
Getting out of the cave and Direwolf slaughter

Me and Rimuru both gained multiple transformation from our gluttony skills and eventually

Raiden: "Rimuru look its a door!"

Rimuru: "Oh Boy we found an exit! Lets go!"

Right before we got to the door it started opening I picked up Rimuru and ran to the wall and stuck my feet in it when people walked in

Brown Hair Guy: "Quick Grab on! [Stealth]" as they grabbed on they turned invisible

Rimuru:*Under Breath* "I need that skill"

I waited for the people to leave and then said

Raiden: "Rimuru your talking could have killed us."

I started pulling him

Rimuru: "Quit pulling me!"

Just then a group of goblins appeared

Goblin 1: "Strong Ones what do you want in our forest."

Rimuru: "Strong ones? Where?"

Rimuru looks around

Raiden: "Rimuru we are the strong ones."

Rimuru: "Great Sage tell me how strong the aura around me and raiden is?"

G.S: "Rimuru Aura Strength: 40,000 Raiden Aura Strength: 120,000 and growing"

Rimuru: "Why is Raiden so much stronger than me?"

G.S: "He has a Mysterious Hydra Bloodline and Body that is only a few months old but can rival most monster with near ease."

Rimuru: "Im jealous of him."

G.S: "I'm jealous aswell he has a system even more knowledgable then mine."

By the time Rimuru got down with the talk Raiden had already agreed to the favor and he filled Rimuru in and we got to work at fortification and Raiden got a quest

[Quest: Protect The Village

Rewards: 1 Item/Skill of choice, 10000 SP, 1 sword style

Failure: Death]

-Wolf Invasion- -Raiden PoV-

The village heard howls the Direwolves started charging the village. I jumped over the fence and got to work using my sword to butcher whoever got my way leaving heads in my wake but made sure Ranga stayed alive and more wolves when suddenly the leader jumped at Rimuru and got caught in thread while I ran over and jumped, slicing my sword the head fell and the threads got released and Rimuru digested the wolf and used the Skill Menace when all of the wolves start walking forward I readied my sword when they suddenly layed down and bowed.

I got the quest completion notification

[Quest Completed: Protect The Village

Rewards: 1 Item/Skill of Choosing, 10000 SP, 1 Sword Style Of Choosing]

Raiden: 'For Item/Skill of choosing I choose Instant Weak Point Analysis and Raidens sword style from MG: RR'

[Hidden Quest Completed: Use the Shop

Rewards: HF Murasame Zanpaktou]

A zanpaktou?!?!?!?!? Not that I'm complaining now lets start training

