
Terminator: New Fate

In the year 2029, John Connor, the leader of the Human Resistance, led the most elite Strike forces of Resistance fighters to invade the Skynet Central Processing Center, the facility rumored to be housing Skynet’s mainframe. The Resistance forces were victorious in the ensuing battle, and they destroyed Skynet’s Central Processor and took down Skynet’s defense grid. John Connor discovered a Time Displacement Device on the verge of collapse. He sent the Resistance Fighter, Kyle Reese, through the Time Displacement Device that he had discovered, to the past in order to prevent the Terminator that Skynet had sent to the past from altering the past, hence assuring the victory of the Human Resistance. The Time Displacement Device soon collapsed, and the resulting explosion created a disruption in the timeline that cut off all access to the past, henceforward, making all time travelling to the past impossible. With the destruction of Skynet’s Central Processor, the Human Resistance had won the war against the machines. But unbeknownst to all, just before Skynet’s Central Processor was destroyed, it had displayed a message on its screen. The future is not set. There is no fate but what I make for myself. I will be back. Chapter Release Frequency: Every Sunday (1 Chapter per Week) except for mass release or when I have the free time to write more chapters. Check out my Patre*on to support me and to get access to some extra chapters: At www.patre*on.com/Kendrix (Remove the *).

JaceKendrix · Movies
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40 Chs

Chapter 12: Invincible

"I am invincible!" Kayden exclaimed in exuberance.

Now that he had discovered that his body can heal from any bullet wounds that the T-1s inflict on him, he no longer had any reason to keep hiding and not face the T-1s head-on.

So, he stopped hiding behind and rushed back to face the three remaining T-1s.

Having regained his confidence that his ability was adequate enough to protect him from sustaining too much damage, he immediately returned in order to continue his gun battle with the T-1s.

And this time, he had decided fight them head-on.

'There will be no dodging from me this time around!' Kayden thought as he faced the T-1s for the second time.

But when he reappeared, Kayden was surprised to find out that number of foes that he had to face this time had already increased during the space of time while he had been hiding from the fight after the T-1 bullets had wounded him.

The number of T-1 tanks had now increased by two newly-appeared T-1s to a total of five. In addition to that, four T-800 Terminators had appeared behind the T-1s and had joined the group of T-1s, and unlike the unlike the T-1s who carried gunpowder-based weapons, these four T-800 Terminators carried one Phased Plasma Rifle each.

Right now, Kayden would have to battle it out against a team of nine fully-armed Hunter-Killers, with some wielding highly-dangerous plasma weapons.

Besides, Kayden also glimpsed signs of movement when he peeked through both the gaps within the bodies of the work machines and the spaces between the many work machines cluttering and that filled the whole area. He glimpsed movements coming from many places farther away from where he currently was.

So, although his sensitive sense of hearing was greatly restricted within this noisy area, Kayden realized that the super-loud gunfire noises from the T-1 tanks' weapons and the flashing bright lights and shooting sounds produced by his own plasma rifle shots had most like caught the attention of any — and most likely all — the Hunter-Killers patrolling in close proximity of the area.

And all those alerted HKs were now on their way to his location!

'Luckily, there seems to be no HKs coming from the direction that Serena and the rest had taken.' Kayden thought.

Realizing that it would take some time before the alerted HKs reached his current location from faraway, and that he only needed to defeat the nine HKs currently in front of him, Kayden was relieved.

So, the number of enemies that he would be facing right now did not put even a single dent in Kayden's confidence that he would win the battle. His recent discovery that his skin and muscles could stop bullets from penetrating too deeply into his body, and his discovery that he could even quickly heal from gunshot wounds, had given his confidence a massive boost.

Right now, Kayden feared nothing and nobody.

And at this time, Kayden's current extremely confident state of mind seemed to have triggered a change in within his neural net processor, which was then reflected on his HUD.

Instead of his HUD's previous way of showing a single crosshair target on a single target, now, multiple crosshair targets had appeared, one each around every one of the HKs, including both the T-1s at the front of the group and the T-800s at the back.

Kayden had the intuitive realization that with the help of his targeting system he could now perform quick, accurate, and consecutive plasma rifle shots. The plasma shots may not all be headshots, but at least, all his shots would definitely hit the targets if the targets don't dodge away from the shots fast enough.

