out of nowhere one of the Night Hunters on the left stopped moving, making the other two halt as well. It sniffed the air and listened deeply. When copying, the others heard a very faint noise coming from the left. Then they smelled it, human flesh!

Without delay they rushed towards the direction it was coming in. Within a few seconds they could clearly hear what the meat with two legs was speaking about. Not that it mattered to them.

"Please let me back in! Mark! Steve! Don't do this man! I'll do better I swear. Just... let me back in. Please!"

From the other side of the door, a voice replied to him.

"You stole from us, you know the rules. Besides, we can't do anything about it. No way in hell are we risking our necks by helping your dumbass."

Another voice echoed out from behind the door.

"I knew from day one you was trouble. The boss should have never let your ass into the Reapers."

Before he could say anything else, a horrific roar sounded out behind him.


"Shit! It's the Nightmares! Get the UV lights ready!"

The Hunter saw the meat in front of it bang on the door, screaming. It loved those sounds coming from the fleshy bags. The Hunter sped up and reached out with it's clawed arm, grabbing onto the human. When reaching back, it threw the man backwards making him fly through the air. He landed on the ground a few feet away with a pained grunt.

Before he could even get up another monster came and picked him up, easily lifting him above it's head. Again the man was thrown into the air, slamming into a nearby wall this time and knocking the wind out of him. The third Night Hunter arrived and grabbed the man's arm, ripping it off. 


Ignoring the man screaming bloody murder, the Night Hunter with the arm started playing with it. Flinging it around and inspecting it. The others came over, determined to prolong his suffering by picking off pieces of his flesh and slicing him open to reveal his organs. Only when the toy's screams had stop, did their fun end. With two legs in hand and intestines around it's neck, the Hunter started eating them with glee.

While the two other pack members finished off the corpse, the Hunter walked over to the door.

On the way to this location, it had heard other voices that originated from behind here. When it went closer, purple lights suddenly popped up out of nowhere startling the Hunter. As soon as the lights landed on the Hunter's body, it screamed in pain and jumped backwards. The flesh and armor on it's body starting burning.

Noticing the commotion the other two came over as well, only to be burned the same. Seeing as they suffered the same kind of pain when standing in the Sun, the Night Hunters ran away from here. The Hunter took one last look before running after them. A few minutes after they were gone, the door opened just enough to see the aftermath.

"Holy hell. Scary ass things."

"Shut the damn door dumbass! We gotta shut these lights off. As for that piece of shit, we'll have to scrape him off the pavement in the morning."

The Night Hunters continued their reign of terror, desperate to seek out any healthy person and tear them apart. Sadly they had not been able to find anything else, having to take their anger out on the poor common infected.

The Hunter separated from the others in his pack and roamed around a little. When leaving the alleyway it was in and arriving in the street, it paused. It heard... something. Just the faintest of sounds. Banging and barking...

It was so light the Hunter doubted it's hearing. But it decided to check it out, just in case. Climbing the building was easy enough. The closer it came the louder the sounds became which in turn spurned the Hunter on. It went over some railing and came upon a set of doors. It tried pushing them open, but the doors refused to budge. Backing up until it reached the edge, it ran forward at full speed and rammed it's armored shoulder into the door. The door, and whatever was blocking it, was smashed open creating a loud noise that could be heard from far away.

Stepping inside, the sound it was hearing stopped. Looking around it failed to see anything living or dead. With a twitching nose, it smelled the air deeply. Suddenly, the Hunter's head snapped towards a door. There it was. The smell it loved more than anything. Human.


Jason found himself standing in a wide open room while strapped to a table. The walls, ceiling, and floor were painted black. Up on the ceiling were multiple dim red lights that illuminated the room. When he tried to break the pink fuzzy handcuffs, they didn't budge in the slightest. Resigning himself to his fate, he waited there.

Fortunately he did not have to wait very long. A door that wasn't there before opened, revealing a woman. She stepped inside and Jason got a good look at her. Blood red long hair sat atop her head. A beautiful face that could enchant kings and emperors to lay down their lives for her. 

