
Ten things my best friend does not know about me

Everyone has a best friend and best friends are supposed to know you everything about you But there are a few things my bestfriend don't know about me. ten things to be precise. if you told me that my last year of high school would consist of guarding my secret. Kissing my best friend's brother who she hate then i guess you could say every one has a secret that they are all hiding

Dinessu · Teen
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Cuss and Cookie Jar

Patience was a virtue I didn't know I was lacking until all I wanted was to bash this guy's head on a window in front of me.

"Sir, I said that these coupons have expired" I hold my tongue from raining curses at him.

"well, can't you just let me in once? I didn't even use it at all?"

"that is not my fault" he gave me a dead glaze before leaving the queue. My co-worker Sarah leans into me away from her counter.

"damn, you are cold" I returned her the same dead stare the man gave to me.

"like as if Manager said to Kent last week before firing him," My art studio depended on this job. I wouldn't let some man who had no idea how to tell the time or date run it for me.

It was a long day at work, and it was the weekend. I was prepared to leave work, with my bag out of the locker and my clothes changed when Sarah came in.

"Manager said you are on watch duty today."

"What!" "Why didn't he tell me before" I nitpicked. She shrugged at my question.

"This is what happens when your boss is a cheapskate," I grumbled silently.

"what did you say?"

"Nothing," hitting my locker hard.

I knew she was the reason behind this sudden change of schedule. I didn't know why yet, but when I do, I am going to fuck both of them up.

I turned on the movie screen to watch something. I had to enjoy the reason I was on guard duty. I doubt anyone would show up at 2am in the morning.

"fuck this movie."

I say to myself.

"fuck this stupid place."

"and the fucking manager, I bet the only thing he tasted close to a cunt is shit."

I shout while hitting the chair.

"and who does that bitch think she is__ with her tiny tits trying to push it all up there__ even plastic surgery can't help that"

"wow, you got a foul mouth" my heart stopped when I heard someone from behind me, just a few seats away, talking.

I was scared to turn back,

"Hey yo Axel __ is that not the guard on duty" talking from the entrances of the Cinema.

"don't worry about it. She is cool," Axel said. I turned and watched as his friends left this theater to go to the other theater.

I finally found my heart beating back to normal.

"what the fuck!! Axel" he moves to a chair just behind me

He burst into laughter.

"you should have seen your face there," he pointed at me, still laughing.

"don't you dare, you are not supposed to be here"

"well, maybe if you had done your job well, I wouldn't be."

Somehow I felt that was a lie, I didn't even want to know how he got in, and I also think this is a regular thing for him.

"how many people are in the other theater."

"Not much, just Jasper, Theo, Danielle, Ashley, and Tessa" is a lot of people in my dictionary.

"what the fuck?__ you will get me fired."

"they won't have to know if you don't tell them."

"not with the mess you guys are going to make."

"not if you clean up after us."

I was enraged.

"you modafucking piece of shit, I would like to shovel a fucking dildo down your throat so you won't."

He shoveled a cookie into my mouth.

"if only the world knew how foul-mouthed you really are"

I kept chewing the cookie because it was so good.

When I was done, I was a little calm.

"did you also take snacks from the counter_ and why do you have a cookie jar."

Not realizing until he had put the cookie in my mouth.

"no, we brought our own snacks. See, we are good citizens."

I rolled my eyes.

"can't you just leave me alone?"

"My only job in this world" he faints a heart pain.

I rolled my eyes again. Was Cleo's family always dramatic?

"how about I give you this offer?"

"nope__ all your offers are never advantageous to me."

"wait, hear me out."

I waited to entertain his silly offer.

"if you stay one week without cuss, I leave you, but any time you cuss, you eat a cookie for the cookie jar," he said, placing the cookie Jar on my lap.

Damn it, why didn't he give me a cookie that was not as delicious as this one.

"what is in it for you?"

"because it would be fun" I mean if I can hide it from Cleo, what makes him think I can't hide it from him. I would just cuss when he was not around.

"Avery," was the first time he called my name today.

"I like it when you cuss. You look sexy when you do makes me think of all the dirty things you would say in bed__ oh wait."

He didn't finish his sentence only just gave me a knowing smile. The theater screen reflected brightly. If Cookies and Cuss were my doom not to get rid of Axel, I would need something bigger.

By the time it was bright and shining, I was covered in his jacket. I don't know what time I had slept, but I knew when I woke up that he was gone, and the other theater was cleaned as if no one had entered the theater.