
Terror Infinity: Glitch in the system(Rewrite Ongoing)

Have any of you watched that movie where these group of friends went to vegas, and woke up the next day not knowing what the hell happend the previous night and how they lost one of their friend, just to find out one of them mixed some drug in there drink... well some of you guys know the rest. Point is... I am in that wtf moment, diffirence is I know exactly where I am and I know how fooked I am. This is a Terror Infinity fan-fic, obviously... but now that I'm in it, things might go differently just that this is kinda toss for me cause I roll a dice on some choices and work something out with the results... this is just for fun for me so... yeah just a heads up btw I haven't actually finish reading TI cause of the bad translations. hope you enjoy like I will.

Om_Nom_Nom · Movies
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118 Chs

Ch.79 Cornbread...

When Kris, and Felicity entered the messhall Lieutenant Gorman, and Carter Burke, The company's representative, was already there seated on a table.

Kris asked Felicity, to wait for him. As he got them their food and lined up with the marines.

When he got back, they found a seat along with the squad. Kris sat right at the edge of the table just next to Private Hudson while Felicity was in front of him right beside Private Crowe.

As Private Hudson took his seat, he asked Sgt.Apone about the kind of mission they were on this time.

"You'll love it! Its a rescue mission, there some lovely colonial a*s out there waiting for you to be her knight and shining armor!"

Everyone on the table laughed at that, but then Private Frost cut in by saying,"Man, what is this supposed to be?" refering to the little yellow blocks on his plate.

"That's cornbread, haven't you heard its good for you! Just look at what it did for Wu." said Hicks

Everybody laughed again. Then, when Bishop the android came near there table, Hudson ask him to show them his knife trick. Which he spreads his hands on a table, and stabs in between his fingers at fast and random intervals.

But as Bishop agrees, Private Drake one of their gunners held Hudson's hand out, while bishop lays his hand on top of his, and starts the show. He started slow then gradually picked up the pace. Until Bishop's hand was only but a blur.

Hudson screamed, and almost wet his pants at the experience.

Everybody laughed again.This is when Zheng, and the others entered the messhall.

Felicity waved them over to the adjacent table next to her and Kris.

"What took you guys so long? You didn't need to dress for the prom, you know." said Drake

Zheng said in a low voice, "the civilians needed some time to adjust."

Corporal Hicks looked towards Kris and said,"At least their civies. Take a look at our new lieutenant, his to good to sit with us grunts."

"I'm pretty sure he has a corn cob in his ass." said Crowe.

After the little commotion, Bishop brought his tray and sat next to Ripley in a seperate table along with the Lieutenant, and Burke.

At the table he offers what's in his tray to the people present, after that he noticed the he had nicked his thumb at the show.

Seeing this Burke said, "Woah! I thought you never miss Bishop?!"

This is when Ripley realizes that Bishop was an android. She sort of freaked out and confronts Burke about it.

"Well wow! it must have... It never occured to me, it's been standard to have a synthetic on board." said Burke

Bishop then asked about what the problem was, and Burke told him. How on Ripley's last mission the android went homicidal, and killed one of the crew. While attempting to kill her with a rolled up magazine as well.

Bishop explained that's impossible now. Since that model was decomitioned, and his from a newer model with behavioral inhibitors.

He then goes on, and offers Ripley some cornbread. But she slapped the tray out of his hand, and told him to stay clear of her.

the messhall went silent, at their exchange. To break the tense atmosphere Crowe said, "Guess she didn't like cornbread either."

Felicity couldn't hold it in, and sprayed some water in Kris's face. Everyone laughed at this.

Kris didn't even wipe his face, and said, "I should have gotten used to that by now... this ones not as kinky though." which earned him a bunch of fist bumps from Crowe, Hicks, and Hudson near him. But a kick in the shin was what he got from Felicity.

After their meal, the lieutenant announced that they were having a mission briefing. They were going to meet up in the hanger after 10 minutes.

Kris got near to where Zheng, and the rest and said, "This will be the part where we will know, how God have inserted us in the story. Remember to act your roles after that, I have a feeling that this is part of the increased difficulty."

The rest of the veterance nodded in agreement.

Everyone proceeded towards the hanger, where a few of the marines were already sparring, and messing around.

When the sergeant, and the lieutenant arrived so did the rest along with Ripley.

Lieutenant Gorman opened by saying,"This mission is a joint operation by Wayland-Yutani group with the military. Our mission is to find out why the terraforming colony broke contact with the company HQ."

"Now the estimated number of colonist in the complex is around 150 individuals. And we are unable to contact even one of these people."

"Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bug hunt?" asked Hudson

"That's the kicker in this mission, a Xenomorph maybe involved." said Gorman

"Excuse me, sir, a-a what?" asked Frost

"A xenomorph." clarified Gorman

"So It's another bug hunt." said Hicks

"This will be explained further by one of the companies consultant, who had first hand experience with said creature."

Ripley then describe her crews encounter with the alien. Everyone was not taking her seriously, but not the veteran players they know what this movie entails. So they kept quite, and let Ripley tell her story.

After she was done with her failed attempt to emphasize the danger of the given mission, the Lieutenant took the stage again.

"Now you know the mission, let me introduce again the J Squad. You already know...

Corporal Wu - Tactical engineer. Corporal Smoak - Pilot and tech officer. Corporal Zha. Private Zan, Private Yin, Private Chen, and Private Qi."

Everytime there names were called out they would step forward, so everyone could Identify them.

"They will be joining this operation as backup."

"Then we have the civilians that are accompanying us in this mission, other than Mr. Burke here and Ripley."

"We have Ms.Zhu Wen and her brother Honglu, are from Yutani shareholders representatives. They are here to ascertain the status of the colony, and to escort the 5 new settlers that we have with us."

"Now any questions?" asked Gorman

Hudson raised his hand. Gorman then acknowledged him by asking "What's your question private?"

Hudson said,"How do I get out of this Chickenshyte operation?"

Sgt.Apone repprimanded him for that, and Lt.Gorman added.

"Alright! Listen here, I want this thing to be smooth, and by the numbers. I want DCS, and tactical database assimilation by 0830."

"Ordinance Loading, Weapons Strip, and Drop Ship Prep details will have 7 hours."

"Now! move it! Poeple!" Lt.Gorman left after leaving his final orders.

"Alright sweethearts! You heard the man! And you know the drill! Move! Move! Move!"

Kris looked at the Sgt. and told Felicity, "Well guess we'll be getting our chrismas presents early."