
Tempest Monarch

Infinity died as an Orphan and was transmigrated into a parallel universe and found out that he had powers that no one had powers beyond his own understanding and he became the Monarch of Tempests. Relying on the Monarch system, Infinity embarks on the path of escalating and leveling up from the bottom to becoming The monarch of Tempest. By Kaiga_providence Cover art credits: Myself.

Kaiga_providence · Fantasy
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18 Chs



"Heh! I Guess I'll have to sleep up on a tree branch"

"But that could be dangerous..."

"But anyways I am the Monarch of Tempest" He said with confidence.

He climbed up the tree and he found a large tree branch, the tree was a tall one. Infinity was very comfortable there than sleeping on the ground, soon the next thing he saw was the full moon shining in the sky.

Infinity could not help but stare at the moon, and soon he fell asleep.


The next morning.


An old man in dark clothing and white man beard and hair is walks in the forest with a sack bag in his hand.

He had just finished collecting some plants or rather herbs. He walked slowly along the pathway.

Meanwhile the young hero infinity, was busy sleeping on the tree branch.

Infinity's sleep mostly gets disturbed by morning time, that was the kind of person he was.

Once it gets to morning he starts to sleep-talk and then he wakes up.

He waked up in shock but he forgets he was on a tree branch.

The old man was right under the tree branch passing when infinity fell from the tree.

"Ahhhhh!" He screamed out loud.

The old man was now alerted by Infinity's scream.

Infinity was about to hit the old man ft above, the old man simply jumped back and infinity fell straight to the ground.

- Thud

"Woah, now what kind of person would fall from the sky?" said the old man.

Infinity got on his knees, slowly rising from the ground.

"I did not fall from the sky, I fell from that tree branch up there"

"And who are you by the way?"

Infinity said gazing at the man.

"Heh, crazy youngster!"

"What! Who are you calling crazy?"

"Yes you, you were sleeping in a tree branch, didn't you care if you would fall to the ground?"

"Well, I can withstand hostile conditions and thanks for not catching me by the way" Infinity said.

"You are a strange kid, how did you fall from that great height and you didn't even break a bone!?" The old man asked infinity in curiosity.

"Like I told you before, I can handle these kind of things" He said.

"OK so where are your parents? Or did you run out here alone?" The old man asked infinity.

"I don't have any, now please stop asking me questions" Infinity said to the old man.

The system showed up again with another information on its holographic screen.

[New task arrived]

"What the heck is wrong with you!!" Infinity said to the system.

"Can't you even let me stretch my legs first!?" He said angrily pointing his fingers in an empty direction.

"Well, not only that he is lost he is also very crazy that he is talking to no one" The old man muttered to himself.

[The man you just found is your <<>>]

Infinity froze at the sight of what was displayed on the screen.

He turned around and looked at the old man then he looked at the screen again.

"So you are telling me that this old man is My master!?"

[Jujitsu Master required]

Infinity saw the information on the screen and he turned back and faced the old man.

Infinity thoughts...

"Isn't he a feeble old man"

"But yet, he might be hiding his power"

"But if he was, wouldn't I have sensed sensed his aura"

"But, if the system said it, that means it is true"

Infinity said all these in his mind, he thought of many different things in a few seconds.

"So are you done daydreaming, well it's obvious that you don't need anything from me so I'll just leave" The old man said and he turned around walking away.

"No! Wait old man" Infinity said to the old man addressing him.

"You know there is a better way to address me than old man"

"if you want to know my name, it's Rave" Rave the old man said to infinity with a smirk.

Infinity walked toward Rave and bowed his head.

"Master Rave" Infinity said formally and politely.

"Huh, that's sudden" Rave murmured.

"My name is infinity, and I would like you to be my master and teach me Jujitsu" Infinity said formally.

"Now hold up! How did you know I am a jujitsu master?" Rave asked.

Infinity stammered while replying rave, but he finally constructed a few words and he let them out of his mouth.

"Well, I have heard about you from the Astra town, and their descriptions of you match, hehe!" Infinity said to rave.

Infinity wanted to keep his identity a secret, so he didn't want to alert anyone of his past, that's why he lied to rave.

"Are you sure about this youngster" Rave asked.

"Yes I am, I want to learn jujitsu from you master" Infinity said to rave bowing down his head.

{The hell of I know what jujitsu is, I just have to comply with the task of the system} He said within himself.


"OK, if you want to learn jujitsu from me, then follow me back to my home in the outskirts of the Astra town"Rave said.

Infinity was delighted by race's offer, so infinity tagged along with rave and left for his house.


They arrived out the house, it was a small wooden cabin that looked small in the outside, but it was a little bigger on the inside.

"So since you want me to train you, you'll be living with me and for as long you want" Rave said.

"This man is strangely generous, is he really happy to train me" Infinity said within the walls of his mind.

"Wait master, won't I become a burden to you now that I live with you?" he asked.

"Nonsense, I said you can stay, don't make me change my mind about that"Rave said in an alarming tone that scared infinity.

"OK Master, I understand" Infinity said.

"And now the first thing you need to get to is a bath, you really need one" Rave said wiping his nose.

"Yes, it seems so" Infinity said sarcastically.

"There is a spring behind the trees of the cabin, you can use there" Rave said.

"Thank you for your generosity Master rave, I really appreciate" Infinity said.

"No need to be formal, Just have a bath" Rave said.

Infinity's face turns slightly red and he left for the spring.


Moments later he was done with his bath and he got back to the cabin, he saw an unexpected scene.

It was a small farm, it seems that rave had a farm that keeps him.

Rave was also on the small piece of land harvesting some fruits and veggies.

Infinity joined him and the worked together.

After the day's work,they had an amazing dinner and they rested outside the cabin on some hay that was placed on the ground gazing at the stars of the night sky.

"Infinity, was it?" rave asked.

"Yes master?" Infinity replied.

"we start training tomorrow and and be ready for what you are about to enter" Infinity said.

"Yes Master, I am fully ready" Infinity said like a determined soldier.

"That's it, see you tomorrow!" Rave said followed by infinity, they went inside and soon they both fell asleep.

- Blackout

(To be continued)



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