
Tenno Reawaken

!!!MANGA SPOILERS!!! Japan has gone to shit, villains, criminals and nomus are roaming the streets in masses. The government is scrambling to create any sense of safety and civilians everywhere have lost faith in heroes and for good reason, with their strict policy against murder and prisons gone they have no way to take villains off the streets. Japan needs something new, something with the honour and diligence of All Might and ErasureHead, something with the discipline and ability of nothing seen before. Japan needs the only beings capable of coming out of this new war victorious.

CaptainDeadpool · Video Games
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1 Chs

A Rekindled Flame

Excalibur feels….. Empty, he thinks. He's a soldier, a frame of war, he has no time to feel and no use for emotions, he was created with the sole purpose of murder.

But…. what does one created for murder do if the thing he was created to murder isn't here….

Ever since he has arrived in this strange place he's been lost, nothing is right! From what information he's been able to glean from a nearby population, every human has their own unique powerset, some of them are bright and powerful like a redline enhanced thermal sunder such as the power belonging to the highest ranked hero "Endeavour". But then some of them are subtle like a small mutation that causes grey skin, not to say it's any less terrifying to the warframe, they remind him of the tyrants he fought so hard to slaughter. Quirks they're referred to as, a fitting name.

This world is radically different from his own but he's pretty sure he has the broad strokes down. As far as he's seen there seems to be low level technology, only slightly above what is seen in Cetus. Almost all culture surrounds one centre point; heroes. Excalibur himself has been referred to as such in the origin system, even if it is far from the truth.

Every now and then a criminal will cause chaos in the streets and only a hero is allowed to stop them, he learnt that one the hard way not even sparing a glance at the effortlessly healed marks.

With these vastly unfamiliar circumstances Excalibur is lost, he has no purpose, no goal.

So Excalibur feels empty, he misses the thrum of adrenaline in his body that nothing short of a life or death battle can provide, he misses the sensation of effortlessly cleaving through hordes of Grineer using nothing but his own power. And there's nothing he can do to fix it, he realises, this world has no need for a soldier like him, there doesn't seem to be any ongoing wars as far as he can see, plus the heroes clearly have everything sorted criminal wise.

Excalibur looked around the cave he was settling in, it was depressingly barren. He has no need for food, water or even oxygen so there isn't really much he would have in here. The only thing he has much need for are weapons but then again he is completely in the dark with this place's underground, because every society has one, and if the state of this world's technological progress is consistent then the weapons would be subpar at best. In 8 months here he's only seen about a dozen gun crimes and they were all dealt with by heroes before he could grab them. And even then they were only weak sidearms, enough to take out the average person but it wouldn't stand a chance against a corpus proxy.

He would probably be able to get a knife or two pretty easily, from what he has seen criminals use them almost as much as their quirk which he doesn't really understand but he's probably missing something.

Even if he got weapons it's not like he would have a use for them anyway, he can't stop criminals without being hunted down by heroes... but then again that never stopped him when he was on the run from the Orokin… And he has to do something with his time, as much as the void helps him physically it can't hold back muscle atrophy. Plus if he did wait for when he was needed then he wouldn't have any resources to help out anyway. The more he thinks about it there really isn't a reason for him to not...

However, before he can get his hands on high quality weapons he needs to learn about the underground of this world. From his exploration of the nearby city, Mustafu he thinks its called, there isn't anywhere that sells guns and blades freely which is a setback but it makes sense.

He could easily steal the weapons however he needs to be careful. From the wide range of quirks he has seen it wouldn't be too extreme to assume that a criminal has a quirk capable of putting him down, so if he is going to steal weapons he needs to be careful.

Now he just needs a method of making money, it shouldn't be too hard to find some sort of bodyguard job or some sort of bounty even if he doesn't have any form of a reputation yet.

Anyway, before he can do any of that he needs information, so that's exactly what he's going to do.

