
Tensura Alteration: The Forgotten One

When asked "What does it mean to be forgotten?", you will most likely answer with "It means to be completely erased and/or unmemorable to anyone.", read the journey of Satoru Mikami, who was just stabbed and is on the edge of death, who meets a certain figure that embodies the word "Forgotten", and how this figure will play a key role in Satoru's new life.

Iudex_Banshoman · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Slime On Ice

Rimuru had kept track of time, it has almost been a month, well a month according to earth time, he wasn't exactly sure if the time equivalence is the same in this world.

To be exact, there was still-

{1 hour, 34 minutes, 23 seconds to a month.}

'Thank you Great Sage... so exact! You would have been a good co-worker in my former life..

Forget good, you would've been the top worker!'

Rimuru was almost at the entrance, he had found it a while ago while traversing, and just waited there, but the door was already open for some reason.

'Weird... last time I was here the door didn't even the budge...

I wonder who was this strong....'

Rimuru suddenly felt weird, like his senses were just about to explode from danger.


What's going on..?'

A man, to be exact, a red haired man wearing an open coat, came walking towards Rimuru, Rimuru immediately started walking back, he tripped and started crawling backwards,

this was true fear, he did not know this person but he knew his place, he felt that this person could erase him from existence in one touch.

The man laughed manically, Rimuru was basically the equivalent of dead at this point.

"Look at you, absolutely pathetic, get up, you're coming with me."

The man was extremely terrifying just to stare at, his voice was even more stern, adding to the terrifying-ness.

Rimuru was still frozen.


He extended his hand to Rimuru, which Rimuru stared at for 10 seconds, before taking it.


W-ho are...

y-y-y-you?" Rimuru's vocal cords wanted to cease to exist.

"Call me Guy, and from now on you'll be with me, I have much to share with you, and so do you much to share with me, think of this as a mutual benefit relationship."

Guy said this, he wasn't wrong, but he wasn't completely saying the truth either, he was gaining MUCH more than Rimuru in his opinion, winning the game was Guy's main priority, and with this new secret weapon that he should be able to develop in no time, the scales will crash into the ground in his favor if what Iudex said was correct, as strong as Milim? Now that is one hell of a person you wouldn't want to be on the opposite side of, he had his doubts, but he wasn't losing much, he was bored anyways, if this.. thing... failed, he'll just kill it.

"U-uhm.. Sure.." Rimuru hesitantly responded.

They then suddenly teleported to the Frozen Continent, to be exact, they teleported to the castle.

Rimuru was taken aback, 'What an absolutely broken move..'

'Great Sage.. use that skill.. Uh.. Slime Wisdom?'

{Yes, Using Slime Wisdom....



"Nice try, don't do that again."

Rimuru just nodded in fear and gulped, this guy was being far too lenient on him.

They were on the balcony, Rimuru could swear he was feeling cold just from looking at the area.

Three chairs, one table, one person was already sitting drinking tea, a beautiful

white haired teenage looking lady was sitting drinking said tea, she eyed Rimuru up and down with no interest, the only interest was why would Guy bring such a weakling here?

"What is this Guy, you're this weak now that you need such a low... thing.. to train with?"

She said smugly, barely hiding her laugh in.

Guy's eyebrows twitched ever so slightly, then he came up with a genius reply.

"Oh no, I've brought him for you!" He saw her expression drop 180 degrees, from a wide smile to a very unamused frown.

"Tch... anyways...

Why is that thing here? And why do I feel my young brother's aura from him?"

Velzard asked, with an even bigger frown, as she and her brother do not get along very well, up until now she has beaten him several times just to "Educate" him.

As for how Rimuru was feeling through all this? He was dead, but they thought he was still alive as his eyes were open, but in fact his soul had escaped his body.

"Hellllllooo??" She was waiting a response.

Guy moved his hand in front of Rimuru's face, no response.

"I think he's dead, or just processing this."

Guy dragged Rimuru onto a chair, opposite to him and Velzard, and was just waiting for him to process what is happening.

"So.. you still haven't told me why you brought such a weak being here." Velzard asked, serious this time.

"I saw his potential, and I am 100% sure he will be crucial to tipping the scales of my and Rudra's game, sure he is a slime, but a certain someone has told me how this slime will be one of the most powerful beings."

Guy responded, full of confidence.

"Unlike you to blindly trust someone, who is that person?" Velzard replied with another question.

"I wish I could show you, but I couldn't, let's say... he's out of this world." Guy replied.

"Don't tell me.. you're losing your sanity... you made up a person to tell you that...?"

Velzard snickered as she finished saying that.

Guy just put on a massive fake smile.

"That person predicted this slime having Veldora's aura, and had told me exactly when to meet him, and he was correct."

Guy replied.

"Oh? Then maybe he will tell me how to make my brother stop handing out gifts to random weak monsters."

To this, Rimuru had enough.

"Okay I get it! I'm weak! You rubbed salt into the wound so much the wound killed me!

Can we get this done? Why the hell am I here?"

Rimuru lashed out a little,

Velzard and Guy just gave him the look of 'Wow, someone dared lash out against us.'

"It speaks! And it's quite brav-" Velzard tried to poke even more fun at Rimuru before being completely cut off by Rimuru.

