
Terraria System In Marvel

A Terraria addict died playing his favorited game. His misfortune ending up being a blessing in disguise as he obtain the greatest gift. He's chosen to be the next Terraria Heroes. The Slayer of All, the mighty fighter that use the corpse of his enemy for his rise into power. Watch Alexander Wise journey into becoming the biggest menace to the Marvel World. Disclaimer: All property is own by Marvel and Terraria, except for my Original Character. ========== This is the link to the image, it belong to Terraria https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1a/Terraria_Steam_artwork.jpg ========== Support me in my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ANormalHuman ========== Update Schedule 5 Chapters Per Week. 100 Power stones = +1 Chapter 10 Patron member = +1 Chapter

God_Of_Justice · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 12: The Attack (3)

As I gazed upon my hand, stained with crimson, an overwhelming horror coursed through me, for I had committed a heinous act of murder. "I... I took a life," I stammered, my voice barely audible, struggling to come to terms with the unfathomable reality that I had just ended someone's life.

With feeble steps, I collapsed onto the ground, seeking support from a nearby tree. Every move was accompanied by a haunting gaze at the lifeless body, memories of my terrible deed replaying relentlessly before my eyes. The weight of guilt grew with each repetition, consuming me from within. Finally, reaching a breaking point, I unleashed my remaining strength, pounding the earth in frustration, desperately hoping that my self-inflicted punishment could somehow alleviate the torment I felt. Yet, despite my relentless assault on the ground, the anguish within me remained unyielding, refusing to be appeased by my violent cleansing.

In the depths of my fragile mental state, a realization began to dawn upon me. No amount of physical self-punishment could alter the irrevocable truth that I had taken a life. Accepting the futility of my actions, I surrendered to a state of nothing. I lay there, motionless, in the presence of the lifeless body, my gaze fixed upon it. Unlike before, I found myself devoid of any emotional response. The weight of guilt had rendered my mind numb, stripped of its vitality and robbed of coherent thought.

In the distance, the echoes of swift movement reached my ears, momentarily jolting my consciousness into heightened awareness. However, the sensation swiftly dissipated, as if nothing of significance had occurred. It appeared that a part of me harbored a desire for punishment, seeking redemption for my sinful act.

Contrary to my apprehensive thoughts, the figure emerging from the woods was not a menacing killer but rather John. The young boy didn't take long to spot me, and he swiftly closed the distance between us. A profound sense of guilt enveloped me as I watched him sprint toward me. With each step he took, my fear intensified, worrying that he would be repulsed by my action.

"How would he react to the murder" I asked myself, worriedly.

My worst fears materialized as the boy stood frozen, his gaze fixed upon the gruesome sight of the killer's mutilated body. Although the moment lasted merely a second in actuality, it stretched out indefinitely within the recesses of my mind. The shock and disgust etched on John's face were unmistakable. He sought answers, searching my eyes for an explanation. Yet, I found myself devoid of the strength and resolve to utter a single word, responding only with a solemn nod.

Different to my expectations, John's reaction to the truth was not one of disgust. Instead, something surprising happened. He calmly took a seat beside me and start to inquired about my well-being. At that moment, the weight of the dark and gloomy world I had perceived was suddenly lifted, replaced by a blessed ray of light.

The surprises kept coming, as John rose to his feet and extended his hand towards me. The gesture was so unexpected that it took me a while to process his words and their meaning. Several seconds ticked by before I could gather myself and find the composure to accept his outstretched hand, willing to take the help he was offering.

Just as I was on the verge of grasping his hand, something caught my attention from the corner of my eye. There, in a chilling sight, a killer emerged, brandishing a gun aimed directly at John's head. Time seemed to slow down as the deafening shot rang out. The bullet, filled with relentless force, tore through the air, piercing John's jaw and shattering it into fragments. The sight was agonizing as he crumpled to the ground, his body contorted with the severity of the wound. Flesh and bone erupted like shrapnel from a grenade, while his blood sprayed like rain on a stormy night. To add to the horror, droplets of his blood stained my helmet, a cruel reminder of the brutality unfolding before me.