After about a week of rooftop running, Excalibur has a decent enough idea of the city of Mustafu, he could be told a precinct or district and know how to get there and for his purposes that should be enough for now . He runs to the edge of the roof and leaps to the next building before landing and continuing his run, momentum carrying effortlessly. He vaults over cooling systems and pipes without making a sound, not even a squeak hinting at his position.

He also spent his week getting a grasp on how the surface level thugs operate, there are a few gangs, usually recognised by a marking on their face or some kind of colour scheme in their clothes. Excalibur even knows a location and date for an upcoming deal between gangs thanks to some loudmouth delinquent. Usually dealings would have some form of security in case one party gets aggressive and while he wouldn't put it past these people to overlook something like that, he should always be wary.

He skipped over a row of balconies, balance not faltering for even a second.

So now Excalibur is on the hunt for a small crime like a mugging, the reason is simple. While he could likely slaughter everyone there with his exalted blade, it's too noticeable, it would literally light up the area and alert people causing unwanted attention, a knife will not. It would also be preferable to keep a trump card like that hidden just in case considering its completely within the realm of possibility that there is someone there with a quirk that could relay information like that.

He came to the edge of the building and leapt to the wall of a nearby building, speeding across it before kicking off and onto a block of residential buildings.

Free running and parkour were always a relaxing part of the job in his opinion. It's hard to describe exactly what it is but there's just something about the air whistling past and the smoothness of every vault, slide and leap that he strings together that make him feel at ease.

He makes sure to check every alley he passes, every supposedly out of sight nook and cranny. It's just common sense that a criminal will choose to commit a crime in a well hidden place like an alleyway for example rather than out in the open, it minimises the chance of being caught and due to their winding nature allows for an easier escape.

Excalibur moving in the cover of night is for similar reasons, what he's doing right now is illegal and while he could probably outrun most heroes that don't have quirks to help with their movement he doesn't want to run the risk of running into one with some form of teleportation or time dilation, both of which he has run into and both almost ended very badly back in the origin system.

While rushing across the rooftops it doesn't take long to find a petty mugging. He crouches down on the ledge of the roof and assesses the situation. A tall lanky man with greasy black hair and grimy skin, not much in the way of musculature, is waving a rather large knife at a well dressed woman.


He hops off of the rooftop and lands in a crouch behind the mugger soundlessly. If the mugger is as inexperienced as expected then he won't notice the well dressed man's focus flit to him for a second which he doesn't, naturally.

Excalibur grabs the mugger by the neck before spinning around and slamming him into the wall hard enough to daze him. He quickly wrenches the knife out of his hand, not even taking a second to bask in the familiar feeling, and plunges it into the mugger's head, twisting it, and yanking it out leaving a blood splatter on the wall.

It's almost euphoric, ever since he found himself in this strange world he hasn't gotten the chance to truly embrace his creator's will, to snuff out someone's life. This time he did allow himself that second to admire his work and it's just as fulfilling as he remembers.

He turns to the other man in the alley way and he seems to get the idea.

"T-Thank you! I didn't see anything here! I can- I'll just- Thank you!" He stuttered out before running off half terrified, half grateful.

The 2 week wait for the deal was both a blessing and a curse, a blessing because he got the chance to check the area out, look for potential escape routes in case things go south and just gain general knowledge of the area. Better to be safe than sorry. But a curse because he had 2 weeks to let the excitement build up, 2 weeks of anticipation for the coming fight.

With any luck he will finally be able to get his hands on some somewhat decent weapons, be able to sell whatever they were dealing and maybe even get some information out of it, though he's doubtful of the last one considering his plan to wipe everyone out as fast as possible.

He spent part of that 2 week wait examining his only weapon and making sure it won't fail him. It appears to be made from some cheap, flimsy metal, strong enough to slice human flesh and bone but anything more durable would put the weapon at risk. The blade itself was also blunter than he is okay with but after some hours of sharpening with the rocks from his cave it was a lot more acceptable. After washing the knife it was finally in an acceptable condition, he tends to hold all of his weapons to a certain standard, especially bladed weapons. Maybe wielding a sword so pure and deadly as his exalted blade does that to you, or maybe it's just a hobby.

