
Tensura: The Knight of Apocalypse

Tensura Fan Fiction I wanted to create this as it seem like a good idea. It starts at the beginning of the world. He looks like Yuta Okkotsu , but I guess better looking. So human are very weak and Veldanava is around. Only 1 true dragon had been born and the rest will come later. This is a slight difference universe as I wanted to add stuff. So I guess it can be called a AU. The MC will be overpowered. Now it might take some time for him to get all his ultimate skills or I could be lazy and give it to him in one go. Well for now it undecided. Please try your best to read if my grammar or spelling is horrible. I write on a phone and auto correct sometimes is my enemy. Anyways, enjoy and have a nice day.

Unknownducky · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


I had to say that being born again is not fun. I mean first you are just being push out slowly. Then you get hit by bright light.

I mean I was just crying like crazy, when the light him me. I couldn't even control my body that well. Then after a bit of crying, I got hit by a wave of tiredness.

Then the next thing I know I was a sleep. It felt nice but doing this all over again for months it gets very uncomfortable.

Then there's also my uncontrollable bladder. I mean at this point I just accept that I was pooping myself. Being a baby means that I had to throw away my pride.

Than there is my mom that is breast feeding me. It was my only source of food, and this also hurt my pride.

So being a baby, should not be remembered. Yet, here I am and probably going to remember this my whole life.

Luckily, by the age of two, I was kinda independent. I mean I had a very strong body and was walking with ease.

My parent the whole time also knew that I was special. They told me stories of my birth and what happened on that day.

I was shocked as this meant that I already had my skills. They even told me, that I was going to be the strongest person in the world.

I knew they were just doting parents but still it might as well be true. I wasn't going to have a rival for at least a few thousand years or so.

Then I heard the Voice of the World.

{Noticed, the True Dragon "White Ice Dragon" Velzard has been born representing the Cold}

I was a bit surprised, as I was even born before Velzard. She was the oldest besides of Veldanava. She was also the strongest True Dragon.

This would mean that Veldanava might descend soon. I don't know if my presence will create a problem as he didn't create me.

Well for now I was learning how to read and write. I had to say it was easy, it seems that my skills are making me smarter.

My parents had brought me the best tutor's possible. They tried and teach me math and writing but I was already an expert.

They all praised me for being a genius. They say all that but I knew they wanted to get on my good side. I mean I was almost guaranteed to be the next king.

So everyone would suck up to me, and they were probably going to do this there whole lives. For me, I am basically immortal because of my race.

Over time, it got annoying as some of the people around me don't know the limits of completing me. I was glad with my life, even though of the annoying things around me.

Over the years I had been practicing my magic. I could use all the know types of magic. So far it has been discovered that there are three types of magic.

The first one is elemental magic. I am good at all the elements but my light and darkness magic are extremely powerful compared to my others.

I can also use spirit magic but only for light and dark type. I guess this makes sense, since I am a spiritual being. It seems that I don't need a spirit to use light and dark spirit magic.

My weakest Magic so far is holy magic. It was still extremely powerful but compare to my dark and light magic it was weaker.

It was still helpful as I could use recovery spell and other spells that needed the holy magic.

Now I couldn't find anything on summoning magic. So it most likely doesn't exist yet, or currently we couldn't summon anyone.

My parents had a bunch of knowledge about magic and we even had a library full of it, but it was lacking and had only the basics.

So the rest I had to figure out by myself. I was pretty impressed that I was able to do it but it might have been because of my skill.

I was thinking of making summoning magic but I didn't need to use it. It was useless for me, so I decided not to make it.

And time passed and everything was peaceful. I had turn 15 a while ago. I had been training my whole life and had to say that I was currently the strongest in this kingdom.

I might even be the strongest human that exists currently. Lately it seems that more and more kingdoms have appeared.

I mean it was already happening before I was born but we were the first kingdom ever. Lately they had all been going to war because they seem to have discovered magic and how to use it.

We also had this knowledge and we're creating an army to defend ourselves, just in case. Over time, people have discovered what skills and magic were.

Apparently after Velzard birth, skills and magic have started to appear more commonly. Some even had unique skills, but they were on the low end.

This cause people to want more power. So they started creating kingdoms and army's. Currently the continent is in war and chaos.

The monster have also been getting stronger and smarter. Now we have to classify them as 2 groups with 2 sub categories.

First we spilt them into beast and monster. Beast are mindless and just attack on instinct. Monster are humanoid type with intelligence.

Now they are spilt into non magical and magical. If they can use magic they are consider magical beast and majin. If not then beast and monster.

There are more variables like if they are named or can use spells but there isn't a need to go in detail.

Anyways, the continent is in a state of fighting and we are no exception, so we are preparing for war. Even though we are the oldest kingdom, we are not the strongest nation because we are always peaceful so we don't prepare for battles.

This was going to be rough, but since I am here this kingdom will survive with no problem. I mean I have an ultimate skill and 5 unique skill.

I am a master swordsmen and magician. I was even a different race, that was very powerful. In my eyes, number didn't matter.

Still my parents don't let me go to the front lines. The reason being that I am the only heir of this kingdom.

I was still going to battle as I wanted to test my strength. I mean who wouldn't be curious about there own powers.

I didn't know when we will go to war but I am going fight no matter what.

Then my parents called a meeting about the future. They wanted to talk to all the nobles before war broke out.

It was in a week, but I also knew that my parents were having alternative thoughts that they would bring up in the meeting.

They wanted me to get married. Lately they had been thinking more like Rulers instead of parents. This made sense since war, matures people in lots of ways.

They wanted me to get married, so that I wouldn't fall for a enemy or leave the kingdom for love. They wanted me to stay and be the ruler and wanted assurances that I would.

Now, I never wanted to be a king but it seems that I will have too. I didn't think of this as a bad thing but I didn't look at it as a good thing.

I wanted to be a warrior and enjoy the freedom. In my last life I was free but had a shackle. Now that I had a new life I didn't want another shackle.

So, I decided that I would rule for a few decades and leave it to my descendants to rule. It was a brilliant plan, if you think about but it had one problem.

Who would be my lover? I need someone else to have a kid with. I also didn't want to have a connection with them as they would also die.

[A/N: For now, his "current" partner will die but he will have a permanent one later. Now for the permanent partner, who should it be? Maybe Velzard or some from a different anime? At this point I will just spin a wheel with a bunch of names on it. So please recommend some!]

Well, until the meeting I will just train. Currently I train by absorbing Magicules and they permanently increase my strength and magic.

Now I doubt that normal but I ain't complaining. I am getting stronger everyday without stop. I also train in sword as it seem that I have a talent for it.

I also use my magic but instead of expanding it, I compress and it seems to make it faster and stronger.


[A/N: So it might be slow at first, but do remember there are going to be massive time skips in the story.

I need a love interest, so please recommend some!

Anyways, enjoy and have a good day!]