
Tempt the Target

I wanted to make another novel so I did because I was bored- I hope you enjoy it! _________ Cain had a pretty nice life he was pampered by his family, he had a best friend who was more like a brother now- he was talented in acting so he went on to become to a famous actor, too bad something tragic happened just when his life was it’s best. He died, and in a way he never would have thought he would. … Cain died by the hands of his best friend Or ex-best friend now because he’s friend wanted everything he had.

PsychoticTL · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Arc 1: I'll Love You To The End 1.2

Cain was surprised that all clothes in here were all his style or in his preferences, he looked at the clothes again he picked some clothes for himself and asked Kazuki if he did this for him, Kazuki proudly said he did. It was really adorable.

The clothes Cain was planning on wearing we're skin-tight black jeans with a dark ocean blue turtleneck shirt and an elegant white watch. He wore a black earring on his left ear and styled his hair light blue hair into messy waves, and the final touch to his outfit, he wore black shoes to complete his outfit.

He looked in the mirror with a satisfied expression. "Hey Kazuki? What's the target's preference or preferred type?" Cain asked wondering what type the man liked. [Oh sorry! I forgot to give you the target's information! I'm so sorry, host!!] Kazuki really hoped his host didn't get irritated with him, (T^T). Cain just signed and said, "It okay can you show me it now?" What he was thinking at that moment was, 'Awh!~ my Kazuki is so adorable when you think about it!! He's just like the son I never had!'


{ Target: Von Harold Author

Type preference: Sassy but awkward, Adorable but sexy, shameless, Virgin but bold, and


Backstory: Von since young had been told he was to marry the person his parents chose for him when he was just 3 years old and since then he learned skills like a business, sport, entertainment, etc. From when he was just hardly 5 years old. When he was 12 he was already in high school, when he got to 14 years old he graduated high school, He finished college at the tender age of 16 years old. He started his own company and did everything himself, but sadly his family still forced him to marry a spoiled brat named Lucia, she spent money like it was nothing, and actually drug him to have a child with him, and that's where the male lead comes in. He loved his child no matter if it came from the woman he hated the most, when he finally had more money then his parents he divorced Lucia and moved out with his son. He later found out he was gay when he was eyeing a man's ass.}


Cain thought about his type and finally decided how to act in order to get the man's attention, and coincidently Von was visiting my family the day after tommorrow because, he wanted to hang out with my family, and his BFF I still can't believe their still BFFs even now. And to of course finally, meet his best friend's son.

Kazuki looked at his host, who had this creepy smile on. He felt scared so he just slowly backed from his host even though, he actually can't do that since he was in his mind, so he just stayed quiet and watched his host.

Cain finally stopped smiling creepily and walked to leave his bedroom so he can show off his beauty and intelligence, the old owner of this body, was a quiet and shy person, so he never left his house, no one knew who he looked, and no one was brave enough to spread rumors about how he looked so it was always a mystery, the first time he left was when he was going to school, but he died sadly-

He was going go make sure to show off his appearance. He walked out of his bedroom and onto a luxurious looking hallway, he started to explore the place, his favorite was the garden it had every flower growing in it.

Cain went to the dining room, to have breakfast with his parents, it was just morning- when he got there what he saw was his parents waiting for him, his parents looked exactly like his last life's parents, the same overly handsome father and the same loving and beautiful mother, Cain's father had white hair, his father was an albino, he had icy blue eyes, to match his white hair. His mother had beautiful brown and purple mixed hair with lovely light blue eyes, and dimples when every she laughed. And from Luther's memories, they also acted like his old parents. 'Kazuki did you do this also for me?' he asked him in his mind. [Of course host! I want to make you happy! Why wouldn't I?] Kazuki was honestly wondering why his host would be surprised or ask that he is his host, it only makes sense? What Cain was thinking was that, Kazuki was a nice child.

"Good morning, mom, dad!" He said smiling happily. "Good morning dear!" his mom, called Alora, said, with a loving and doting smile. It felt refreshing and soothing to him, "Good morning, son." His father said while looking at him, though he wasn't smiling as much as my mother he showed a slight smile, although it was still as much as loving and doting as hers, which had a warm and comfortable feeling to it.

The scene looked beautiful, a mother and a father having breakfast with their son, more so if they had a loving smile on their faces each toward their son, who was smiling happily, and they all looked entrancing to look at.

They had a conversation here and there and ate breakfast when Cain decided to tell them, "Mom and dad, I have decided I will enter myself in the outside world since I am going to expose myself when I'm going to school, why don't I do it now? And plus I'm not shy anymore!" He said, smiling at them happily again, his parents were surprised and happy they always wanted their son to see their workplace and everything else, but he was always too shy, but presently he's not.

"Anything you want, dear!" his mom said, giggling, she wanted to make her son go to the mall with her and no she can! "Mmm, do what you want son." He dad said, he was thinking to introduce his business partners to his son, so he can wow them, of course, he won't force him.


*1025 words!