

Follow the strory of multiple people and their encounter with a certain monster, the true nemesis of the venators.

Ready_ · Fantasy
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55 Chs


More time passed as the two monsters battled without stop, in that time, Marhar's two other teammates showed up and joined in on only watching the brutal fight.

"Should we really just stand there while the venerer or whatever it's called is slowly powering up?" questionned one of said teammates, the one that wore very skin tight yellow clothes.

"I don't know Quaza, why don't you try attacking and see how it turns out?" responded the otherone of said teamamates, a woman as identified by her voice, wearing some kind of earthen armor.

"Mmmmh" Quaza made a small sound as he looked at the fight and reasonably concluded that not having these two monsters focused on murdering one another could end badly.

"But still, they clearly aren't hurting each other at all, chances are we'll have to deal with one of them after it wins, after it got the XP of a super-powered monster of doom, I feel like we are fucked either way" he then said.


Sitting on a throne surrounded by what seemed to be the endless cosmos, a humanoid figure looked over the fight between the venerer and the killer rabbit, the feeling coming from the venerer was a feeling the figure remembered with both fondness and coldness, he knew what was about to happen, he felt like preventing it from happening was his duty but in terms of duty, one came before subducting the rampaging monster.

The man had given up on what had given him his greatest title and what had allowed him to sit upon where he was, he had had to abandon it as with it, he never would been a good fit for this throne, that aspect of him had to go if he wanted to become a fitting lord and as the righteous inheritor of it, he had had no choice.

He didn't know how this venerer came to be but he knew that is was partly his fault, despite throwing it into the Sympan Skoupidia, it had still reermerged and within a monster at that.

The man felt it.

"It's happening" he spoke out loud as he gazed upon the monster.


Suddenly and without much signs of it, the venerer seems convulse for a second, the killer rabbit moved back for the first time during this fight and so did everyone watching the fight, they all stepped back without thinking.

Suddenly, two more arms sprouted out from the monster, right under the usual ones, it grew in size, growing to almost six meters in height.

The killer rabbit wasn't very impressed and lunged toward the venerer, the speed of the killer rabbit was difficult to follow, the witnesses of the fight barely saw its movements at all and yet, the white rabbit was stopped in mid-air, grabbed by two of the four venerer's hands.

Purple eyes opened up on its face as it gazed down on the killer rabbit, only a primal lust for blood could be seen in them, a large mouth formed on it face, where one would expect a mouth to be, it opened it wide and instead of chomping down on the rabbit like everyone was expecting, it revealed a new ability.

Inside of its teeth-filled mouth, a red substance started to shape into a ball, a ball of blood, the ball soon took nearly all of the space inside of its mouth, the blood seemed to be boiling and started brightening.

It then let the blood out, puking it into a ray of concentrated boiling blood, while its own hands were left unharmed, the same thing could not be said for everything else that got in the way of the beam.

The killer rabbit had been erased from existence and the ground had been dug to an unknown depth.

The venerer turned to the spectators, looking at them, smelling them, hearing them, tasting them from where they stood and feeling the vibrations they produced, the monster was able to feel their mana signature as well as any other energy they emmited.

The monster screamed a guttural howl at them, tempting each of them to take off running but none did in the end.

"Should we celebrate that the killer rabbit is dead?" questionned Alaham, laughing as he did so.

The monster immediately shot forward, closing in on the closest prey.

Marhar saw the monster running toward him and did not lose any time to throw the ost powerful flames he could muster, with a clap of his hands, an explosion of white flames shot forward, engulding the venerer whole.

Almost immediately, the monster came running out of it unimpeded, its body covered in grey scales, it had adapted in an instant to the attack.

Using a burst of flames, he shot away from his position and yelled something to his teammates, hoping that the monster wouldn't be able to immediately understand the words.

The plan he had made in about one second wasn't based on much but certainly was better than nothing, he yelled for them to force the monster to switch its resistances constantly, going with the idea that it wouldn't simply able to stack elemental resistances.

With a punch gesture, Quaza sent a large lightning toward the monster, which took it without any issue, having immediately adapted to the type of damage, having developped metallic looking scales.

The third teammate, Byor, stomped the ground, raising a large spike of earth from beneath the ground, the spike never made it toward its target as the monster was able to swipe at the construct and destroy it before it got close to it.

A crossbow bolt managed to slightly dig in the monster's mettalic scales, in response, the monster opened up a mouth facing Misot and shot out a small beam of boiling blood, demonstrating that the earlier blood beam was much slower than what it could dish out.

She barely evaded the attack and saw some of her hair slightly burning to the bloods temperature.

The monster decided that being surrounded was annoying and jumped up into the air, shaped its body into a ball and seemed to increased its weight by covering its body in heavy scales and crashed down onto the ground, breaking through it and raising a wall of dust.

When the dust was cleared up by a burst of flame from Marhar, the venerer had already taken action and impaled the old venator with one of its claws, it brought the body to its mouth and swallowed it down.

It stared down upon the remaining people and as if to mock them, choose to mimic a most peculiar sentence in the voice of a little girl.

"Want some candy?" it immitated, stunning everyone present for a brief moment.

Suddenly, two more arms sprouted out from its body and the venerer rushed toward them.