
Tensura: Saiyan Warrior

A Man who died and reincarnated into a saiyan

KochoKanae · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 4

yes indeed when I saw it, my heart felt like it was going down to my stomach, and Veldora, his dragon form was not like what I saw in the one piece anime.

The body, startlingly similar to a Western-style dragon's, shone like obsidian. There were six fingers on each "hand," equipped with claws that looked ready to tear through whatever they found. The two pairs of wings on his back— one larger than the other—came to a point at their respective ends, like swords honed to perfection and ready to dice.

Upon closer observation, the ominous scales covering his entire body actually radiated a dark purplish light—a mixture, perhaps, of their natural color and the unearthly force that made its way through the surface. There was something strangely beautiful about his vast shape, the picture of majestic dignity.

*in my imagination at first the dragon was like a chinese dragon.* - Vegito

*chinese dragon?* - Veldora

*yes, he looks like a snake that is long, scaly and four-legged and horned.* - Vegito

even though it was less than a second, I saw Veldora's reaction freeze for a moment after hearing the appearance of the chinese dragon.

*yes it does, maybe you will get to see it in the future.* - Veldora

in the conversation with Veldora, the blue Slime jumped near the lake and saw his reflection, yes I can imagine, he must have given up because he became a Slime.

The slime seemed to lose its identity for a moment and a black line appeared on it, but after that it became confident again and came back to us.

*You do remember your promise, yes? And considering your previous complaints, you learned rather quickly, no?* - Veldora

*Oh, of course! I was just joking a little, is all. I can see just fine, and plus I can hear now, too. I really appreciate this!* - Slime

*Hmph. You could have taken your time...* - Veldora

*So what do you intend to do next?* - Vegito

I knows that these slimes want to find otherworldly people, but not all otherworldly people have good qualities, and my instincts tell me that some of them are bastards.

*Well, for starters, I figure I might as well look for some otherworlders from my home country. Not that I care too much if I don't, but...you know.* - Slime

*Oh, I see, By the way, Veldora, you said something about being... sealed away?* - Vegito

*Mm? Ah. Yes, I perhaps underestimated my opponent slightly. I eventually began fighting with, shall we say, more urgency, but...well, it was rather too late by then!* - Veldora

The dragon sounded almost proud of his losing performance. Magic was one thing, but I doubted there was a sword or lance in this or any other world that could scratch him. It wasn't as if I knew that much of this world yet—maybe it was crawling with horrifying monsters even more powerful than him, or something?

*Was your opponent that tough?* - Slime

*She was...quite strong. She was what the humans call a "hero," one blessed with so-called divine protection.* - Veldora

A hero? My days in front of game consoles and watching anime in my spare time make me very familiar with that term. Simply doing hero stuff didn't make you dragon-slaying material, though. A lot of recent games had turned their so-called "heroes" into foils or parodies of themselves, besides. Maybe things were still a bit more traditional around here.

*Now that I recall, the hero also said she was "summoned." Perhaps she hails from the same area as you.* - Veldora

*Oh? I dunno... Where I come from, nobody's that strong, you know?* - Vegito

*yes that's right, it's even impossible to kill a lion or a tiger with your bare hands, even if we can, our speed alone has lost.* - Slime

*Perhaps, but many otherworlders come here bearing special powers. Powers that are chiseled into their souls in the midst of their journey. The summoned will always bear one such skill—a unique skill, one exclusive to them and them alone. Unlike the otherworlders who come here by sheer accident, these people bear a soul strong enough to withstand the stress of the summoning process. The fact that said summoning process so rarely succeeds in this world otherwise proves as much.* - Veldora

*When you say "summoning process," do you mean... magic, or whatever?* - Slime

*Precisely. A process requiring at least thirty magicians conducting a ceremony that takes place over three days. It is rarely successful, but it is seen as a powerful weapon to have in one's arsenal, should the need arise.* - Veldora

*A weapon?* - Vegito

*Mm. Those summoned in such a manner are bound by a magical curse upon their soul, unable to resist the orders of their masters.* - Veldora

*Whoa, really? No human rights or anything?* - Slime

*Human rights? What rights would one possibly expect in this, of all worlds? Do not entertain such fantasies in this realm. The only law that reigns here is survival of the fittest. Might, as they say, makes right.* - Veldora

Well, huh. If you got summoned to this world, no point hoping that your old values applied over here, I guessed.

