
Tensura: Broken Heart

Love, love, love, love who? "... That one person." Who is that person? Tell me who? "The one whose destiny entangled with mine to the point of existing as one." Existing as one? Is this even possible? But who will love you that much other than me? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! "Fufu is this even a question, My wife..." Wife? You have gotten married even though you have me? I will kill her? I will drive her into madness. "You can't, she is already mad... Madly is in love with me..." Madly in love for... For what? "For love..." Why? Why? What is the reason? "To be loved..." By whom permission? "By love..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits to Rimuru6360, link for original on Wattpad -> https://www.wattpad.com/story/295691257

GodOfPeacefulDeath · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 10 - Slime VS Dragon {2}

Veldora transformed into his Dragon form and roared loudly. A shockwave is generated by his roar alone as he looked at me with his glowing golden eyes. A sign that he is serious.

I also summoned my Legend Class katana as I brace myself for the worst. I'm glad that Raphael put a sound barrier otherwise that idiot would scare the other nearby monsters.

He roars again and a roar of destruction made his way toward me. What should we do now?

<<Notice. In anticipation of the storm's attack, we will unleash the "absolute defense" of the "Covenant King" with its ultimate power, neutralizing the wavelengths and rendering them ineffective...>>

That's was Raphael plan but for some reason, I feel uneasy as a cold chill run down my back.

"Idiot! Get out of the way!"

I shouted internally and moved my body to the left to dodge the attack and the roar of destruction swept the place where I was standing a second ago with absolute defense.

I sigh internally as I saw what happen to the absolute defense. I was lucky. Hmm. Raphael, what happened to you?

Hey, why are you silent what with the chaos that I'm feeling inside you? Even though she tried to deny it but I can feel a whirlpool of emotion inside Raphael. She is in complete chaos, shaken to the core.

{AN: IDK Wisdom King: Raphael's gender before it became ciel, so just assume Raphael is a 'She'}

<<But. But I-I calculated. This is impossible...>>

Huh! Don't tell me you are still dwelling on it. Forget it, it's happened a lot to me. Did you forget that idiot is unpredictable from the start?

Nobody can predict that stupid movement and if I remember correctly he has something called probability manipulation.


I already told you to stop dwelling on that one thing and focus on the match. How about I give you a gift? How about a name, if I remember correctly you still didn't have a name right? I will give you one how about it?


Let's think about a name. Hmm. Ah. Uh. Yes. How about 'Ciel' let's go with Ciel.

As I gave her a name I felt a lot of emotions inside my head. Intense emotions. They are too extreme for a human but I didn't feel any bad things, just emotions.

Wisdom King Raphael-no, "Ciel"-experienced a fullness of emotion that skill would not have otherwise felt.

-Ah..." I " am now, in eternal bliss...

Yes, It is now indeed thinking.

Meanwhile, the time of evolution has come.

This is the moment when Manas: "Ciel" was born from the ultimate power, the "King of Wisdom".

<< I am Manas: Ciel. I am the Theosophy nucleus, the unifier of abilities. With the "soul" of Lord Rimuru, the secondary executor of the master. I'll be looking out for you forever, Lord Rimuru!>> Ciel thought so.

There's nothing to be afraid of anymore. In a situation that should be considered a crisis, it does not feel dangerous.

Yes that the Raphael- I mean Ciel I know. Let's show that old Dragon his position.

<<Yes master>>

That's the spirit, Ciel. As I said that a black lightning bolt made its way toward me.

But I also blocked the attack using the same type of attack. A blast occurred as the two lightning bolts hit each other.

"Black Flame"

Taking advantage of my attacking speed I laughed another attack and it directly hit Veldora.

Guess he didn't expect that I can launch an attack that fast. But I didn't give him any time as I launched myself at Veldora and hit him with a punch influenced by my mana.

Even though he is a 'True Dragon', the amount of magicules I use is no joke. I'm pretty sure he felt that attack.

"Death Wind"

Veldora again uses the same attack but this time I use another attack to block it.

And after that, he became restless as he fired all of his attacks in a random manner.

I dodge most of his attacks and blocked the rest with the same kind of attack.

