
Ten Thousand Battle Empress

During turbulent times, an invincible female cultivator quickly arose in power, aiming for the absolute peak of the Great Dao! An Eternal legend slowly spread among the infinite realms It wasn't until many years later, that she stopped The Great Dao she had previously pursued seemed so weak.. Staring at the infinite realms before her, Qin Mei realized the past, present, and future could be changed at will with single thought!

HeavenStar · Eastern
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19 Chs

Mortal Realm Descent

In the Azure mortal world, a brilliant beam of light comparable to sun appeared from the heavens and began rapidly descending.

In the beam of light, Qin Mei's consciousness slowly awakened


"I didn't expect I'd be reincarnated in the end, how fortunate.." 

Qin Mei knew where she was, and how she got here. During Qin Yan's conversation, her soul was awake, though she couldn't open her eyes

Though for some reason, she couldn't recall any information of her past life no matter how hard she tried, all she knew was of her name, and the fact that she had died

Even though it seemed strange to her, she couldn't do anything about it, so she stopped thinking about it

Anyways, looking around, Qin Mei realized she should be currently in the mortal realm as of now

It seemed that father of her's plan had worked

Though, she was certain her father didn't expect her to not appear safely on the ground, but in the air

So I guess it kinda worked? Qin Mei thought to herself

Sensing her rapid descent from the sky, Qin Mei's mind became a bit turbulent

With the speed at which she was descending, once she landed, it'd surely be extremely dangerous

After all, how was a newborn like her supposed to survive such a collision? This wasn't fortunate at all

It'd truly be a pity to die right after getting a second chance at life

"But... what was that sound?"

[The Battle system has binded to host!]

Qin Mei was confused, "Whats a system? Is it a parasite?"

After all, what else binded itself to a host?

She has never heard of this type of name before, so she was slightly wary

What if it sucked her dry before she died?

[Determined host is facing a dangerous situation, receiving the beginner pack to help you is available]

[Does host wish to receive it?]

"How is a parasite supposed to help me?" 

After contemplating for a while, Qin Mei knew she had no choice, maybe this parasite could really help her, "Fine, give me this beginner pack".

Glancing down, she noticed she was only a few seconds would collide with the ground, and presumably die

"And do it fast!", Qin Mei wasn't sure this system could help her, a weak newborn baby, survive such a high fall

She wondered how it was going to help her

Sigh, putting hopes on others isn't a great feeling

[Received purple spirit realm cultivation!]

[Received semi awakened celestial heavenly demon constitution!]

[Received immortal grade spirit roots (upgradeable)!]

[Received innate passive technique: Gaze of battle law!]

[Received imperial strengthening technique!]

Those were the last words Qin Mei heard before she collided with the ground, causing her to black out


Inside a secluded room located deep within the imperial palace, an old mans eyes open

The old man, that went by the name Qin Zhou, sensed a weird disturbance within the dynasty

This was odd..

Curious as to what it could be, Qin Zhou left tge room, traveling through the void, and appeared within a desolate forest, who knows how far away

Within his sight, hundreds of trees seemed to have been destroyed

"What is this? Such a huge dusturbance, could it be some sort of treasure?", Qin Zhou stroked his chin as he looked around. 

He could only hope it wasn't a treasure, as it could bring danger to the dynasty

The dyanasty wasn't stable as of right now, and so the addition of a treasure would only further decrease the stability

If that were so, he'd probably have to sacrifice his life to fight

He didn't have that much time to live anyway

As Qin Zhou used his qi to search for the source of the commotion, to his suprise, he sensed life within the huge crater in the center of all of this

"Life? So its not a treasure that caused all of this?", Qin Zhou's interest was piqued

He expected it to be some sort of weapon, yet it seems not

In an instance, he disappeared and then appeared at the center of the crater, and a baby appeared before his eyes

However, there was one thing off about the baby that caused him great shock

"What? How is this possible?", Qin Zhou's expression turned into one of disbelief as he stared at the baby

This baby seemed to be in the purple spirit realm?

Even though such a realm was an ant to him, seeing a baby with this realm was aburd to him

Though he had seen superb geniuses being born with cultivation, it had never been this high

The foundation establishment was the limot, yet before his eyes was one with two levels above that?

Greed started to sprout in the old man's mind, maybe the baby had some power within its body he could use to break through

But wait, why would such an existence appear in this world?

"This type of thing should only be seen in the immortal realm, could this baby have come from there?", Qin Zhou pondered

"Perhaps some ancient being had sent it down to train here?"

Once this though arose, all traces of greed disappeared within his mind

Qin Zhou began to connect the dots using his understanding as a basis

"That means he's probably watching her right now, maybe he would reward me if I watched over it as the baby grew up?"

This seemed like a feasable idea to him, any reward from such a being should be able to help him bream his bottleneck

After all, people in the immortal realm where far stronger then him

As for whether or not he was sure the being would actually reward him? 

Qin Zhou didn't care, as long as he established a deep relationship with the baby, it was only a matter of telling it to do him a small favor

Surely with the kid asking it's backer, he wouldn't say no?

Hmm.. this seemed like a feasable idea in Qin Zhou's eyes

He was glad he was careful as to think before taking action

Qin Zhou broke down in cold sweat, if he had attacked, he'd probably be greeting his ancestors, no?

He was so close to death, but thankfully he was prudent

Throwing the matter to the back of his mind, Qin Zhou reached down and grabbed the baby, before vanishing without a trace

A moment later, he was once again in the secret room he came from