Shaking himself out of his musings Excalibur continued his journey to the location. The 2 week wait may have been hell but it's over and now he can really start moving forwards.

The journey didn't take too long, partly thanks to his flawless parkour and partly thanks to all of his reconnaissance. He arrived early so he can quickly check for any last minute changes that might catch him off guard but more importantly, to disable the cameras. After all, they're a lot more likely to notice cameras that have been disabled for days than cameras that have only just been disabled. Even if they do notice, It will be too late to do anything now.

He finally reached the area and stared down at the area noting no noticeable changes so he moved to start taking out the cameras.

They aren't difficult to disable, one good slice from his knife is enough to destroy all of the important wires, effectively stopping them. There are 5 in total around the area which are quickly dealt with before Excalibur moves back to a roof of one of the buildings. After a few minutes of waiting he hears the rumble of engines and the two participants arrive.

The first group step out of their vehicle and a few move to the back, likely to retrieve their part of the deal. Their distinguishing feature appeared to be that they all wielded sharp objects in some way. One man had a metallic looking sword as an arm while another appeared to have knives for fingers. There was a pair that was standing back with spikes forming on their body and a few that were just using knives as weapons. A total of 7 members. Sadly this first group didn't seem to have any decent weapons for him but more knives won't hurt, well, not him at least.

The other group, thankfully, appeared to be a lot more armed. There are a few light mutations like a guy with some sort of animal jaw and a snout holding a simple pistol. A few people with no noticeable changes are also armed with pistols, making for a total of 4 people with pistols. Then there are the two obvious heavy hitters. There is someone that appears to be made of stone, has a black mask and 4 arms holding a rifle and some sort of case, likely to be their half of the deal. The second had some form of armour and a lot of strength behind him if his muscles are anything to go by. Not carrying a weapon. This made for a total of 6 members, one less than the blade themed group but likely more experienced and confident going off of the way they held themselves.

Waiting a bit longer for them to start the deal Excalibur watched on slightly tensing to leap off of the roof. The man with knives for fingers walked up, showing off their case full of money, it looks like a lot but then again Excalibur doesn't have a very good grasp on this world's economy yet. The second group brought forward their case, why are they using cases? That seems very obvious and easy to steal. They opened it to reveal some sort of drug, potentially recreational, potentially enhancing. He tightened his grip on his knife before launching off the roof, revealing himself to them and landing in between the two groups.

Not wasting any time he ran up to one of the members with a knife and slashed his throat wide open, his knife gliding through the muscle and flesh. Everyone immediately reacted, raising their weapons, some had terrified expressions at how he murdered one of their associates without a shred of hesitance or remorse. Others looked confident, likely assuming their advantage in numbers would keep them safe and others just looked shocked, probably still trying to come to terms with the situation.


"Shit, Kokoro make sure you're getting this."


While he could probably blind everyone here and dispatch them in seconds Excalibur decided he would much rather let it play it out as it is. He's been waiting for this for weeks, no one can blame him for wanting to enjoy it.

Centuries of experience and unmatched skill carried his actions. He grabbed the knife dropped by the man he just killed and sidestepped a volley of spikes originating from the pair with spikes on their body, quickly landing them as his next targets. He rushed at them, rolling out of the way of more spikes. Reaching them he delivered a flurry of slashes and stabs and within a second they were bloody twitching messes on the floor, life rapidly draining from their eyes.

He turned around the face of the rest of the groups and barely flipped out the way of the gunfire, running in a wide arc constantly ducking and weaving to evade their fire.

