
I am a... Human?

A/N: Comments mean a lot to me, even more than power stones, so please comment if you like the story or want to make a suggestion.

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…I find myself unable to control my body as I make all the effort I can to stop my wails but in vain.

…I also can't see, maybe because my body is crying with my eyes closed.

…Also, why is everything so hard to understand? 

…Is it because of my undeveloped human brain? 

…Likely, since It is taking quite a while to think even of something simple.

…Athena, activate thought acceleration…






Oh yeah, she isn't with me anymore.

I wanted to figure out what was happening, but suddenly I felt really tired as my mind slowly descended into the curse that is called sleep.

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It has been 6 months since I reincarnated as a human.

Even with my not so very matured brain having terrible thinking speeds, I did manage to uncover many things. 

One of the things was my parents name, which I think is because of them pointing towards themselves and calling themselves that.

I was named Michikatsu by whatever coincidence it was, and the son of Reynolds Archos and Iris Archos, who were supposedly well-known adventurers but my mother retired to take care of me while my father now takes on less dangerous missions.

My father, well the current one, had long white hair with faint grey eyes bordering at white. However, one peculiar thing about him was the mark on his forehead, which looked almost identical to the one Yorrichi had. (Image here)

I was glad for him having white hair, since he would have looked extremely similar to Yorrichi if the hair had been black, and I was not going to call someone who looked like my brother my father.

Mom was a stunning slender woman with long black hair with red eyes, with features like what humans regularly call a vampire with their delusional minds. (Image here) 

And one thing I remembered again was the pain of learning another language again since I barely understood what they were saying.

I had also recently gotten a look of myself in the mirror and oh boy was I surprised.

I looked identical to how I did as Michikatsu Tsugikuni, with black hair and red eyes, the only difference being a birthmark at my forehead and neck, exactly like what I had in my previous life but by birth. 

"Hey there Michi, how is my good little boy"

Iris, I mean Mom called me out by my nickname that sounded a bit… childish, but who am I to complain.

She lifted me up in her arms as her loving gaze brought joy to my heart, which I expressed with a giggle, something I can do now without making totally gibberish sounds.

Before, I used to just stare at my parents, knowing who I was and refusing to accept someone else as a parent.

However, my heart slowly grew softer as I found myself enjoying their company and their very thoughts began to make my lips to curl up into a smile.

I stared at my mother, as he held me in her arms.

"Hey there Mike"

There comes my father. He is a nice man but acts way too goofy sometimes. 

And 'Mike' is what he calls me at home, a foreign name but acceptable to a degree.

My giggles inherently increased as his figure came into view.

What followed now was an hour long playing session where I was dressed in funny clothes and sometimes taken to explore the mountains.

That was also how I learned that my father was a Saint, who had rejected being the hero for reason I don't yet know.

With that said, if I want to not be powerless, I have to do something, sure I was young but there was a thing I knew I could do.

I smirked inwardly as I remembered a technique, or rather a system I had created as Hajun…

Nirvana Cultivation.

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It had been 8 months since the idea of Nirvana Cultivation popped into my head, but I still couldn't sense yi in the air. From what I know of it, it would appear like a rainbow colored fluid in the air.

I am sure there is but I just can't sense it yet, since my body and soul, both are weak, but somehow way stronger than a human.

In these 8 months, I began understanding more of the language used here, but not totally.

But even with that, there is one thing I found, which was that my mother was a High Human and a freaking a Saint as well.

What I wanted was a normal human family, but this? Is someone messing with me?

"Hello Iris" 

I whooped my head to the feminine sound that was new to me.

At the door seemed to be a young girl with silver hair and heterochromatic eyes of deep crimson and a shade of light blue. I also felt a bit of a connection with her.(Image here)

Who is she?

"Hello elder sister"

WTF. What do you mean Mom? What do you mean 'ELDER SISTER'? I refuse to accept her as my Aunt.

"Hello Iris, it seems you didn't even tell me you had a child"

The newcomer bitch stared at my mother, I wanted to shout and curse her but found myself unable to as I began crying hysterically without any control over it.


I hear my mother's soothing voice ring in my ears as she rocked me in her arms, which somehow made my crying stop.

I looked the door, but there was no one there.

Huh? I felt a soft hand touch my hair, I traced the hand to its owner only to find the bit… I mean my aunt doing it. 

It feels nice. Okay, I accept you as my Aunt in this life.

"Don't worry, I am not going to hurt you"

She kissed my forehead, as a warm feeling circulated throughout my body.

Eh? This is not normal. I thought, comprehending the unusual feeling.

"Hehe, did you like the gift Aunty gave you Michi?!"

Mom asked me, as I stared at her.

What do you mean 'gift'? If anything, it is a curse since the heat is actually causing pain to a child.

Mom then blinked, once, twice, thrice… Does she want me to give my new Aunt a smile?

I forcibly cracked a smile after closing my eyes and thinking of the times I spent with Dad.

"He's quite cute. What's his name?"

Wait a damn minute. Didn't my mother already call me Michi, why is she asking her than, I mean technically it's just a nickname but still.

"Michikatsu, Michikatsu Archos"

My aunt cracked a smile, as she turned her head to me and poked my nose.

