
Tempt the Target

I wanted to make another novel so I did because I was bored- I hope you enjoy it! _________ Cain had a pretty nice life he was pampered by his family, he had a best friend who was more like a brother now- he was talented in acting so he went on to become to a famous actor, too bad something tragic happened just when his life was it’s best. He died, and in a way he never would have thought he would. … Cain died by the hands of his best friend Or ex-best friend now because he’s friend wanted everything he had.

PsychoticTL · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Arc 1: I’ll Love You To The End

In a white room, there was a bed, it looked very captivating and enchanting, the bed looked comfortable and fluffy it was white and light blue, but what was must have been the mesmerizing occurred on top of the bed there was a stunning young man who looked to be just 20 or younger, he had gorgeous light blue hair, long lovely butterfly eyelashes, he had charming rosy cheeks, seductive crimson pouty lips, he was wearing a collared white shirt, and black jeans, he was seemingly sleeping peacefully.

The young man's eyelashes fluttered slightly signifying he would wake up now. After he woke up, he looked around and wondered where he was, he just died, at least he knows that this might be heaven, he has done bad things before- so he doubted this was heaven.

"Do I just wait here, until someone comes here, to tell me where I am?" he asked himself. He thought about how he died-


Cain looked at a certain best friend and smiled- "Hahahahah!" Cain started to laugh like some sort of manic, which creeped his ex-best friend out, scared him. And confused him. 'He was the one supposed to be getting the last laugh, not Him!' he thought-

He stood still in a daze of his own thoughts, while Cain took benefit of this, and punctured him in the heart- he quickly got out of his daze and looked at Cain wide-eyed.

"h-ho..?" before he could say anything he fell to the ground and died. Cain looked at him and smiled creepily, " If I am going down, I'm going to take my killer with me at least!" He said. He was stabbed in the stomach which had him, killed him after approximately 5 minutes-

" I can finally rest.. " he said, his last words, or so he thought-

And that brings us to now.

__________Flashback over___________

Cain was just sitting down and waiting for someone to come out, he doubted so someone would too, so he was just chilling- when suddenly a white shinning orb creature, came up to him and said, [Hello! I'm system 0098, sorry for being late!] The system was really sorry for forgetting about its host, but he never had a host, and he has a bad memory- Cain looked at the System, and was calm thanks to all those, system novels he read, in his life.

" Mm. So what's my mission?" Cain asked, curiously- The system was happy that his host knew what he was, he didn't have to tell him everything like other systems- [System is The BL - Tempt the Target System or System 0098! You are given a mission in every world to get a male target to sleep with you! Or in other words, seduce the target! And because the host is gay, and perfect for this system you were picked! Sometimes you get side missions to complete the body you took over's wish or goal or regret they could complete, and sometimes, a side mission is triggered by something! If you complete enough missions, you can either get back to your old world with one ability you got from The other world and all your memories or you can keep doing missions with me if you so wish, host!]

'Wow he can sure talk, so this system is Tempt the target or to be a specific male target, it's not like I'm straight and I'm not innocent- I guess I'll do it. No reason to object-' Cain thought about the pros and cons and decided. " I'll do it, and plus I have nothing to do in my old world, so I guess I'll be in your care, forever-"

The system was very happy that its host decided to stay with him. [Okay host, I'll be in your care also!]

"Do you want a name? It's kinda or sorta weird to keep calling you system.. And are you a male or female?" he asked the system. [System's gender is male, and I would love for you to give me a name host! (^v^)] Cain smiled slightly, at his cute system. "I'll name you- Kazuki." The system was very happy with the name and said, [ Thank you very much for the system, host!]

"So are we gonna go to the first world?" Cain asked, interested, and curious at the first exploration and task!

[Oh! Yeah, sorry host, I forgot about it, this might hurt a lot.] The system said. Then Cain was sucked into a wormhole which, if he may mention did not feel good- right after the wormhole spit him out, he was in an extravagant room, it had a beautiful blue soft bed, and the walls were a white color with the normal stuff a bedroom should have just more expensive-looking, he was admiring the room when he's head started to hurt, it felt like it was like getting sliced apart which is not a pleasant feeling, he was receiving someone else's reminiscences and he felt like throwing up- he searched for the bathroom, guided by the memories that invaded his head after the wormhole spit him out- He quickly got in the large bathroom, which looked like it was a room on its own-

He threw up in the sink and felt a little better after, [Are you okay host?] Kazuki asked worriedly it's host wasn't looking so good.

"Yes, don't worry-" The owner of this body was named Luther Oliver Stone, a wealthy son of the 3rd richest person in the world, he was gay but his parents didn't mind, and loved him all the same, and his mother always asked him to wear girl clothes, which he complied with, sometimes, he looked the same as Cain, he had a feminine body, that consisted of wide hips, smooth thighs, and slim waist with thin smooth and slender hands. He basically looked like Cain, in the looks department, too. He was going to a school named, Moonlight Academy tomorrow, but died in a car accident because he was watching something in the middle of the street with headphones on.

Cain got out of the bathroom, sat down on the couch in his room, yes there's a couch in his room, and asked Kazuki, for the plot. And he was sure that this world was gonna be easy and it wasn't.

This world was in a novel called "I'll Love You To The End". The male lead was called, Leon Harold Arther, he was the richest man's son, and the female lead was the 2nd richest person's daughter, she and Leon have been best friends since childhood, she fell in love with him when they were in middle school but never bothered to tell him because she thought he didn't like her, he did like her though -they went to a school called Moonlight Academy- Later on, a girl came along who was also rich but not as rich as me or the main leads, she falls in love with the make lead and fellows him around like a stalker, she stocked on to him, and the male lead didn't really like her, but he didn't think anything about her being so clingy to him, he didn't care, the female lead thought he did -and you know the rest somethings happen and they end up together- happy ever after!

Now, Cain's target is, the male lead's father, or as some other people would call him, the richest man, and furthermore his father's best friend- "why is my mission not easy, Kazuki?" He asked the system, 'curiously'. [Because this is the mission that fits host the most, and it said, that host will start with a D rank mission, for the first since the others would have been too easy for you, and if you don't complete this, don't worry you'll just get another mission! No punishment!] Kazuki said trying to appease his angry host.

"Hmmm, okay-" He said. He took off his clothes and went to take a shower.


Thank you for reading!

I'll update this as much as I can!

*1349 words