
Meeting Rimuru and getting named

As I walked through the portal I was met with a cave and a pond and next to the pond there was a blue slime

Me :"Hello there little slime."

I say as I pick Rimuru up

Rimuru: 'Whats picking me up put me down!'

Me : 'Hello slime I'm a reincarnator just like you'

Rimuru: 'How does he know that! Also how do you know Im a reincarnator.Prove your one!'

Me: 'Naruto, One Piece, Elfen Lied, Metal Gear, etc.'

Rimuru: 'So we can speak telepathically but I can't see. What are you?'

Me: 'Simple Im a Hydra.'

Rimuru: 'A HYDRA!!!!'

Me: 'Yes now please quite down. Also we need to get out of here. I sense energy west of us lets go there' I said pointing in Veldoras direction

Rimuru: 'Gotcha lets go.'

-After A while-

I see Veldora but Rimuru doesn't

Me: "Oi, Dragon where are we."

Veldora: "You dare to disrespect me! I am the great Storm Dragon Veldora!"

Me: "Hey can you help my friend with his problem of no sight?"

Veldora: "Why should I help you after you insulted me!"

Me: "If you wanna be useless I'll just steal your skills and give them to the slime."

Veldora/Rimuru: "Thats such a cheat!"

Me: "3.... 2....-"

Veldora: "I accept."

Then I see the scene where Rimuru gets magic sense

Me: "Nice to meet you Veldora my name is undecided and so is the slime."

Veldora: "How about I name you but we need a surname..."

Me: "How about Tempest it means storm."

Veldora: "I like it. The slimes name shall be Rimuru Tempest and the white haired boy shall be named-"

Me: "Raiden. Thats my name Raiden."

Veldora: "Very well then. You are now known as Raiden Tempest. Now can I ask you the favor of trying to help me? I have been trapped here with my skills and movement restricted i this prison."

Me: "Rimuru can eat you and the prison and after some time he could break it and free you."


Rimuru: "Here we go then."

Rimuru starts to eat the infinite imprisonment and soon it and Veldora vanish

Me: "Well now we can try and find an exit."

Rimuru: "Agreed"

