
**Chapter 19: Undercurrents**

In orbit aboard the *Sulaco*...

"Can you believe that guy, Xuan? He pisses me off! So what if I'm a simpleton? So what if I created a woman? I'm still living very well, and it's only going to get better!"

Everyone remaining on the *Sulaco* was currently in the mess hall. Jie sat at the table where Lan, Xiaoyi, and the new addition, Shuaixi, were eating and began ranting about what Xuan had said.

This scene was witnessed by everyone present, giving some of the unsavory fellows ideas—especially a certain group of hooligans and a pair of shady old men.


**Hours earlier, when Zheng held a meeting…**

Everyone gathered in an empty briefing room aboard the *Sulaco*.

Zheng started with an introduction and asked, "Could everyone give me their names? And can you understand Chinese?"

A slender man with dense muscles spoke up. "You can call me Zero. I don't want to answer any other questions. I don't remember signing up for this bodyguard mission."

A well-built Caucasian man stepped forward and shook Zheng's hand openly. "Kampa Lovski. Of course, I understand Mandarin, though I'm not used to it. Your hand… good strength."

Zheng then looked at the others. Aside from the three hooligans at the back of the room, two middle-aged, overweight men stood together cautiously, each holding a suitcase. They were probably businessmen who knew each other in the real world.

There was also a young man in his twenties flirting with a woman. Based on their attire, they were likely white-collar workers.

"Okay, I know you all have a lot of questions and are confused about the situation, but let me start by saying: we're not in China anymore or even on Earth. In fact, we're in a movie called *Aliens*, and we've been assigned a mission that we must complete—or we'll die."

A murmur began to fill the room, but Zheng pushed through to prevent any mishaps if people didn't adapt quickly.

He shook his head and shouted, "Everyone, please introduce your occupation, age, and skills so we can assign responsibilities properly."

The newcomers hesitated, then Xuan spoke. "Even though that's what you're saying, we can't confirm it's true. Do you have any proof that you're not lying? All we know is that we've been abducted, and so far, there's no evidence otherwise."

Jie snorted. "You think it's easy to survive in horror movies? Maybe people who have lived through twenty of them could satisfy your request. They could definitely punch through steel."

Zheng quickly took control of the conversation before it devolved into chaos.

"Look, I know you all heard the explanations from Lan earlier, and everything said is true. What can I do to prove we're not lying? Or are you just being sarcastic?"

Xuan shook his head. "No, you're mistaken. I'm not being sarcastic. But for us to cooperate smoothly, it's best to eliminate any doubts." He then looked at Zero and Kampa. "Let us see the hemostatic spray you mentioned earlier."

Jie nodded at Xiaoyi, who tossed the spray to Xuan. Xuan asked, "Anyone have a knife?"

Zheng's group looked at each other; they actually didn't have any close-combat weapons. At that moment, Kampa took out a dagger from his pocket and threw it to Xuan. Zheng then realized that both Kampa and Zero were focused on Xuan.

Xuan sliced his wrist decisively, as if the hand didn't belong to him. Blood poured out like water. Lan and another woman screamed at the sight, and the other newcomers were startled. Xuan sprayed his wrist with the hemostatic spray, and miraculously, the wound began to clot and stopped bleeding within seconds. He handed the dagger and spray back to Kampa.

Seeing this, Kampa and Zero did the same thing. Afterward, Kampa and Zero formally introduced themselves as a gunner and a sniper. Everyone else then followed suit with their own introductions.


The discussion proceeded in earnest until Xuan made another comment that Jie didn't like.

"Well, I find this a problem with human creation… According to the conditions you mentioned, it seems you could even create a god. There are no limits to race, age, gender, or ability—as long as you can imagine it, you can create anything."

"And they can also be enhanced! I believe Corporal Krueger here is a prime example. Do you know what this means?"

"It means the beings you create could definitely enter the horror movies. And didn't Corporal Wu mention it only takes 500 points to create another fighter—one twice as strong as a normal person?"

"With the rewards from one movie, you could get two of these bodyguards. You were all wrong! The free human creation God gave you isn't to create women for sex; it's to protect your life! It gives you a chance to create a bodyguard! What simpletons!"

The other veterans didn't take kindly to this statement, especially Jie, and it showed on their faces.

Unbeknownst to them, this was one of Kris's plans in action.

Kris then took control of the meeting, solidifying his competence to the group while glancing at the veteran group with pity for their poor attempt at organizing the newbies.


Kris was now on comms with Corporal Hicks, Ripley, and Burke, with Ferro beside him. After escaping the Xenomorph nest, they contacted Ferro on the transport while Kris dealt with the aliens advancing toward the dropship. They informed him that the Lieutenant and Sergeant were either captured or incapacitated, so he was now in charge.

They then asked for his opinion on what to do, now that it was confirmed that Xenomorphs were responsible for the colonists' disappearance.

Kris agreed with Ripley's suggestion, so he called in Bishop and the rest of the team. It seemed they, too, had been attacked by Xenomorph Drones, losing Spunkmeyer in the process.

Bishop, Zheng, and Xuan then boarded the dropship carrying all sorts of equipment needed for the next course of action.

But unbeknownst to everyone, Xuan had snuck in two containers of live facehuggers, carefully concealed in the bulky cases they brought.

Once everyone was strapped in and ready, they flew to pick up the others and return to orbit to nuke the facility.