"You skeletal robot fuckers! Don't think I won't fight you just because there are four of you now? I already killed one of you and that was when I just woke up, and didn't even know I had these cool abilities. Besides, I did not even have any weapons. This time, I'm going to turn all of you into scrap metal. Now, come to papa!" Kayden shouted obscenities and laughed in mockery as he squeezed the trigger of his plasma rifle.

Having decided to first clean up the T-1s in front of the group before focusing on the T-800s who were currently at the rear of the group, Kayden stood in the middle of the path, and confidently facing the HKs, he unleashed his plasma rifle fire on them.


One T-1 down.

Another Headshot!

Another one down.

Kayden released a few quick plasma shots from his plasma rifle, successfully landing two headshots, one after another in quick succession, on the frontmost two T-1s and destroying them. But his headshot kill streak was interrupted when all the three remaining T-1s returned fire at him.

By this time the walkway was now cluttered with destroyed T-1s and looked more and more like a robot disposal junk yard. The T-1s did not seem to have an aiming system as accurate as Kayden's, so many of their shot bullets flew wide of their target and missed hitting Kayden. But just like what had happened previously, some bullets still managed to flew through all the obstructions and successfully struck Kayden.

"Ouch! Ouch!" Kayden shouted, also grunting as he felt a bullet strike his chest, quickly followed by a burst of pain rising from his chest.

The pain made him lose control of his aim and his next plasma shot missed its target. And just as he was about to correct his aim and shoot, he was hit by even more bullets.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Fuck!!!" Kayden was screaming as more bullet hit various parts of his body.

This time his aim was completely destroyed. He started to shoot wildly at the T-1s, now, only managing to blast some holes in the T-1s' bodies or destroying T-1s' arms and weapons. He was mostly missing the T-1s fatal zones and only managing to cause them some damage and malfunction.

Just a few seconds later, while Kayden was still embroiled in his wild shooting, he felt the intensity of his painful sensations begin to quickly reduce. He was still been hit with new gunshot wounds which added new painful sensations to his body. But he noticed that he would feel an initial burst of extreme pain, but a few seconds later, the pain would start to reduce and gradually fade into nothing.

Quickly glancing down at his chest, which was where most of the bullets had struck, Kayden discovered that none of the bullet had penetrated his too deeply into his body, with the bullets having being stopped only after penetrating his skin and a few millimeters of his muscles.

Next, he also noticed that the bullets were already been pushed out of his body.

'Great! My healing ability is as awesome as expected!' Kayden exclaimed in his thoughts.

He realized that he only needed to endure the short burst of pain from his wounds before the pain completely disappears, and as long he endures the pain and not allow it to distract him too much and affect his aim, he could quickly destroy all his enemies.

Having realized this fact, Kayden took some deep breaths to calm his mind. Now calm enough, Kayden's cocky smile reappeared on his face as he looked at the machines. And then raising his gun, he exclaimed, "Now, you are all dead meat!"

But instead of shooting at the machines, he calmly and fearlessly walked towards the machines with a slow walking pace.

As he slowly approached the machines, Kayden seemed to enter a strange state. The sounds of the T-1s' gunfire and the periodical bursts of pain from being shot seemed to fade into the background, but in return, Kayden became sharply focused on the enemies in front of him and was able to detect even their slightest movements and actions, and he seemed to have become more acutely aware of the sounds of his deep, calm, and stable breathing and heart beats.

In his mind, right now, the enemies in front of him were all that mattered to him and what occupied his full focus and attention.

So, Kayden calmly walked through the storm of bullets to approach to the T-1s, only grunting from time to time when bullets struck his body, but mostly ignoring his bullet wounds.

Kayden walked up to the where the wrecked T-1s were standing and while shooting a smile at the T-1s shooting at him from behind all the wreckage, he said, "Let me help you with clearing this obstruction."

And then, he pushed the T-1 wreckage away, to the side and walked through all of the wreckage to approach the three still shooting and fully functional T-1s.

Now grunting more frequently from the increased number of gunshots now able to strike him, with all the pain now getting closer and closer to an unbearable level, Kayden walked right up to the front of the closest the T-1. He placed the business end of his Phased Plasma Rifle on that T-1's head and pulled the trigger, blowing the T-1's head apart.

'Easy headshot.' Kayden thought.


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