
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

58- Doom.

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As Ryuuto said that, he was happy none of the three little rascals were nearby and heard him, since they decided to go play with Jormangandr and the Angels in the Unlimited Pet Work dimension, otherwise Rias and Ning Er would beat him up for swearing out loud in front of them, something they already did to some of the members of Whitebeard's crew.

"I guess it's time for me to use that special ticket."

'If I can somehow revive his rabbit, Daisy, maybe he won't try to kill me and my family, worst case scenario I'll bombard that planet with a railjack.'

(A/N Image here.)

"Right, I almost forgot about that."

After Kazuma said that he and the rest traveled back to they original world, not before saying goodbye to Ryuuto and his family, while Rias took Yasaka, Kunou, Somnium, Eri, Momo and Rumi back to Ryuuto's world while Rias herself and Ning Er remained in the Xiphos.

Even though they could just go back to the Moby Dick or look around the world, for some reason nobody thought about it.

As those six got back and got frozen in time since neither Ryuuto not Rias were actually back yet, the former turned around and saw his wives still on the ship.

"Aren't you two going back?"

"This time we're coming with you Dear."

"Ning Er is right, you aren't doing another stupid thing alone."

Sighing, Ryuuto hugged Rias and Ning Er by their waists and kissed their cheeks.

"What would I do without you two..."

As he said that, Ryuuto started piloting the Xiphos towards a certain place, seeing that Rias asked him what he was doing.

"Darling, aren't we going in another world?"

"Not yet, I wanna do one last thing."

Soon after they reached Mary Geoise and Ryuuto summoned all his angels into the Xiphos.

"What can we do for you Master?"

As they ask appeared the angels kneeled at the same time and waited for Ryuuto's orders.

"Do me a favor girls, transport any slaves you find in this city in some inhabited islands. If anyone attacks you, just kill them."

"As you wish."

After about 15 minutes the angels were all back and Hera notified Ryuuto of the completion of their mission.

"It's done Master."


As Ryuuto sent the Angels back in the Unlimited Pet Work dimension, he also called a Railjack to his position.


"Yes, Tenno?"

"Launch a black hole at the coordinates I'm sending you."


Shortly after that interaction, Ryuuto, Rias and Ning Er saw a small black hole starting to grow and devour the entirety of Mary Geoise.

"Dear, why did you do that?"

"Remember the 'Celestial Dragons' Whitebeard told us about? Well, that was their home."

After saying that, while Rias and Ning Er had shocked faces about the destruction caused by a single attack from Ryuuto's Railjack, Ryuuto opened the chat group and selected the special ticket.

<Are you sure you want to use the Special Travel ticket?>


As Ryuuto said that, he, Rias and Ning Er, together with the Xiphos, traveled to a world full of demons.

"I have to say, this looks a lot more like hell than the Underworld. Well, let's get to work."

Saying that, Ryuuto equipped Nekros and saw how it changed from the Prime skin to the deluxe one.

(A/N Image here.)

'Must be because of the deathly hollows.'

Thinking that, Ryuuto started to use dream energy and Nekros knowledge with souls to start searching for Daisy's soul and soon enough he found it hopping around.

"Found you."

After that, Ryuuto activated Shadows Of The Dead and a little shadowy rabbit appeared next to him.

Nodding, Ryuuto started to slowly recreate Daisy's body while Ning Er and Rias played with her shadowy form.

After about one whole hour, Ryuuto was finally done and started fusing Daisy's soul with her new body and slowly but surely, the little rabbit started moving again and as soon as she felt enough familiarity with her new body she jumped on Ryuuto and nestled herself between the arm Ryuuto used to catch her and his chest.

"Aren't you a little cute ball of fluffiness."

"Darling~ Can we keep her~?"

"Nee Dear~?"

Chuckling at his two spoiled wives, Ryuuto soon his head and answered them.

"Sorry but this little one already has someone to go back to but don't worry, I'll find other pets for you two."

After getting a sad look on their faces hearing the first half of what Ryuuto said, Rias and Ning Er started smiling brightly hearing the second.

"Now, let's find your owner little one."


As the Doom Slayer was going around Hell killing demons, in one of the rate pauses between fights, he turned around since he sensed people approach him and saw, two girls, one with red hair and the other with orange hair, and one guy with light blue hair but what attracted his attention was the little brown rabbit being held by the light blue haired one.


Hearing the Doom Slayer actually talk, Ryuuto was surprised and, while letting Daisy down, he spoke with him.

"Yes, it's her, your old rabbit."


As the Hell Walker said that, he also crouched down and took little Daisy in his arms looking at her more closely.

"It's one of my powers."

Nodding, the Slayer turned around and was about to continue with his mission before Ryuuto called him.

"Wait a moment. I have an offer for you, if you accept you'll get stronger and will be able to kill more demons easily."