As I watched in sheer horror, John's lifeless body plummeted to the unforgiving ground. In the instant of impact, a flicker of light glinted off his blood-stained eyes. The sight jolted me out of my paralyzing fear, propelling me forward to shield him from further harm. Bullets whizzed through the air as I positioned myself over his vulnerable form, using my own body as a shield against the killer's assault.

With urgency coursing through my veins, I reached into my inventory and retrieved a Lesser Healing Potion. Desperation fueled my actions as I forced the potion down John's throat, desperately hoping that the miraculous liquid would work its wonders, perhaps having the ability to regenerate his shattered jaw.

With bated breath, I anxiously observed John's grievous wound, searching for any glimmer of hope. As each passing second diminished my expectations, I reluctantly began to resign myself to the grim reality. But just as I was about to avert my gaze, the miracle I was hoping for; unfolded before my eyes. Against all odds, his fractured jaw started to heal with unnatural speed, swiftly regenerating to its original state. Overwhelmed by an indescribable joy, tears welled up in my eyes and cascaded down my cheeks.

The fleeting moment of joy quickly gave way to an overwhelming surge of anger that consumed my thoughts. A primal roar erupted from deep within me, fueling my instinctive rush towards the man with untamed ferocity. In that instant, an only singular thought was in my mind, "KILL!!!"

In the face of my march, the man unleashed a relentless storm of bullets. The sheer force behind each shot surpassed that of any of other killer's weapon, denting my armor upon impact. Not only did the barrage damage my armor, but the impact of each bullet also greatly hindered my movement, drastically reducing my speed. Despite the numerous advantages in his favor, nothing could halt my unstoppable, furious charge.

Even in the face of his ineffectual onslaught, the man remained unnervingly composed. He gripped his gun with unwavering steadiness, patiently biding his time. As I closed the distance, reaching a mere ten meters away, the man refrained from pulling the trigger. Only when I breached the five-meter threshold did he finally open fire. With a resounding boom, the bullet raced towards me, finding its mark with precision, penetrating one of the dented areas of my armor before delivering a fatal blow to my kidney.

In that very moment, my enraged mind gave way to overwhelming fear. Instantly, the notion of bludgeoning him to death was discarded, replaced by the desperate desire to cleave him in twain. "Summon, Enchanted Sword," I whispered. Responding to my plea, the majestic hero sword materialized in my hand, poised to unleash its formidable might. Without hesitation, I swung the sword towards the killer, only to be astounded as he was already in the motion of evading the trajectory of my attack.

Witnessing my initial attack deftly avoided, I swiftly unleashed another assault. A beam of pure sword energy surged forth from my Enchanted Sword, hurtling towards the killer with astonishing velocity. One might assume that while grounded, evading such an attack would be impossible. However, displaying remarkable prowess, the man evaded once again, gracefully leaping above the trajectory of the sword beam.

Capitalizing on his mid-air position, I seized the opportunity and swiftly launched another sword beam towards him. Yet, just as I was about to strike, a bullet strikes my hand, the very hand that held the Enchanted Sword, causing my attack to veer off course. The precision with which the man shot me while airborne left me utterly stunned. It was nothing short of astonishing to witness the mastery of his skills.

Despite the man's formidable skills, the path to victory remained unquestionably within reach. Inflicting harm upon me demanded a considerable amount of effort from him, whereas a single strike from me could prove lethal. Keeping this in mind, a plan began to form, one that would ensure I landed a devastating blow, tipping the scales definitively in my favor.

With a meticulous plan in mind, I adopt a more cautious and intricate approach, strategically targeting his feet before directing my aim towards him directly. This calculated method of attack aims to create openings by compelling him to take to the air more frequently, regardless of his impressive skills. It becomes evident that he won't be able to replicate his exceptional midair shot once again.