Lower down, her proportions were fantastic. Perfect breasts and an ass you could bounce a nickel off. Her clothing was... odd though. She had on a leather dominatrix outfit that covered her whole body. She stepped right before him.

"Hello Jason. You've been a very naughty boy, haven't you?"

"Uh, no? No I don't think so."

"Tsk, tsk. That's not the correct answer."

Out if thin air, a leather whip appeared in her hand. 

"Don't you dare you fucking bi-!"


He suddenly felt an incredible pain as the whip struck his body. Across his chest, his shirt was ripped open and he could see the blood from where she hit him.

"No, no, no. We don't use that kind of language. Especially against your betters. Now, I don't want to hear one peep out of you as I deliver your punishment. If you fail, well. You will not enjoy it. But I certainly will."

"Punishment?! Why?!"

"Why, for being born silly! You filthy mistake."





No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take it anymore. When he screamed, she finally relented with a big smile etched across her face.

"Bad boy! I'll have to teach you a lesson you won't ever soon forget. I'm so glad you're such a weak piece of trash!"

The whip disappeared from her hand like magic. That same hand traveled down her leather outfit at a slow pace, making sure he watched. Once arriving at her crotch, Jason saw something he somehow didn't see before. A large outline in the shape of a cock.



Grasping it, she fondled her own dick with one hand while the other started removing her clothes. Once fully nude, he got a good look at her hard on. This wasn't some plastic strap-on but a full fledged 10 inch dick with a pair of balls swaying beneath it. Jason felt the world spin and soon found himself with his arms behind his back cuffed, face down on a bed. He started panicking when he felt the bed shift as if someone had gotten onto it.

"Wait, wait! We can talk about this! You don't want to to do this!"

The still unnamed woman placed her breasts onto his now naked back and whispered seductively into his ear.

"Oh... but I do want to do this. Now be a good boy and keep your mouth shut."

Her hands grabbed his waist and held him up. With one hand she lined her massive cock straight towards his ass. Her tip rested right before his asshole, waiting for only a moment before roughly shoving it inside.

In an instant, Jason's breath was taken away as her dick went up his ass. He wanted so desperately to scream and struggle, but couldn't. His voice wouldn't come out and his arms were like pudding. Then, she began moving. In and out she thrusted like a mad woman as Jason was writhing beneath her in pain and anguish.

"That's right you fucking cunt! Take it bitch! Stupid fucking mistake! This is for Mistress Destiny!"

Her eyes locked onto his arms that began to struggle more.

"Ooh? You don't like that word? Mistake? Mistake. Mistake! Mistake!"

She kept repeating it while shoving her cock into his ass as hard as she could. It became easier with using Jason's blood as her lubrication.

He was in hell. The pain he was feeling physically was nothing compared the agony inside his mind. That word. He hated that word so much! He gritted his teeth as she kept going.

Before she could give him a helping of 'special' sauce, the world around him became blurry, . Everything started melting, and he woke up in bed.

His eyes opened and he heard the sounds of Killgore banging into her cage while barking that demonic song. He sat up in bed, holding his head with his hands.


He began laughing, finding the whole thing funny. 

"What a dream, huh Killgore?"

After getting the same response from her, he lied back down to try and get some more sleep.


Jason heard a loud smashing sound coming from his living room, making him sit up immediately. Off to the side, he heard Killgore whimpering. Seeing that, Jason knew he was in deep shit. He got off the bed quietly, but quickly, and grabbed his weapons. He tucked his revolver into his waist and held his hammer with his right hand. His mind was racing, trying to come up with some kind of plan. However, his thoughts were interrupted by the door being smashed through.

That's when he got a look at his intruder. As tall as him even though it was slouched. Nasty claws were on it's hands, probably able to slice through him with ease. Armor was present all over his body, and similair to Usain Bolter, was hairless. 