As Ryuuto saw that the Slayer wasn't just going away but actually stopped and was listening to him, he continued speaking.

"You see, us three come from a different world and are party of a special group, if you join us you'll get stronger."

The Doom Slayer thought about it and decided to accept since it would help him exterminate the demons.

Seeing him nod, Ryuuto sent the Slayer an invitation to the chat group, and soon after saw the notification of the Hell Walker joining them.

<Rabbit Avenger had joined the Chat Group.>

<Rabbit Avenger:…>

<Worthless Neet: Hahahahahahahaha!>

While Kazuma was laughing and the Slayer was wondering if he should kill him, Ryuuto explained to the chat group something about the new member.

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Ladies, Gentlemen, Kazuma, this is our newest member, the Doom Slayer.>

<Rabbit Avenger:…>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): As you may have guessed, he doesn't talk much.>

After some more explaining Ryuuto and the Slayer closed the chat screen and soon after demons started to appear.

Seeing that, the Doom Slayer started to kill them using his various weapons while little Daisy was on his shoulder.

(A/N Image here.)


Just before Ryuuto teleported back inside the Xiphos, he saw the Doom Slayer throwing his super shotgun towards him.

(A/N Image here.)

"A gift huh?..." Saying that, Ryuuto materialized a Tigris Prime and threw it at the Hell Walker.


(A/N Image here.)

After shouting that, since the Hell Walker wouldn't hear him otherwise, Ryuuto and his wives, who had gloomy expression since they needed to separate from Daisy, teleported back to the Xiphos and then got back to Ryuuto's world.

Once back there, Ryuuto, Rias and Ning Er entered the pet dimension since they basically lived there, and while they rested on the couch with the three little monkeys playing outside, Ning Er asked something to Ryuuto.

"Dear, can we do back to my home world? I want to see my family and officially get married."

"Sure, let's just see who wants to come with us and we'll go. Can you take care of it while I tell my parents about this?"

"Thanks Dear! Don't worry, I'll take care of it!"

After getting a passionate kiss from his Ning Er, Ryuuto teleported back in his original world and started walking towards his parents house, luckily both that day and next would be holidays and school was closed.

As he reached his destination, Ryuuto knocked on the door and soon after Mika opened it.

"Ryuu-chan! Did you come visit us?"

"More or less mom, me and Ning Er are about to go to her hometown to marry and I'm here to invite you three."

"Come inside then, I'll bring your father and Ky-chan in the living room."

Getting inside and going to the living room, Ryuuto waited for about two minutes before the three Jiros arrived and sat on the couch in front of him.

"Is it true you and Ning Er are about to get officially married?"


"And when exactly is it Onii-san?"

"We'll depart to her city tomorrow and the wedding is in about a week or so."

Even though they had just decided to get officially married, Rias had already contacted Yang Xin and told her to notify the Xiao family about it and they told her that in about a week the wedding ceremony would be ready.

As the Jiros heard that, everyone had a downcast expression.

"I'm sorry to say this Ryuu-chan but I don't think we can do this, your father has to work and Kyoka has school, if you told us a while ago we could have prepared."

"You don't need to worry mom, to reach Ning Er's city we'll use a quirk from the mayor in that city and the time flow there is different."

"Time flow?"

Not understanding what their son/brother was saying, Kyotoku asked him for clarification.

"Basically no matter how much time passes in that place, no time will pass here."

"I see."

After some more chit chat, Ryuuto left to go back to the Unlimited Pet Work dimension to wait for the next day for his family to reach his house and then go to Ning Er's home world.

As he got back in his dimension, Ryuuto saw a teenage looking girl with light pink hair, two tattoos, one on her belly and the other above her large chest, two dragon wings and a tail skimpily dressed looking towards him and then jumping on him.

(A/N Image here.)


Catching the unknown girl in his arms, Roti realized how she called him and had a sudden realization.


"Yes, It's me Papa! Look! I'm big now!"

"I-I can see that but how did this happen?"

"Do you not like my new looks Papa?"

Looking at Somnium's sad expression, Ryuuto's chest tightened and he patted her head.

"It's not that princess, but you're still my little daughter, I want to know why you suddenly look more mature."

"Uncle Albion taught me that! He said I was already a big girl and I needed to look like one."

Hearing that Ryuuto smiled but it stopped to his mouth, if someone looked at his eyes he would probably freeze from how cold they were.

"I see, do me a favor princess, go back to normal and go play with your Mamas for a while okay? Papa needs to take care of something."

Nodding her head, Somnium transformed back in her old form and headed inside the mansion.

"Okay Papa!"

Once Somnium was inside, Roti gathered a large amount of air in his lungs and then shouted the loudest he can while putting a sound barrier around the house.


Fifty-Eighth Chapter.

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