
Tensura Alteration: The Forgotten One

When asked "What does it mean to be forgotten?", you will most likely answer with "It means to be completely erased and/or unmemorable to anyone.", read the journey of Satoru Mikami, who was just stabbed and is on the edge of death, who meets a certain figure that embodies the word "Forgotten", and how this figure will play a key role in Satoru's new life.

Iudex_Banshoman · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Red In Nothing

The Red Primordial, Rouge, more widely known as Guy Crimson, the most feared individual in the Cardinal World, who is currently living in the Ice Continent along with the second oldest True Dragon and the current strongest one, Velzard the Ice Dragon, had woken up in a pitch black void, he immediately got up and looked around.

"Where the fuck....

Was I attacked while off-guard..? No.. impossible.."

Guy was utterly confused, before hearing a blank toned voice.

"Hello Rouge, or are you Guy now?" The voice asked, even though it knew through it's mega analysis powers.

Guy immediately turned around and attacked the being, his sword was shattered on the spot, but the being did not retaliate even when struck on it's head.

"Calm down, you're not up." The being told Guy.

"Not up? Then is this..?" Guy trailed off but the being answered.

"Yes, think of this as a dream space, you've dozed off, albeit with my help, it was difficult waiting all this time for you to drop your guard one bit!" The being chuckled slightly.

"Wait, what happens in my real body? What if I get attacked? You don't know what can happen!"

Guy was extremely worried, unlike his usual character.

"You'll be fine, Velzard will take care of you, she probably knows you're knocked out by now."

Guy was in utter horror.

"Wait.. what if she... Fuck.... Ughh!

Anyways.. what do you want?" Guy was extremely frustrated.

The being stood up face to face with guy, even facing the being he still couldn't make out any features, no expressions no nothing.

The being took the initiative to talk.

"Alright let's restart this introduction.

Hello Guy Crimson, my name is Iudex, if you find that too hard to pronounce, you can call me whatever, you are currently within my domain, my only skill.

Forgotten Skill, Sleep Space."

Guy raised his eyebrow at his words. 

'Forgotten Skill? Sleep Space..?'

"What does your skill do? And how is it a 'Forgotten' skill?"

Guy immediately took the initiative to question the being, Iudex.

"Hm.. how to explain it.." Iudex was trying to put it in the easiest way to understand, before continuing.

"Alright, have you ever heard of alternate dimensions within skills?"

"I think so...? Yeah..?" Guy answered a bit confused.

"Think of this as a whole dimension outside the plane of the universes themselves, still within a skill's property of course." Iudex told Guy, to Iudex's amusement, Guy was very sharp witted and quickly caught on.

"But with it being a skill, doesn't that mean this plane can still exist within the reach of universe..? but with what connection...?"

"Precisely, It is separate in dimension, but connected through other skill users, as all skills trace back to one origin, even mine, this is how I can connect to you."

Guy nodded, but then questioned him with the main question.

"But still doesn't answer why did you take me here?"

"Ah yes, of course, pardon me trailing off, you are here because I've selected you and someone else to go on the correct path, and I want you to meet that someone."

Guy tilted his head ever so slightly.

"That being is currently inside Veldora's cave, in a month or so, you will feel a massive aura come out of the cave, once you do, immediately hurry to him, before he turns off his aura.

And do not be surprised at how weak the being is within that moment, for he will grow into being possibly extremely powerful to the point of rivaling Velzard's niece, if the correct path is taken of course."

Guy was taken aback, a weak being becoming so strong, but he accepted his offer, since he was bored with nothing to do, Rudra's game was getting quite stale at this time.

"And you want me to take care of that being, and make him grow into his potential?"

Iudex clapped a little.

"Bravo, you really impress me with your sharpness Guy.

But yes, I want you to basically nurture the being, he will be your most vital ally at one point, he might even tip the entire game to your favor, just him."

Guy, hearing this, had the biggest most wicked smile ever, before asking one final question.

"What do you get out of this, Iudex?"

"Eh, Nigh-Omniscience of your world comes with it's cost, utter boredom, but there is something I want to do at one point, incarnate into your world, for now I can't since I am stuck in this skill, even though in this skill I am basically Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent to everything in here, I cannot leave."

Guy felt his heart drop for a second, again, unlike his usual self;

'Did he just say Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent? Isn't that the three stages of infinity? Even with all of that.. it's like he's sealed...'

"Alright..." Guy responded, before continuing.

"I'll take your deal, a month you said, you said it should be easy to tell when his aura comes? Did he take... his blessing?" Guy asked.

"Yes, he did, now, I'll see you later, Guy Crimson."

 Guy was immediately awoken to Velzard right up in his face, he immediately slapped her face away and got up.

"Get away from me you lustful dragon! How long was I out?"

"My feelings.... My heart is shattered, Guy.

30 minutes, extremely unusual for you to sleep."

'30 minutes... that's about right.. is his world in equal time.. did he make it like that on purpose?'