Argh. If this continues I will lose the match. What should I do? Wait! I still have the Ultimate Skills that have the most affinity with me.

This is my last chance and short of my trump card but who cares.

"Devour all things Beelzebub" I whisper in my heart as Beelzebub started to devour everything that comes its way. All the attacks of Veldora were devoured by Beelzebub and safely isolated in my infinity space with the help of Ciel.

And lastly, it's also started to devour Veldora.

"What! Are you trying to eat me"


Veldora was astounded as I replied to him flatly. With that said Veldora also sensed the danger and fiercely started to resist. Damn! That's hurt!!

"Ahhh!!" I let out a hurtful scream as Veldora's destructive aura started to invade my flash. It's like my body is melting so this is the fighting spirit of a 'True Dragon' it's frightening.

As a Demon Lord, I also have a fighting spirit but this is on a whole other level. «Infinite Regeneration» started to work none stop creating new cells for my body.

But this burning sensation and the pain. I can not hold it anymore.

<<The analysis of the "Storm Dragon" through "Predator" has been completed. From now on, it has become possible to transform the Rimuru-Sama body into the same as the 'True Dragon' Race. Should it be implemented?>>

What? Just now, did you throw out such a dangerous statement as an understatement?

To transform my body composition into the same species as Veldora? Should it be implemented? It's over! I've lost all understanding.

If my understanding is correct, doesn't that mean I can become something like a True Dragon?"

<<This Perception Is Right>>

Huh?Really!! It can be done?

<<Of course! So, evolve into a 'True Dragon Race?' YES/NO>>

Seriously do you even have to ask something like this? It's a big YES!

And with that, the pain, the burning sensation all disappeared. I stop the 'predation' and Veldora also started to look at me in astonishment.

The amount of my mana became more and more massive, increasing at such a rate that one was even concerned that if it continued, it would swell to the point of being uncontrollable enough to storm out.

<<No Problem. I will manage it perfectly.>>

Also. With Ciel around, there's no need to worry about that at all. After becoming a 'True Dragon' Species, my amount of mana was finally comparable to that of Veldora. Then, the limit was pushed. My magicules capacity exceeds his.

I immediately started to transform into a human form. I'm very excited to see my growth. But there is a problem I'm not wearing any clothes. I know I didn't have any gender but still... It's embarrassing.

I look about fifteen to sixteen years old. A height of only 160cm or so. Is not too much to describe as petite. However, the amount of mana contained within it rivals and even exceeds that of Veldora.

The golden pupils seem to see through everything, slender and beautiful.

The silvery hair was laced with a hint of fresh water, giving off a moon-white glow.

Without gender, the looks are better described as cute than beautiful. However, the divine atmosphere that wrapped around the body still elevated that appearance to the realm of beauty.

The dazzling white skin was enveloped in a demonic aura mixed with black and gold.

The demonic aura that covered my body changed into a pitch-black full-body suit that could give off a divine aura.

Even if I was just using the mana that leaked out of myself, the black clothes that were created were equipment whose strength was bottomless.

I then suppress my excess energy perfectly, then I let out a satisfied smile.

"Success, Rimuru! Surprisingly, you've become a True Dragon Race, but I was right about you all along Kuahahaha!"

Veldora boasted, sounding as if he wasn't too surprised by the tone. I just gave him a huge grin as my eyes shone like a devil's.

"So Veldora how about we continue the spar"

"No! I just remember that I have an important thing to do. Smell ya later"


I said to him but he didn't say anything in return. I used Beelzebub to eat the magicules inside the barrier so others didn't feel Veldora's aura.

I'm shocked, to be honest how easily he backed down from fighting me. I thought he is an arrogant and stupid Dragon but he swallowed his pride just so he didn't have to fight with me.

Is he that scared of me? I know my power increased a lot but I think he also sensed Ciel.

<<He already knows about my existence for a long time>>

What! That's surprising. No. I think it just shows how much I have grown. Even that arrogant Dragon didn't dare to fight with me. But Even so, I didn't have any confidence in beating someone like Milim. Well, let's prepare to leave for Ingrassia.