*So are you saying that otherworlders pretty much get treated like slaves here?* - Vegito

*No. It depends. There is no Domination Stamp applied to them. If society accepts them, they are free to live their lives as they please. They can become adventurers or the like. Many otherworlder adventurers have sought my head... They learned the error of their ways soon enough! Hyaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!* - Veldora

*So you're only forced into servitude if you were summoned here, huh...?* - Slime

*Not "servitude," exactly, but I suppose so, yes. I like to believe I know a great deal about the humans, but "a great deal" is not everything.* - Veldora

*No... You're a dragon, besides.* - Vegito

In way, he knew almost too much as a dragon. At least conversing together put me on his good side—enough that he answered all my questions. So we kept talking—Veldora, Slime and I, Dragon, Saiyan and Slime, about all sorts of things.

How had the fight gone with this hero?

How strong was she?

Her skin was pale in color, the dragon told us both, her lips were bright red and small.

Her long hair was a dark shade of silver, kept back in a single ponytail.

She was slim, not that tall, rather small for a human.

Her face was apparently covered by a mask, but there was no doubting her beauty. I asked him whether this beauty was enough to distract him, whether he was too enrapt to defend himself properly. Enough of your nonsense! he bellowed back at me.

Apparently she carried a long, curved sword. A "katana," it was called. She didn't bother with a shield. Taking advantage of two unique skills—Absolute Severance and Unlimited Imprisonment—and a wealth of other magic, she, as Veldora put it, "overwhelmed" him. There was more than a trace of nostalgic contentment in his voice, or so it seemed to me.

Something I picked up on as we spoke was that this dragon... I think he really liked humans. He kept calling them "wimps" and "garbage" and such, but from the way he put it, he never deliberately killed anyone who attacked him. Not unless they went out of their way to rile him. One time, three centuries ago—just one time, he emphasized—a certain chain of events made him reduce an entire city to embers. That was what made the people send a hero his way, and now—thanks to that hero's Unlimited Imprisonment—he was in his current predicament.

I had trouble enough figuring out my own feelings about a lot of things. Other people's, I could only guess at. But I was starting to get the impression that, well, maybe this wasn't such a bad dragon at all. I mean, I liked him. And he wasn't anywhere near as scary as before.

*All right! Well, um... What do you think? Friends, then?* - Slime

*I don't have a problem* - Vegito

*Wh-what? A mere slime and Saiyan, daring to seek the friendship of the mighty beast feared worldwide as Veldora the Storm Dragon?!* - Veldora

*Oh, um, you don't have to if you don't want, but...* - Slime

*You fool! You foolish fool!! Who said anything about not wishing it?!* - Veldora

*Oh, no? Okay, so, um...now what?* - Vegito

*Mmm, indeed... If you insist...I suppose I could consider it...* - Veldora

I could feel him sneaking furtive glances at the Slime and me. It would have been one thing if it had been a cute girl sitting next to me at the movie theater, but it was quite another when it was a death-dealing mythical beast. Not fun.

*Yep. I insist. It's settled! And if you don't like it, then watch out, 'cause I'll never come back!* - Vegito

*No!—Ah, so be it. I will become your...friend. I do hope you appreciate the gesture!* - Veldora

*Well, to future times, then!* - Slime

*Indeed! To future times! ...Ah, yes, let me give you guys a name. In exchange, you will give one to us both.* - Veldora

*Huh? Why? Where'd that come from?* - Slime

*It shall chisel into our souls the fact that we are of the same rank. Something similar to the family names the humans use—except my name, for you, will also provide a kind of divine blessing. You are still nameless now, but through this, you will become a full-fledged named monster.* - Veldora

*but i already have a name* - Vegito

*Well, then I'll name the slimes only, you should at least think of a cool last name for me and this slime.* - Veldora

*okay calm down, but before that, my name is Vegito, I'm a saiyan* - Vegito

The slime who heard my name was immediately shocked.

*You must be joking, it's Goku and Vegeta's combined name, no wonder your face is very similar to Vegito, only you don't wear potara earrings* - Slime

*Hahahahah, I'm lucky, maybe this is the result of my last wish before I die.* - Vegito

*Stop having fun by yourself!!* - Veldora

*okay okay, Well, you said you were a storm dragon, so... I dunno, Tornado? not suitable, Hurricane? not suitable, maybe "Tempest" or something?* - Vegito

*Perfect! So be it! A wonderful timbre to that title, yes.* - Veldora

*He liked it?!* - Slime

*From this day forward, they will call me Veldora Tempest! And you Slime... You will be called Rimuru. Proclaim to the world that your name is Rimuru Tempest! and you Vegito, Vegito Tempest* - Veldora

Thus the name was carved into my soul. Not that it did too much to me. Or my abilities. But somewhere, deep inside my soul, something did change a bit. I suppose the same could be said of Veldora and Rimuru. And that's how we became friends.


Note: After much thought, and also your opinion, I'm changing the name of Son Vegito to Vegito Tempest

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