
Tensura: Saiyan Warrior

A Man who died and reincarnated into a saiyan

KochoKanae · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 31

"The magic-armor affair."

At the time, the engineering corps was seen as the lowest of the army's seven departments—hardly producing new technology for itself. Vesta believed that a technology-rich empire should have a well-known corps of engineers, while Kaijin was more of a status-quo person when it came to research and development. Regardless of how intense their bickering was, they had never managed to come to an agreement during their countless garrison gatherings.

Along the way, the corps launched the so-called magic armor soldiers project with a team of Elf engineers. Vesta is eager to make the project a success and improve the corps' position in the military pecking order. Kaijin warns him that he's going too fast, but even then, Vesta has little time for advice from commoners.

In the end, thanks to Vesta's arbitrary desires, an experiment went awry and caused the spirit-magic core to spiral out of control—a very public failure and a terrible setback for the project in its early stages.

So, even though some of the world's greatest minds were working on it, the magic armor project stalled. As head of the engineering corps, Kaijin eventually took responsibility for it, resigning from his position in the army.

Vesta doesn't just make Kaijin a scapegoat; he even convinced his friends among the higher ranking leaders to testify falsely against him. At least according to Kaijin, that was the truth.

"But it's not as if he's a bad person, really. He and I aren't quite the match, but he's always been hardworking and passionate about his research. The pressure he feels to complete the project comes from his need to please the King," Kaijin pondered for a while before continuing, "So," Kaijin concluded, "maybe he'll settle down a bit if I leave the country for a while."

"Well I just hope he can realize his mistake and get better" I said doing hand stand Push Ups.

"Alright, Rimuru... Vegito... I'm all yours." Kaijin lowered his head to both of us.

"Thank you." I said with a small smile on my face.

"Glad you joined." Rimuru was also pleased.

Seeing Liu and Fenrir only smiled as they made new friends.

the three of us shook hands, as Gram and his brothers stood up.

"We will also follow Kaijin." Gram wants to follow Kaijin, yes he is very close to Kaijin and also he works with him.

"Yes. We'll go anywhere if it means we can work with Kaijin."

Me and Rimuru looked at Myrd "Hmmm, Hmmm." Mary just nodded.

"Still not talking" I muttered along with Rimuru.

Kaijin was slightly astonished and touched when he saw the Dwarf three brothers following him "You guys…"

"Vegito, Rimuru, are we going to get in your way if we come along?"

"Not at all. We will be happy to receive you all!" I gladly accept them.

"But be prepared. We will make you work hard! because there is nothing in the village yet, so let's start from zero!" Rimuru said as he imagined the barren village slowly turning into a normal village then into a city.

Gram and Dord answered and nodded together "Right!"

Myrd certainly didn't speak "Hmmm, Hmmm"

I gave up on making him talk I muttered with Rimuru when I saw Myrd wasn't talking.

Later at night, while everyone else was asleep, Vegito, Liu, Fenrir and Rimuru were still awake, when Gobta finally woke up.

"Oh, look who finally decided to wake up." I said when I saw Gobta open his eyes and his snot bubbles also popped making it a sign that Gobta had started to wake up.

"Rimuru-sama? Vegito-sama? Did something happen?" Gobta looked around and saw that there were additional people in the cell.

"Gobta, We have some things to do. Mind if we leave you here?" Liu said and intended to punish him a little.

"Hah?" yeah I don't blame him for being confused.

"Hopefully the answer is yes, because we'll be leaving you here no matter what." I said while meditating.

"If you want to come out, contact your Tempest Wolf partner." Rimuru also didn't seem willing to untie the sticky thread tied to Gobta

"Wait... What?! That means!" yes it seems he is a little aware of it, yes but let it be

"Don't worry, we won't forget to come back for you when we're done." Liu told Gobta and calmed him down.

It was the next day, and everyone was taken to the great courtroom to be judged, as the entire room was filled with knights. And suddenly, the King has arrived, walking towards his seat.

"His Excellency Gazel Dwargo will now enter!"

The horn started to sound, as Vegito, Liu, Fenrir and Rimuru looked confused, but seeing everyone kneel down, Rimuru also did the same, except for three people, yes it was me, Liu and Fenrir, yes Fenrir was worse, it seemed like he fell asleep on the bed. my head.

Hero King of the dwarves.

Now that I saw him in person, his majestic aura was almost awe-inspiring.

Venerable Gazel Dwargo closed his eyes and sat deeply on his throne. He was burly, dwarf-like in appearance, and his armor-like muscles radiated positive energy. His skin is dark brown, and his black hair is pulled back on his head.

He exudes pure strength, for the first time, my instincts naturally tell me this person is very strong.

Two knights were stationed nearby, one on each side. They were equally muscular, no doubt about it, but they still looked thin compared to their rulers. Seriously, this guy is a monster. The moment I was placed in front of him, every nerve in me tensed.

This is probably the first time in this world that I've actually felt a clear sense of danger to myself.

unknowingly, a war grin appeared slowly on my face, the saiyan blood that flowed within me was boiling and churning, my heart was beating fast, every part of my body was asking for one thing, to fight against him, luckily Liu and Fenrir held me so I wouldn't break through and challenge him.

another knight who saw that the three of us weren't kneeling immediately pointed their spears at us, yes I don't blame him anyway everyone except the three of us didn't kneel.

"The King is before you!! Show respect and kneel down!!" yes, this type of person is uncomfortable, you coercion.

"Respect is enough, why should we kneel too, besides I don't even know him, and also I'm not his people" that's right, it doesn't matter human or saiyan or monster, everyone is the same, don't easily kneel to others, your pride is At the stake then, if you want to kneel, it's better to kneel to parents and god if in this world there's a god.

"You!!!" the knights started to step forward and prepared to attack, Liu was also beside me, just then, King Gazel raised his hand signaling them to stop.

"Stop it" said Gazel in a leadership tone, "just leave it be the three of them" hmm, for some reason this king became interested in the three of us.

"We will now begin the trial! Shut up, everyone!"

Over the next hour, both sides presented their cases. As criminal suspects, we weren't allowed to speak — in the royal palace, that right was reserved for those of the rank of earl or higher. If not, you need written permission from the king. If you do speak in a roundabout way, it seems to prove your guilt on the spot and earns you a bonus contempt of court charge.

Whether you are innocent or not, that's how it goes work place. We are stuck because our representatives speak for us. He has paid us several visits during our time in detention, discussing the nature of our case. Our kind of lawyer, basically.