"First off I'm a male, and I have name, Rimuru, Second, can you spare me your bored sarcasm?"

Rimuru responded with his "Not taking any shit from you anymore" voice.

"Hah, everyone finds you annoying Velzard! Anyways..

You're here because of mutual benefit, I am sure you have met him, the void being within that skill called 'Sleep Space'." Guy gave him his answers.

"You should've lead with that, he didn't tell me I would be kidnapped...

Sleep Space? Wait.. that entire void was a skill?"

Rimuru questioned with even more interest in Iudex, tho he doesn't know his name yet.

"He didn't tell you? Strange.

Yes, that entire void is Sleep Space, a dimension entirely separate from this universe, tho he can connect with us due to all skills being of one origin, that's what he said."

Guy answered with what Iudex told him, not going into more detail.

"Huh.. he said he had one skill, is that it?" Rimuru said as Velzard almost choked laughing.

"ONE??! The guy you're following words from has one skill? I think I'm dying! I'm choking.. this is too funny! You're both falling into a massive trap, I'm warning you."

She didn't notice but as she was in her laughing fit both Guy and Rimuru were knocked out cold, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Was I laughing this long..? Huh..?

W..why.. am I so.. tired.."

Velzard soon followed suit, being knocked out cold aswell.

She soon woke up the same moment Guy and Rimuru woke up.

"Oh! Did I send you guys to sleep at the wrong time? Ahahh.. sorry..." The being scratched the back of his head before continuing.

"Oh well, You're Velzard, correct?"

Velzard immediately got up to attack him but Guy stopped her.

"It's useless, in here he's the leader, and he's a good guy." 

"....Alright.." Velzard stopped charging her attack while eyeing the being in front of her.

Rimuru just stared at this waiting for The Being's words.

"I didn't mention that the skill is quite.. contagious.. ahah..


Iudex apologized to all of them.

"Don't worry about it, what do you want? We've both met and we should start training him soon."

"We? I'm not training that." Velzard declined.

"You don't have a choice, if we want to win, I'm doing this."

It was then Velzard actually realized that this being was real, and his words hold meaning.

'How strong is he.. to put me asleep? Or did the sleep just spread through Guy's power?'

"Anyways, let's get to work, I'll lay out a plan for you guys on what will happen soon."

Iudex got to work, he began explaining.

"First we need to make Rimuru a demon lord seed, for that, Clayman is planning to make a puppet demon lord using the Orc Lord, this is where Guy and Rimuru come in, Guy will basically offer free food for Rimuru, making him a Seed."

"You know this much..? How.." Velzard was genuinely surprised.

"I'll explain it at a later date, anyways, to nurture this Seed, we need souls, and for that, we're making a nation!"

Iudex announced excitedly, but he noticed everyone just staring dumbfounded.

Rimuru took the lead.

"NO! I'm not making a nation and eating everyone in it!"

"Nope, me neither, takes too long." Guy joins in.

"You're saying you would do it if it took a short time?!" Rimuru questions him.

"Yeah, I would, are you dense? Why wouldn't I? I'm a monster, not a human, why should I care?"

"...." Rimuru just stopped talking after this, Velzard was watching this unfold, wanting to chime in, but then Iudex continued.

"No no, we're making a country, then we're making someone try to invade it, see, I'm thoughtful."

"Hm... while that is a good plan, who would attack a country in the middle of a FUCKING forest." Velzard said.

"Ouch.. language.. and for your question, that county will be essential in trade, thus encouraging Falmuth to attack said country, they are a greedy bunch, those guys."

Guy was amused and laughed a bit.

"You are truly something, Iudex."

"Iudex?" Rimuru questioned.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you my name? My bad, anyways, setting up this country shouldn't take long, if you hurry, that is, it shouldn't take long, and that country would be bustling with all kinds of monsters, Recruit help from Dwargon to build houses, get the help of Ogres before they are attacked, and then let Guy deliver the Orc lord to you on a silver platter, sorry to make you do the grunt work, Guy."

"If it makes me win the game and shove it in Rudra's face, so be it."

'Poor Guy... I'll try to finish this game as fast as possible to atleast give you a reaction out of Rudra before he...'

Iudex thought to himself.

Rimuru took all that in, Velzard then questioned him.

"What about me?"

Velzard questioned, interested in all this.

"Huh? I thought you didn't want to?"

Iudex questioned her back.

"I didn't at first, but it seems that you have the whole entire plan laid out, so why not?"

"You two.. are very bored.. aren't you?"

Iudex just flat out asks Guy and Velzard.

They both just nod three times in unison, with a smile on their face.

"So be it.. you will ensure Guy is not discovered when he kills the Orc Lord, you'll make it seem like Rimuru did all the work, we don't want people to know Rimuru is backed by Guy, if they do, they won't approach him, basically, you'll babysit Guy."

He winked at her teasing guy.

Velzard just started laughing at Guy, who was extremely frustrated.

"You annoying piece of- Sigh, I'll be the bigger mentality here.

When do we meet again?"

"Right after defeating the Orc Lord, you'll go back to your castle and make sure no one is around when you go to sleep, see you later!" He clapped his hands as they all were immediately awoken.

Guy looked around making sure no one was watching them, thankfully Rain and Mizery were not around.