All of a sudden, the Night Hunter lunged toward Jason at high speed. His body reacted before his brain and rolled to the side, dodging it by a hair. Without looking back at his now destroyed bed after the Hunter landed on it, he ran out into the living room as fast as possible. Immediately when arriving, he saw his balcony doors destroyed.

"Bastard. I worked hard on that!"

Turning around Jason saw his opponent walking towards him slowly through the destroyed door, treating him... like prey. As he waited for his chance, he started walking back slowly to the apartment door. His chance arrived when the Hunter rushed him again. Jason dodged to the left but stayed within striking distance. Raising his hammer, he struck the side of the Hunter's head with all his strength. 

Unlike with previous infected, all it did was stagger the Hunter backwards a few steps. But that gave him the opportunity to rush to the door. Upon opening it, he saw Zach with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"What's goi-"


Jason grabbed Zach and brought him away from the door. Just as they moved away the Hunter came flying by and ran into the wall, cracking it slightly.


"Zack go get your shit and get the lock on the roof open! I'll hold him off!"

Without arguing Zach ran back to his apartment to grab his things, while Jason faced his enemy. Knowing he had to give Zach enough time to break the lock, he ran down the hallway with the Hunter hot on his trail. He knew the bastard was faster than him, thus he only ran for a few seconds before rushing inside an already opened door.

Arriving in this apartment's living room, he looked to the door and saw it already rushing towards him. When in range, Jason dodged to the right and prepared another attack to it's head. However, the Hunter had predicted this and back handed him before he could strike. Jason flew backwards into a wall, feeling dazed as his back stung in pain. Gazing upwards, he saw the Hunter already close to him and ready to end his life. 

He rolled off to the side, barely saving himself from getting a claw to the dome. Getting up on his feet, he hurriedly lunged away from another punch aimed for his head. When back to his feet once more he didn't have time to dodge the next attack, and was rammed by the Hunter's shoulder. The force threw him out of the apartment and into the wall in the hallway, knocking the wind out of him and making him see stars.

Already, the Hunter was in front of him ready to claw his head off with it's left hand. On instinct Jason grabbed it's left wrist, barely stopping it just a few centimeters away. Seeing the Hunter's right claw coming, he had no choice but to drop the hammer and grab it's right wrist. It was taking all his strength to stop the Hunter from moving it's arms. Looking dead in it's eyes, Jason tried to figure a way out of this situation.

Then, the Hunter smiled. It opened it's mouth and showed it's sharp, deadly teeth before biting into Jason's shoulder. 


He felt an intense pain that he had never felt before and for a split second, blacked out. The Hunter ripped a chunk of his flesh off and made Jason watch as it chewed on it while laughing.


Down the hall, Zach stood there in shock as he watched what happened to his friend.

"What the fuck are you doing! Go you dumb fuck!"

Consumed with a mad rage, Jason head butted the Hunter making it take a step back. Ignoring his splitting headache, he then shoved his right hand into the Hunter's left eye, and removed it.


The Hunter released a loud roar full of pain. Before it could come to it's senses, Jason threw a left elbow to it's jaw which stunned it for a second. Using that chance, he tackled the Hunter into the wall behind it. Wrapping his arms around it's waist, he picked it up and threw it back inside the apartment. He closed the door and ran down the hall to catch up with Zach, ignoring his injuries.

Laying on the ground, the Hunter felt something it had never felt before when preying upon humans. Wrath, pain, and a tinge of... fear. Furious, the Hunter broke the door down and rushed after the meat bag who dared to injured it.

Jason, who acted as though he had eyes on the back of his head like a mother, ducked down and luckily dodged the Hunter's jumping attack. Landing a few feet away from him, Jason saw the Hunter's smile gone and was replaced with rage instead.

"What? You mad bitch? Haha!"

He noticed he was still carrying the Hunter's eye in his right hand, thus he did the only thing that seemed natural. He ate it. After chewing it a few times, he spit it out in disgust.

"Ugh, you taste awful you nasty shithead."