Once he approached the last of the three carrying knives he made quick work of them. He side-stepped a desperate stab and cut right through the muscle of their bicep, rendering the arm useless before plunging his knife through their heart. The other two fell in a similar fashion, quick vicious attacks to vital organs.

Before their bodies even hit the floor Excalibur threw the two knives in his hands and grabbed a third one out of the air, throwing it in a similar fashion. The three knives sliced through the air and implanted themselves in the head of three gunmen. He quickly grabbed the last two knives dropped and carried on.

Excalibur approached the guy with a sword as an arm first. Well, approached might not be the right word, more like blurred in front of him. He grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the ground before raking his knife across his neck, leaving him all but decapitated.

He leapt to the side of an armoured fist that embedded itself into the ground.

The armoured man yanked his arm out of the ground and with a snarl charged at Excalibur and began hailing down dozens of punches. His dull knives likely won't be able to penetrate the armour so he needs a different plan. Excalibur ducked and stepped out of the way of each one slowly leading him towards the bodies of the gunmen. His punches were so strong that Excalibur could actually feel the air being displaced by them, not enough force to make that air hurt but it's noticeable. He subtly attached the two knives to his waist via the magnets implanted in it. Once they were close enough, Excalibur snatched the pistol from the ground before the other could even react and shot a bullet straight through his head, blasting his brains all over the back of the helmet.

For whatever reason the armour covered almost everything except from the face, surely that's one of the most important places to protect, why wouldn't it be covered? He doesn't question it too much considering it worked in his favour but it's still odd.

Now there's only one left.

Excalibur instantly zones in onto the man covered in stone and with 4 arms only to realise that he's trying to get away. He ran at the man, who was still fumbling with the door to the vehicle, and let out a hail of bullets on him, this only seemed to panic the man more but deal no actual damage. At most they only left small cracks on his skin. It's weird that even though he seems to be the strongest here he's such a coward.

Considering that shooting him didn't do much it's unlikely that his measly knives will either.

Reaching the stone man he shoulder barged him away from the door finding him surprisingly light for his composition meaning he probably isn't completely made of stone, just covered in it.

"P-PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING, PLEASE DON'T K-KILL ME" He yelled, clearly terrified. Interestingly though his voice came through almost perfectly, aside from the mask muffling it. Something you wouldn't expect if he was covered in stone.

Excalibur grabbed the stone covered man by the throat and slammed him into the ground before smoothly swapping his gun out for a knife and slicing open the mask in one motion. Now with his face exposed Excalibur could see his mouth and eyes; not covered in stone. Oddly enough his eyes appear to have an odd staticky quality to them, assuming this meant he was charging up an attack of some kind Excalibur decided to end this as soon as possible.


Excalibur plunged his knife through the man's exposed eye socket and directly into his brain, twisting it to be sure, killing the last enemy left.


Kusano was shocked, the footage he got from Kokoro showed what could only be described as a total disaster. The trigger the group was sent to buy was of very high quality and very expensive, the plan was to use it as a temporary upgrade that the nomu-X project could use as a last resort but that, along with all of the money and weapons, were stolen by this mysterious figure.

Looking over the footage once more he begrudgingly was amazed at it's skill and power, it took down 13 men without receiving a single scratch and only coming in with a knife. This is exactly the type of thing sensei would want to know about... dammit hopefully this will put him back in favour with sensei.

He fumbled around with the microphone for a second before going to call sense 'holy shit why can't I just have an uneventful day, if something bad happens he's going to kill me, hell he might even just kill me for the fun of it'

He finally built up the courage and pressed the call button before hearing a voice from the other end.

"I was in the middle of a meeting with the good Doctor himself, this better be worth my time" Sensei said, his voice barely at speaking level yet still carrying all the weight in the world.

"Y-Yes Sensei! I th-think you're gonna want to see this!" Kusano stuttered out 'stupid, stupid'. He quickly got the footage of the mysterious figure on the screen to show sensei hoping it would drag some if not all of the attention away from him. Sensei's gaze is suffocating.

