
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

The Brave Girl

Is it possible that such a coincidence could occur?

In one of the reincarnations, none of the nine of them happened to hear the "echo," so they all lost their memories at the same time.

In addition, other "participants" who had known the nine people also happened not to have an "echo," so no matter how they act here, it is difficult to meet "acquaintances."

The possibility of this happening must exist, but it is very low.

"Infinite Monkey Theorem," Qi Xia muttered to himself.

If you let an infinite number of monkeys spend an infinite amount of time randomly hitting keys on a keyboard, then one of them will definitely be able to type out all of Shakespeare's works continuously and accurately one day.

Although the probability is infinitely low, it is something that can happen.

This is the situation Qi Xia is in at the moment.

If they reincarnate enough times, there will definitely be a moment when the "total amnesia" situation occurs with a very small probability.

This will make them think they have just arrived here.

But if that's the case... isn't that too terrible?

As the "White Tiger" said, they are trapped here.

Born to die, die and be reborn.

No one can get out.

"What is the way out, Chu Tianqiu?" Qi Xia asked in despair, "Does the three thousand and six hundred 'Tao' have any meaning?"

"Qi Xia, I am very pleased that our conversation has entered the main topic. The content we are going to talk about next is all confidential." Chu Tianqiu slowly stood up, his expression also desperate, "Three thousand and six hundred 'Tao' no matter how you think about it, is an unattainable goal. Even if we can get 'Tao' in the reincarnation, there are 'Jidao' in this world, and they will try every means to thwart us, so we can only collect 'Tao' on the surface, but in fact, carry out our own plan."

"Yes." Yun Yao also agreed, "We have many enemies."

"What is your plan?" Qi Xia asked again, "What does 'Heavenly Gate' mean by 'to break all the games'?"

"I don't know if you have found out..." Chu Tianqiu said in a low voice, "We can reincarnate, but the 'Chinese zodiac' in the city can't."

Qi Xia thought of the corpse of the rat person in his mind.

"What does that mean?"

Chu Tianqiu pushed his glasses and said seriously, "It means that as long as we spend enough time, we will definitely be able to bet to death all the 'Chinese zodiacs'."

"What?" Qi Xia was stunned, "So that's it... No wonder it's 'break' all the games, not 'pass' all the games."

"That's right." Chu Tianqiu nodded, "If all the 'Chinese zodiacs' in this city are dead, 'games' and 'Tao' lose their meaning, and the people at the top will naturally come out to see us, and that's when we have a chance to get out."

"So... The ultimate goal of 'Heavenly Gate' is to confront the 'organizer'." Qi Xia felt that this method was very absurd, but it might be feasible.

"For this goal, we may die many times." Chu Tianqiu said, "But as you just mentioned the 'Infinite Monkey Theorem'... As long as we persist, one day we will achieve this goal."

Qi Xia nodded slightly, and now he has a slightly different view of 'Heavenly Gate'.

"But I still have a question." Qi Xia said, "I have participated in two 'Earth' level games, and I can't find the opportunity to 'bet life' at all. In the 'Earth' level game, we will die anyway, so how can we pull the 'Chinese zodiac' into the water?"

Chu Tianqiu and Yun Yao were silent at the same time.

They seem to know the answer, but they look hard to speak.

"The life betting action with the 'Earth' level, we only carried out once and it was temporarily shelved." Chu Tianqiu shook his head, "That is almost a game of certain death, so we will not consider betting life with the 'Earth level' until we find the right method."

"Certain death?" According to Qi Xia's understanding of here, he doesn't quite believe there will be a 'certain death' game.

"Qi Xia, each animal of the 'Earth level Chinese zodiac' has two to three, and each animal of the 'Earth level Chinese zodiac' has nine to twelve. Now, just betting life with the 'Earth level' Chinese zodiac has already caused us heavy casualties." Chu Tianqiu's tone began to become deep, "We have been advancing from the city center to here, almost sweeping all the 'Chinese zodiacs' along the way, but we have only eliminated half of the 'Earth level'. Three months ago, we started to take root in this school, preparing to take this as a base and set out again to the vicinity."

Qi Xia seems to understand something after hearing this.

He has been to the city center, and there are indeed very few 'Chinese zodiacs' there, most of them are aborigines.

Is it the work of 'Heavenly Gate'?

Chu Tianqiu saw that Qi Xia didn't believe himself and explained, "We once had a teammate who bet life with the 'Earth Horse'..."

"What happened then?" Qi Xia asked.

"Then..." Chu Tianqiu's expression was extremely sad, "She lost and never appeared again."

"Never... come back?" Qi Xia was stunned, "Could it be that she..."

"She didn't resurrect." Chu Tianqiu said, "The game she lost made her disappear forever."

Qi Xia's eyes widened slowly: "Are you saying... she was really 'eliminated'?"

"That's right, she came from the same room as me." Chu Tianqiu murmured, "Since she failed to bet life with the 'Earth' level, no matter how many reincarnations, that seat is always empty."

Hearing this, Qi Xia took a deep breath.

It seems that the decision to join 'Heavenly Gate' is very correct. Now Qi Xia not only has a better understanding of this ghost place but also has a clearer direction for action.

"Can you tell me about that life betting?" Qi Xia asked.

"Yes." Chu Tianqiu nodded and began to slowly tell the story.

The brave girl was named Xu Liunian.

She came from the same room as Chu Tianqiu, Yun Yao, Jin Yuanxun, and others.

Their 'interview game' was: Pig Man, Horse Man, Cow Man.

The overall difficulty is not very big, but it was not until the third reincarnation that they could ensure at most eight people survived.

At that time, the 'Echoers' Chu Tianqiu, Yun Yao, and Xu Liunian had begun to stand out and lead the crowd to break through the difficulties.

Xu Liunian was an ordinary girl, but she had an extraordinary dream.

She wanted to be an actress.

For this dream, she went to Hengdian at the age of sixteen and stayed there for a long time.

Because Xu Liunian's appearance was too mediocre, she could only play a corpse at first.

The salary was forty yuan a day, usually lying for eight hours a day, and if the crew filmed overtime, there would be a five yuan subsidy for each hour.

Those years in Hengdian were not like these years, even playing a corpse was not a good job that could be encountered every day.

Xu Liunian soon racked her brains because of food and warmth issues.

She could only earn a few hundred yuan a month, and even if she ate instant noodles every day, she might not be able to save enough for rent.

Later, she prepared to change her style, learned some Kung Fu on the Internet, and impulsively went to interview for a martial arts performer.

There are few female martial arts performers, whether as a stunt double or a group performer, there are good treatments.

Xu Liunian also successfully earned a small sum of money.

I thought she could slowly become a big star like many seniors in the performing arts industry, but God did not fulfill her wishes.

She was seriously injured during a stunt performance and was hit in the waist by a scaffold.

This experience almost hurt the spine and paralyzed her.

Since then, Xu Liunian's body did not allow her to stand for a long time, so the dream of 'actor' was shattered.

But she couldn't bear to leave Hengdian, so at the age of twenty-four, she used her own savings to take over a taxi in Hengdian and became a taxi driver.