As if understanding his words, and watching it's be eaten in front of it, the Hunter roared so loud it hurt Jason's eardrums and disoriented him. Looking at how angry he made this bastard, Jason finally felt some happiness rush within himself after such an awful night. Done with it's roar, it closed it's mouth and reopened it. Suddenly it's sharp, barbed tongue shot out of it's mouth like a bullet and was aimed right for Jason's head. Shocked, Jason was just barely able to dodge the sudden attack by moving his head slightly. Although he dodged the majority of it, the Hunter's tongue was able to scratch his cheek.

Checking it, Jason found the bleeding cut much deeper than he thought. Before he could think of anything else, he had to dodge another tounge puncher aimed for his head. This time, Jason was able to dodge the incoming barrage of tounge attacks. Just when he thought he had it all figured out, he dodged another strike and watched as the tongue changed directions targeting his arm. Unwillingly, Jason had to suffer the pain of having his arm slashed open.

"You son of a bitch!"

Finally, the Hunter regained a smile while licking it's lips.

"You wanna play the range game? Fine bitch!"

Pulling his revolver out that had miraculously managed to stay within his waist, he aimed for the Hunter's head and fired.



While Jason was dealing with the newly arrived uninvited guest, Zach went as fast as possible up the stairs with tear stained eyes. From every zombie game or TV show, he knew what a bite meant. It meant his friend was living on borrowed time, and was also a ticking time bomb. 

Luckily, Zach had the common sense to grab the flashlight before he left. When getting to the lock he tried his hardest to break it, but his fingers kept fumbling.


"Come on Zach, get it together! Jason's counting on you!"

Filled with a new drive, he continued his work. Zach was confident in being able to break the lock swiftly.



The gunshots made his fear skyrocket, but nonetheless he starting the finishing touches in completing his quest.

As for the rest of the group, after hearing all the noise upstairs they were getting ready to help out. About to step out the door, Lily asked a question with a concerned look to her face.

"Are you sure you'll be fine all alone here Alice?"

"I'll be fine Lily. Now go help them, they need you."

She gave Alice a big hug, before rushing out the door with the rest of the group. In the front of the pack was Tyrone and Bill.

"Wouldn't have though you'd come so easily to their rescue. Thought you hated them?"

"Don't worry boy, I hate all of you equally. But... they are apart of our group. And the one thing I learned in war, is that you never leave a brother behind."

"Or sister." Lily chimed in as she caught up.

"Yeah, sure... whatever."

"Do you think we have a chance in hell? Against those monsters?" Kevin made his thoughts known.

 Nobody answered him. They weren't confident in fighting those monsters.


"Were those... gunshots?"

"Must be from Jason, that's a good sign. Let's hurry it up!"


Shooting twice, Jason missed once but somehow managed to land a lucky shot on the Hunter's head. Before he could thank Lady Luck for her divine grace, he watched in awe as sparks flew out from it's armored head. 

"Come on now. This is just unfair."

The Hunter took a few steps back and growled in pain while holding it's head. Taking this opportunity Jason closed the gap and shoulder bashed it, knocking it to the ground. Without looking back, he managed to rush inside the stairwell door and close it behind him. He quickly went up the stairs because he knew the door wouldn't hold. There was one thing bugging him though.

"Why can I see so well?"

Although he didn't have night vision or anything, he noticed that he could see far better than last time and no longer required a flashlight.


His thoughts were interrupted by a loud banging sound. He stopped to take a look at the door, and saw a large dent. Before he could move further, the door was knocked down by his nemesis. Just as he was about to continue going up the stairs, he watched in horror as two more Night Hunters stepped inside the stairwell.

The pack had arrived.

"Holy shit!"

Not delaying any further, he quickly rushed up the stairs as fast as possible. Behind him he could hear their roars as they started chasing him down. He had gone quite far, but had to stop to dodge a lunge from one of the newer Night Hunters. Jason retaliated with a kick to the chest which only made the Night Hunter stumble back a bit. But that little stumble made it's foot miss the stairs, and tumble down them. Going up again, he had finally made it to Zach.

"Jas-?! Oh my god!"

"Go go go!"