Throughout the video being played Kusano could practically feel the excitement flowing through him in waves despite being nowhere near him physically.

"This is spectacular, it's moves are perfectly executed and hold so much power behind them. From the way it acts I wouldn't be too surprised if it's a biological weapon much like our nomu but clearly substituting raw destructive power an speed for skill and intellect. I greatly appreciate you bringing this to my attention Kusano, I will have my men on this immediately, if we can get our hands on this specimen then we could potentially create nomus far more capable." Sensei explained. "I knew giving Kokoro that recording quirk would serve me well, and it seems that his cowardice kept him alive longer, getting more footage, interesting."

The call ended without another word.


Excalibur looked at the bodies around him with satisfaction. His first real battle after 8 months and he knocked it out of the park, not that he doubted his abilities. He stood there for a few seconds, feeling his heartbeat return to a normal pace. The odd sensation of his vision becoming less sharp and his hearing dampening. Coming down from the excitement and hyper-focus of a battle is always an odd sensation.

Looking around for something to carry all of the weapons in Excalibur's gaze lands on one of the vehicles that the knife group arrived in but quickly decides against it. He has no idea what the laws for this world's vehicles are and he also has no idea how to operate them.

There's obviously the option of trying to carry them in his hands but that would limit his combat abilities if something happened while going back to his cave and would heavily restrict his parkour abilities likely leaving him to run through the streets but that would look sketchy.

Ideally he would want some sort of bag or sack, so he decides to look through the vehicles in hopes of finding one.

The first one, belonging to the knife group has…. Nothing, nothing of use anyway. There are a few objects that he has no idea what to make of but other than that, nothing. So he moved on to the second vehicle.

Opening the back he found a simple black bag, perfect. Upon opening the bag he realised that it's full of ammunition for the guns the criminals had. That seemed too convenient. To perfect. But It makes sense, they would need more ammo if it turned into a big gunfight. Just to be sure Excalibur searched in and around the bag before taking it, finding nothing wrong.

He grabbed the bag and went to grab the dropped guns, he picked the first out of the hands of one of the corpses with a knife sticking out of it's head retrieving that as well. Walking around and picking up the rest Excalibur reminisce about his first few weeks after waking up from the cryopod.

Having nothing but the sword on his back and a thirst for blood. He ransacked Grineer compounds and salvaged anything he could. Their horribly crafted yet somehow effective weapons being the only thing he could use for years, It wasn't until he finally met Maroo while searching an abandoned Grineer base that he could get his hands on something respectable.

He looked to the man with a sword for an arm and had a gruesome idea. Looking at the arm in more detail he noted that the sword started at his elbow and extended quite a bit past the other arm, giving it some decent length to it. Grabbing his knife, Excalibur sawed the flesh off at the shoulder leading him to an interesting discovery, this man's bones were also made out of metal leading Excalibur to believe there was more to his powers so why didn't he use them? There's no point dwelling on it now.

He strapped the severed arm to the bag and picked up the rest of the guns.

This turned out quite well, he got some decent weapons from this, with enough ammo to last him a while, and whatever's in the cases.

Not sparing a look back, Excalibur clambered up the side of a nearby building, barely being affected by the bag strapped to his back and everything inside it. There's a chance someone noticed the commotion and called local law enforcement, or even the heroes. He can't waste any more time here.

The equipment he has right now will get him far, yet they are nowhere near what he had in his prime, and still, Excalibur felt… content, he would make sure that every criminal in this world feared the Tenno yet.

This is my newest fic, I love the Warframe universe and the MHA universe so I decided to make this fic, its going to be much different from my previous fics because, well my tastes have changed a lot recently. I'm not proud of my older fics but I won't remove them because for some reason people liked it.

I'm proud of how this first chapter turned out so if you could leave a comment that would be very much appreciated and I hope you enjoy!

CaptainDeadpoolcreators' thoughts