
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Unreplicable Memory

"Right, ten people."

Yun Yao and Chu Tianqiu were both silent for a moment.

Chu Tianqiu suddenly raised his head and asked, "Since there are 'ten people' in your room, how did you deduce that there are 'nine people' in our room?"

"Because when we nine people walked out of the room, 'Ren Long' actually said that everyone in our room was 'alive and well.'" Qi Xia sneered, "It's really strange. If it's 'everyone survived,' shouldn't we have ten people walking out?"

Chu Tianqiu silently nodded, Qi Xia's intelligence was as he had imagined.

"But 'nine people' seems quite reasonable to some extent, after all, all the escape devices in the room are 'for nine people.'" Qi Xia continued.

"There are nine table panels and nine ropes in our room. If there were really 'ten people' in the room, the game resources would be hard to distribute."

"That is to say, our game was originally prepared for nine people. As long as nine people walked out of the room, it was considered 'everyone survived.'" Qi Xia looked seriously out of the window and asked in a low voice, "Then why were there ten people in the room?"

Seeing that neither of them answered, Qi Xia continued, "So I boldly inferred that there was one more person in our room. This person either activated some kind of special ability or simply bribed the 'Sheep Man' violently. In short, the Sheep Man killed the real 'participant' in our room, just to protect her identity."

Chu Tianqiu blinked and asked, "You deduced such an accurate answer from these slight clues?"

"It can't be 'accurate' because before I saw you, I wasn't sure if the other party was male or female." Qi Xia said, "It's my turn to ask you now."

"Okay." Chu Tianqiu nodded, "What do you want to know?"

"Why do you know the personnel configuration of our room?" Qi Xia asked, "How do you know things that even we ourselves don't know?"

Chu Tianqiu slowly licked his somewhat dry lips and said, "I can't answer this question, it's almost the core secret of 'Heavenly Gate'."

Qi Xia turned his head and looked at Chu Tianqiu, showing a suspicious expression again.

Isn't the core secret of 'Heavenly Gate' that notebook?

That is to say, this is the content recorded in the notebook?

"Then I'll ask another question." Qi Xia asked, "What is the principle of 'memory preservation'? Why can only a few people retain their memories?"

"You should have guessed, right?" Chu Tianqiu said, "Qi Xia, the answer is 'echo', as long as you hear the 'echo' within ten days, you can retain your memory in the next reincarnation."

"You mean only the 'Echoers' can retain their memories?" Qi Xia had also considered this direction, but he still felt very confused. Han Yimo and Officer Li are indeed 'Echoers', and it is normal for them to retain their memories.

But why does he also remember everything?

Has he 'echoed' himself?

Qi Xia pondered for a long time and felt that there was only one answer. If he is really an 'Echoer', then his 'echo' time should be a short period before his death, after all, it is far from the square, and theoretically, he should not be able to hear the bell.

But if he really 'echoed', what ability did he get?

Yun Yao smiled and said, "Qi Xia... looking at your expression, you don't seem to know that you 'echoed'?"

This woman broke through Qi Xia's predicament in one sentence, making Qi Xia look at her differently.

It seems that those who can join 'Heavenly Gate' are indeed not ordinary people.

"I really have no impression." Qi Xia replied truthfully, "At that time, I was far away from the great bell, and I might have missed this information."

"'Far away'?" Yun Yao pondered for a while, "There are great bells in the four corners of the city, southeast, northwest, you should not be able to miss it."

Qi Xia frowned and thought, so that's how it is.

There is more than one great bell, but there are four.

But these four are all in the city, so why didn't Qi Xia hear the bell because he reached the edge of the city?

"Qi Xia, if it is true as you said, you don't know when you 'echoed', then things will become a bit difficult." Chu Tianqiu said seriously.


"That's right." Chu Tianqiu nodded, "You don't know 'why you echoed' in the last experience, so you can't replicate it in this experience. In other words, you can't get 'echo' stably, and you can't retain your memory stably."

Qi Xia stroked his chin and pondered for a while, then said, "No wonder just now when I was about to smash your skull, you said 'I can't die now', it's because you haven't had time to 'echo' yet, if you die now, the previous memories will no longer exist."

"Yes." Chu Tianqiu nodded, "This little thing naturally can't hide from you. But I still want to advise you to find out the reason for your 'echo' as soon as possible, otherwise you will be lost here."

The two looked at each other, and Qi Xia asked again, "If last time... someone briefly obtained 'echo' on the brink of death, if you want to replicate it this time, do you also need to let him enter the brink of death?"

"Theoretically, that's right." Chu Tianqiu replied.

The face of Officer Li appeared in Qi Xia's mind.

There seems to be a paradox here.

If Officer Li's opportunity to 'echo' is 'on the brink of death', then theoretically, he should never lose his memory.

No matter whether he dies in the game, dies in the annihilation, or is killed by the 'Chinese zodiac' or 'manager', he will retain his memory. But looking at Officer Li, he only retains one memory.

This seems to indirectly confirm a problem.

Qi Xia and others like Officer Li may have come to the land of the end very late.

They have only experienced two reincarnations.

"No, wait a minute..."

Qi Xia cautiously interrupted his own thoughts.

Assuming that in the last reincarnation, Officer Li had already retained his memory, but he followed the order of the sheep man and concealed his memory... Is that possible?

Yes, and it's not small.

This also proves why Officer Li did not join Qi Xia's team at first, but chose to stay.

Because he knew that collecting three thousand six hundred 'Tao' is not in a hurry.

But he died in the end to save people...

This is the paradox that Qi Xia said.

If Officer Li really has a memory, he should know that even if Lawyer Zhang drowned, it doesn't matter, he will be resurrected in a few days, so why choose such a painful way to risk his own life?

So to speak again...

How many times has Han Yimo retained his memory?

He is also a very easy 'echo' constitution, theoretically, as long as he comes to the 'Land of the End', there is a great probability of retaining his memory...

Qi Xia is more and more aware of the situation in front of him, which is a bit scary to think about.

How long has he been here?