Noticing the gate open, Jason pushed him inside and together ran up the stairs to the roof. Feeling the hairs on his neck stand up, he turned around just in time to notice a claw coming from the Hunter. Jason leaned back as far as he could but still took a nasty swipe to his chest, ripping it open and spilling blood everywhere.

"AHH! You fuck!"

Falling onto his back on the stair, the Hunter climbed on top with the intent to finish him. Pulling his legs to his chest, Jason kicked out with both of them and sent the Hunter down the stairs which also blocked the others from coming up. Due to the narrow space, only one Night Hunter could come through at a time. Taking the chance, Jason got up with difficulty and ran to Zach, closing the door behind him.

"Jason... are you okay?"

"Fuck no! Do I look fucking okay?! Hurts like a son of a bitch!"

"Sorry. What do we do now?"

"I... don't know. You didn't even bring your katana? Ugh."

"Sorry. Heat of the moment."

There was no plan he could think of that involved them surviving. And to prove his point, the door was smashed through in the next few seconds. Instead of rushing for them and tearing them limb from limb immediately, the Night Hunters walked slowly. They were treating them like prey.

 Jason and Zach soon found themselves cornered by the three monsters. They knew their time was coming. Nothing could be done now.


A gunshot suddenly rang out, striking the Night Hunter on the left and making sparks fly out. Standing in the doorway that was broken down, was Lily and the gang with dumbfounded faces. 

"You... shot it, right?" Kevin was the first to break the silence.

"Yeah, I think so..."

Enraged, two Night Hunters ran foe the group while the one eyed Hunter never stopped looking at Jason.

"Ah shit!"

Bill started opening fire immediately on the one on the right, making it's armor crack and flesh open up.


With a roar, Bill and the group stopped anything they were doing and began holding their ears. However before they were ripped to shreds, the two Night Hunters looked off into the distance. With a light grunt, they both started running and jumped off the roof into the alleyway. When the group looked into the sky, they saw dawn approaching.

"What a stroke of luck huh?"

Tyrone sighed with relief at their good fortune. Until he looked at the Hunter still standing there, staring at Jason.

"Come on you fuck! You wanna continue bitch?! Huh, Scarface?!"

Looking into his one good eye, Jason could see the pure hatred the newly named Scarface had for him. Venom seemed to pour from that eye, and wished to eat him alive. As the Sun rose higher and shined on Scarface, he opened his mouth slightly while lightly groaning in pain. His armor cracked open, and his flesh started burning, but he still kept looking at Jason. Finally with one last roar that contained all his anger, hatred, and pain, he ran into the same alleyway as the other Night Hunters and disappeared into an open manhole.

"That's right! Run yo-"

In the middle of speaking, he coughed up blood and dropped to his knees. He was kneeling in a pool of his own blood, and the only thing keeping him up was adrenaline along with a splash of his willpower.


Zach ran forward and tried to support his friend. With Jason's arm around his shoulder, he struggled to get him to his feet. The suddenly lessened when he found Kevin on the other side.


"Save your thanks for later, let's get him stop help."

That's when Bill came forward aiming his gun.

"Bill? What are you doing?"

Seeing him about to shoot Jason, Zach was both terrified and angry.

"Can't you see he's been bit? Gotta put him down before he turns. Doin him a favor. Mercy killin."

Before anyone else replied, Jason spoke up with a shaky voice.

"Sh-Shove i-t up yo-ur ass ol-d man!"

"Bill, wait. Let's get back before deciding anything."

Tyrone came to try and reason with him. Just as Bill was going to rebuke him, Lily said something.

"Guys, we got trouble coming up the stairs. I think the infected are coming up, hearing the shots."

With quick thinking, Tyrone came up with a hasty plan.

"Alright! Let's go through the other stairwell and try to get to the 5th floor. Hopefully our blockage on the first floor will hold. Let's roll!"

With grumbling and mumbling, Bill reluctantly agreed. And thus the gang got moving while carrying a near dead Jason.

Definitely could have been better but I liked it

KalamityAllTakencreators' thoughts