
Chapter 11: The Attack (2)

The sound of gunshots was heard from the distance. "Is the killer here?" I thought.

Suddenly, I heard rustling in the woods. "The killer is approaching!" I screamed in my head. Swiftly, I sought cover, hiding myself behind a tree.

Before I could even blink, a sharp gunshot pierced the air, coming from behind the trees. The realization dawned upon me that the killer, sensing his cover had been compromised, had swiftly acted, taking his shot without hesitation.

The deafening sound of the bullet shattered my hearing and rendered my thoughts a disarrayed jumble. A whisper escaped my lips, barely audible amidst the chaos, "This...this is bad." I couldn't help but repeat the words, an emphasis of the situation, "This is really, really bad."

Deprived of my hearing, I found myself utterly helpless in discerning the killer's position. The uncertainty of when the next attack might strike enveloped me, leaving me on edge and vulnerable. Desperately, I inhaled deeply, desperately searching for a solution amidst the suffocating air. The stakes were impossibly high, for if I failed to locate the killer, the consequences would inevitably lead to my demise.

"Come on, John, think. How can you detect someone without relying on sight or sound?" I whispered to myself.

I thought on various ideas, but most are either too dangerous or risky. My eyes wandered toward the dense woods, hoping for any potential solution. Sadly, all I see is an endless expanse of trees.

In a state of desperation, I entertained the idea of darting through the forest, relying solely on luck. Yet, just as I was poised to take action, a sudden halt came over me. Despite my attempts to persuade myself to embrace the risk, my body adamantly refused to comply.

My fondness for perfectionism prevented me from executing a plan fraught with imperfections. Instead, I opted to risk everything for a guaranteed solution until the very last moment. As the weight of the decision settled upon me, I whispered, "Am I really choosing death?" A soft chuckle escaped my lips, amused by the paradoxical nature of my inner deliberations.

In a testament to the absurdity of my decision, I bowed my head, resigning myself to an impending demise. It was in that very moment, when all hope appeared to vanish, that I stumbled upon the solution. "How could I have been so blind?" I cursed myself, berating my own foolishness.

All along the answer was on me. If I can't see, then just create an eye. Without skipping a beat, I lift my right arm up, muttering "(Aim), Gun."

Obeying my command, the Wulfrum Prosthesis discharged a vibrant beam of rainbow light, aimed directly at the Killer's firearm. Without a moment's delay, the assailant emitted a startled cry of surprise. Seizing the opportunity, I emerged from behind the tree and sprinted towards the individual, fully intent on incapacitating him with the formidable strength of my prosthetic arm.

Regrettably, the man is killed, he swiftly regains composure following my unconventional assault. With remarkable agility, he retrieved a knife from his waist, assuming a defensive stance, prepared to counter any further aggression.

Upon seeing his action, I stop dead in my track. Engaging in close combat against a seasoned killer with my amateur skills can only lead to one inevitable outcome: death.

Left with no other alternatives that ensure my own safety and incapacitate the man, I reluctantly gather my resolve. Summoning all the courage within me, I brace myself and make a choice I never wished to make. "(Aim), leg," I command with a heavy heart, and as the words escape my lips, a resplendent rainbow beam slices through the air, finding its mark on the man's leg. The radiant energy completely destroyed the killer's limb, rendering cripple for life.

A piercing, gut-wrenching scream erupts from the man's mouth, his pain transcending any threshold of endurance. No amount of resilience could withstand the obliteration of an entire leg, and the sheer agony compels him to vocalize his torment. As his support crumbles beneath him, the once-formidable killer collapses to the ground, his anguished screams filling the air, a haunting testament to the man's unimaginable pain.

Looking at the scene laid out in front of me, I had the urge to puke. Never have I ever inflicted such agony upon a human being. I was overwhelmed by the desire to alleviate his suffering. With one swish blow with my Wulfrum Prosthesis, I knocked the man out cold.

As the perilous battle comes to an end, a sense of relief washes over me, the threat of death receding from my shoulders. However, there is no time to bask in this momentary respite, for Alex requires my assistance. After taking a few deep breaths, feeling my energy gradually returning, I swiftly begin sprinting toward his location. Logic tells me that he should be unharmed, protected by his formidable suit of armor and vitality. Yet, a whisper of irrational fear lingers in the recesses of my mind, suggesting that perhaps the worst possible outcome has indeed transpired.

Never before had I pushed my body to such limits, sprinting with unparalleled speed and endurance. The fear of my cherished savior and companion, Alex, being in grave peril propelled me forward relentlessly. I ran and ran, my legs carrying me faster and faster, surpassing any previous notion of my physical capabilities. Each passing second felt like an eternity as I strained to hear even the faintest sound coming from Alex's direction. The deafening silence only intensified my concern, urging me to push myself beyond what I thought possible in order to reach him.

In the distance, a thunderous boom reverberated through the air, as if heavy objects collided with tremendous force. "It's the sound of tree colliding!" I exclaimed, my excitement mounting, fully aware that only Alex possessed the immense power to simultaneously obliterate dozens of trees.