The man persists like an incessant fly, deftly evading one attack after another, utilizing his surroundings to his advantage and exploiting the environment to obscure my vision. Moreover, his evasive maneuvers lack any discernible pattern, appearing completely unpredictable as if he relies on pure instinct rather than a predetermined plan.

Despite the apparent advantages the killer possesses, his time is gradually dwindling. The longer he engages in the fight, the more ensnared he becomes in my meticulously crafted plan. Each strike from my Enchanted Sword erects obstacles that hinder both of us, but primarily him. Unlike me, he lacks the ability to withstand an entire tree crashing down upon him. Moreover, his margin for error is considerably larger than mine, as he must execute flawless movements to merely survive, whereas I need only land a single decisive blow.

As the intense battle rages on, the battlefield continuously becomes littered with obstacles such as trees and potholes, significantly impeding our movements. Now, all that remains is to unleash a rapid barrage of sword beams. With swift precision, I swing my sword twice, propelling two beams towards the man. While he manages to evade the beam to the left, he is grazed by the one on the right. Landing my first hit, I feel a surge of triumph welling up inside me, but I decide to reserve my celebration until the battle reaches its conclusion.

Maintaining the relentless momentum, I unleash a torrent of dozens of sword beams, granting the man no respite or opportunity to catch his breath. With each successive strike, it becomes glaringly evident that the killer is growing fatigued, gradually succumbing to the second level of my intricately laid trap.

During the training between me and John in preparation for the killers. I realize really quickly that my stamina is quite enormous. It becomes evident that the enhancement of my health operates differently in the real world compared to within the confines of a game. This distinction is logical, given that health directly correlates with vitality. It also aligns perfectly with the fact that, in the game, the Terraria Hero possesses the remarkable ability to withstand attacks from cosmic beings of unfathomable power.

Regardless, the crucial point remains that the killer is now trapped with no opportunity for victory remaining. The only course of action left is to confront him in close combat and eliminate him. Yes, you heard it correctly - "eliminate him." There is no room for mercy towards the enemy anymore, for only in death can they cease to pose a threat to you.

Aware of his dire situation, the killer attempts to create distance between us, but his exhaustion has slowed him down significantly. In no time, I close the gap and stand right in front of him. With swift determination, I swing my sword, aiming to cleanly decapitate him. Yet, even with limited energy remaining, he proves to be as elusive as a snake. Undeterred, I press on, following up my initial attack with a downward chop, intending to cleave him in two. He reacts swiftly, barely evading the fatal blow.

As the man attempted to kick me in the chest, his sluggish movement worked against him, resulting in his leg being ensnared by my grip. With a tight hold on his leg using my left hand, I effectively restricted his mobility. Seizing the moment, I swiftly initiated a stab towards his heart. Realizing his impending demise, the killer desperately used his arm to block the sword, only to have it cleanly severed. It fell to the ground, blood and gore splattering both of us. In addition to losing his arm, his chest was pierced completely, blood cascading like a waterfall from the grievous wound.

I was well aware that the man's life had been extinguished with that single strike to his heart, but I couldn't restrain myself. "This is for John!!!" I shouted at the dying man, overcome by a surge of emotion. With a swift motion, I withdrew my sword from his chest and proceeded to decapitate him. His severed head soared through the air, spraying blood like a sinister sprinkler, transforming the once lush green forest into a macabre shade of crimson. Only after taking his life did, I collapse to my knees, tears streaming down my face, overwhelmed by the weight of the sin I had committed in my blind rage.

Apology for not uploading like I've promise. I had a lot of work to do, and I also decided to improve on my writing. I will not be posting any chapter soon, since I enjoy posting whole arc more than just individual chapters. I only uploaded the two chapters because I didn't finish writing the whole killers thing. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy reading.

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