"Hey there Michi. I am your Aunt Luminous"

Luminous huh? That aside, what with you calling me 'Michi'?

My internal banter continued for quite a bit as the conversation between her and mom went on, giving me new pieces of information about where I was and about my heritage.

Apparently, I was the grandson of the brat Twilight from my mother's side, who was now dead, killed by my Aunt.

She had killed the brat just after my mother came into existence, which makes my mother the youngest of the group of beings he created, who called themselves the "Pupils of the Ancestor".

Her full name was Luminous Valentine, much like Twilight Valentine.

I was also living in a domain that practically houses Vampires, which Aunt Luminous Calls Night Garden. 

However, the most important thing which I figured out by their talk about twilight and Vel was that it had taken me fucking eons to reincarnate.

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Years passed as I slowly grew up to being a 4-year-old.

During this time, numerous things happened, but there is one thing that never left my mind.


I was able to sense yi since 1 month after Aunt Lumine first visited, and yes I call her that.

However, even establishing is something I can't do, even though I basically made it. What a joke!

I threw a stone to the tree nearby, piercing it thoroughly as a small hole was punched through it because of my above average human strength. 

I was in the forest surrounding the Night Garden.

I looked back at the city, which seemed to be almost deserted due to the time being that of the day. 

A breeze brushed past me, threatening to blow way my purple Haori with a checkered pattern that I requested Mom to make.

In these few years, Lumine had taken me to explore the city and I was mixing in quite well despite being a Human, I mean High Human.

It was common knowledge among them that I was Aunt Lumine's nephew so no one dared to hurt me, except a few idiots that got killed by her.

I also began to practice swordsmanship with Dad, who had quite an unrefined technique, or was mine too high? 

I used the unaltered Moon Breathing when sparring with him once, which shocked him a great deal. 

He asked me who I learned it from and didn't believe that when I told that I created it, and when he did, I was branded as a peerless prodigy in Night Garden.

When he tried to learn it, he couldn't since his body was not suited for it, which further boosted my local reputation.

However, leaving that aside, today is the day I finally break through the ranks of the Cultivators. I am able to slightly move Yi now, so I won't leave until I become a Nirvana cultivator.

As Hajun, when I saw powerless races being fated to being always oppressed, I had created a system by which one could use Yi to cultivate their body and soul, which was taken from the inspiration of Chinese cultivation, except here, talent doesn't matter, but your heart and character does. 

Yi is the diluted version of Origin Essence resembling Spiritual Energy in some ways that I derived from my own, which could be used to upgrade one's existence.

There were different ranks in it, the broadest was 'Province' which could indicate a level of existence, and is divided into 5 levels, namely, Mortal, Immortal, God, Origin and finally Nirvana.

Within Provinces, there are Realms and inside realms are stages which is the level of Realm in which you have cultivated.

And the first Realm of the Mortal Province was the "Dantian Establishment' Realm.

However, when entering the path of cultivation, you first have to reject any abnormalities in your soul and mind, so any Skills and magic except which are intrinsic to your race are no longer yours after you become a cultivator, which can be considered as an entirely different race.

While this may seem to be a setback, Cultivation can take you where Skills cannot hope to bring, and after a certain level of Cultivation, you can access other powers as well.

Now then, Let's begin.

I sit down with my legs crossed, as I begin to feel the Yi around me.

To establish a dantian, which is the metaphysical coil which circulates Yi throughout the body and soul, you have to take in Yi and spread it across every part of your body.

I did the same, or at least tried to. The yi left my body as quickly as it entered and even a single cycle of drawing it in was completely exhausted.

I tried it again…again…again…again, but it would not work.

So in the end, I decided to use my last card.

While I was in a human body, my memories held enough information to dwarf Veldanava's.

Using a technique, forbidden in one of my previous World, I began drawing in Yi in astounding amounts, while using my own Life Force as fuel. It was alright, since a cultivator's soul heals over time.

It Hurts. I grit my teeth as both my mind and soul ache like crazy.

The excess Yi in my body is slowly tearing it apart as my Life force getting sucked away hurt my soul.

Grrr…I grinded my teeth against each other as the pain grows to an unbearable degree.

BOOOM… A huge explosion ringed in my ears as light left my vision with only one thought coursing through my head.

Did I do it?






I woke up beneath a familiar ceiling. 

It is… my house? I thought, confused how I ended up here.

I look to my sides to see Mom, Dad and Lumine looking at me with wide eyes filled with tears and their lips moving without a sound.

I can't hear… Have I become deaf? Or is it due to my damaged soul?

I tried to sit up but find myself unable to move anything except my head.

I look at the ceiling again after exhausting myself by trying to move my body, only to find a Golden translucent screen floating before me.

[Name: Michikatsu Archos

 Age: 4

 Race: Human

 Cultivation: Mortal Province: 1st Realm(Dantain Establishment)

 Techniques: Moon Breathing

 Soul-bound Items: -----]

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A/N: Don't worry, everyone, this story is not going to be like that those cringe manhuas, since only few practice cultivation here and it only serves as a power system and now the entire world. If you haven't checked already, I suggest you go the Auxiliary chapter 'Cultivation System' which has as overview of the system I have used in the story. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

J_D_Johnathancreators' thoughts