Without hesitation, I swiftly altered my course, directing myself towards the source of the tree collisions. It didn't take me long to reach the desolate landscape, where the remnants of once-standing trees lay scattered in disarray. My eyes scanned the area urgently, desperately searching for any sign of Alex. And there, my heart sank as I discovered him lying motionless beside a conspicuous object tinged with shades of crimson.

I dashed towards him, my concern mounting, focused solely on ensuring his well-being. In my haste, I failed to perceive the conspicuous presence that lingered nearby. It wasn't until I drew nearer, close enough to witness it in its complete dreadfulness, that the horrifying truth struck me like a lightning bolt. "That's a lifeless body!" I exclaimed inwardly, my mind recoiling at the grim realization.

"Don't tell me..." I thought, abruptly halting in my tracks as my gaze landed upon Alex, who nodding at me slowly, confirming my suspicion.

"How could he possibly be responsible for this?" I questioned silently; my mind filled with disbelief. But before I could dwell further on my doubts, I interrupted myself, disgusted that I would jump to conclusion so quickly, "Stop, John! He must have a good reason."

I sat down in front of Alex, doing my best to ignore the presence of the lifeless body nearby. "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice filled with genuine concern.

Alex remained silent; his gaze fixed upon me. I met his eyes directly, perceiving the shadow of guilt lurking within them behind the visor of his helmet. "It's alright, you don't have to explain," I whispered, a profound understanding dawning upon me. I realized that he hadn't intentionally taken the life of the killer; it must have been an unfortunate accident.

"Let's get out of here." I said, standing up; before extending my hand towards Alex.

As Alex's arm extended towards mine with deliberate slowness, our hands poised to make contact, a jarring interruption shattered the silence. A familiar sound echoed through the air, piercing my ears. In the blink of an eye, my entire field of vision was engulfed by an impenetrable, boundless expanse of black, leaving me lost in an abyss of nothingness.

Confusion consumed my thoughts as I found myself surrounded by an infinite void of darkness. There was neither sight nor sensation, leaving me completely disoriented. I pondered the cause of this predicament, speculating whether the deafening sound I had heard had somehow robbed me of my vision. Yet, I remained ignorant of the present circumstances, yearning for clarity and understanding.

"Did I lose consciousness?" I wondered, suspecting that the intense fight might have left me utterly exhausted. The surge of adrenaline fading away, leaving me unconscious.

I contemplated the perplexing sensation of sudden numbness, seeking a logical explanation, yet my search yielded no results. No solution could address my inquiry. Frustration should have gripped me, but curiously, the emotion failed to register. Instead, I experienced a serene composure, allowing me to calmly persist in my search for answers.

After a considerable duration, a realization dawned upon me. "I've been shot!" I exclaimed, finally grasping the gravity of the perilous circumstance.

"It all becomes clear now. The familiar sound I heard was indeed a gunshot," I murmured, pausing briefly to gather my thoughts. "The sudden loss of my senses can be explained by the impact of the bullet to my head."

"Fortunately, it wasn't a direct hit to my brain; otherwise, I would have perished instead of being in a coma," I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm uncertain about the effectiveness of Alex's healing potion, but I can only hope that it has the power to mend my damaged brain and awaken me from this coma," I expressed my hopeful anticipation.

Though I find solace in knowing that my life is not in immediate danger, there is a weighty matter that demands attention, the action leading up to my near-death experience.

Whispering in disappointment, I berated myself for my own foolishness. "How could I have been so stupid to let my guard down without first confirming if every single one of the killers was dead?"

As I contemplated this monumental mistake, the weight of my own foolishness grew heavier with each passing moment. Yet, this blunder was not the sole misstep. Another grave error lay in extending mercy to a remorseless killer. "John, are you out of your mind!" I scolded myself, overwhelmed by self-reproach.

With a heavy sigh, I engaged in deep contemplation, unraveling the true implications of my actions. Numerous reasons surfaced, the foremost being my identity as a mere civilian. I had never undergone training to kill, nor had I ever fathomed that one day I would find myself locked in combat with dangerous criminals. Placed in such a life-altering situation, it became apparent that I may not have been adequately prepared for the immense responsibility and inherent perils that accompany crime-fighting.

Furthermore, there existed a naïve belief deeply ingrained within me that heroes never resort to killing. However, after experiencing the brink of death at the hands of a ruthless killer, I realized that certain individuals simply don't deserve to live. Their sole purpose seems to be the taking of lives, leaving no room for redemption or remorse.

It felt as though the world had been eavesdropping on my inner monologue, for just as I reached a resolute conclusion about my future path, the once endless blackness began to reveal scattered spots of illuminating light. It didn't take a genius to realize that Alex had indeed healed me.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Its furnishings, crafted entirely from wood, exuded an aura of antiquity, reminiscent of ancient Chinese design. Intrigued, I rose from the bed and explored the room, eventually pausing before a wooden table. Resting upon it was a note, presumably penned by Alex.

"I understand that you must be bewildered, but please refrain from taking any action until I arrive in the room. I will provide an explanation once we meet," the note read, conveying Alex's intention to shed light on the situation.

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