

The world of Telius, much like our Earth. A single landmass divided into 5 kingdoms, each having their own specialty, magic, cold arts, songs, wisdom, destruction. Home to humans, dwarves, and elves. Calia, a girl living in the kingdom of magic, which was now fallen, after the great war, had never believed what the history books said. She always wanted to find the truth of the world. When a terrible incident happened to their family, separating her from her sister, she sought out to find her. But little did she know, this world was nothing like the one in the history books. A journey to restore homeland. Here's to justice, love, betrayal, friendship, and more importantly, adventure.

Sujashree_Roy · Fantasy
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11 Chs

6. Suspicion

Three hours ago:

Ei was decorating the house, she had a little surprise planned for Calia. She smiled, thinking about her daughter, and taking out a locket from under her dress. Avicia was rearranging some furniture.

The locket was shining, it was round and golden with red symbols inscribed in it and golden-red wings projecting outward. The details were intricate, it was one of a kind.

"It's time I tell her the truth" she muttered under her breath. A knock on the door caught her attention, making her put the locket back under.

"Come in"

Tefan walked in....with some people.

Ei looked up, confused. She shifted to Tefan, nodding her head to ask who they were.

"Welcome, to my humble abode. T-they are guests for Calia's birthday, my friends" the man stuttered. There were five men, all of them looked buffed and broad, much unlike her husband. Ei raised her eyebrows and bowed in front of them. "Welcome, we are most grateful to have you with us. Pease wait, I will bring you all something to eat." She bolted towards the kitchen, dropping the flowers on the table.

Ei's Pov:

To say I was happy, would be a lie. I've know Tefan for long enough and he was not the type of person to bring guests for his daughter's birthday..

I was rather suspicious of his kind gesture, but I did not question him when he said that they were friends of his, so I gave in. I used my ice magic to cool the glasses which had beer in them, and I took some sweets in a separate plate.

"Who are they?" Avicia asked at she walked into the kitchen, I could sense she was suspecting them too, but I chose to keep quiet about it.

"Friends of your father."

"He invited people to Calia's birthday?" Avicia sounded surprised but still suspicious.

I handed her 2 plates and motioned her to walk with me, into the dining room.

When I returned, I saw the men picking stuff up, and looking through the furniture. The dinner table was disheveled, the decorations I worked so hard on, were all torn and broken, as if someone threw a tantrum.

Guests my ass.

I narrowed my eyes and the plate froze from how hard I was clenching it. "I don't remember asking you all to search my house." I said, and immediately everyone turned around to look at me and my daughter.

The tallest guy, who seemed to be the leader, smirked. "Well Ma'am, you're gonna be working for us, along with your two beautiful daughters. They will make good slaves...and so much more" he said, a smug smile spreading across his face.

A wave of anger ran through me like a river, the temperature rising rapidly. My hands were turning cold, I was emitting my ice magic subconsciously.

"And what makes you think I will work for your sorry asses?" I sneered.

All this commotion made Avicia get her guard up. She lowered her stance so that she can attack him back if the situation comes. I transmissioned her something with the help of my gift, and she nodded.

Looking back at those men, I tilted my head as the supposed leader nodded towards another man with an eyepatch, and held out a paperwork.

"This, I hope, clears everything"

He read aloud:

"I, Tefan Ash Brown cannot pay my debts back because of my incompetence. Instead, I am selling my wife, Ei Aster, and my daughters, Calia and Avicia Aster. Myung is allowed to do whatever they want to them. I give consent as the head of the family.



That last part made my blood boil. I was so close to killing these fuckers, but the words stopped me cold. These bastards weren't just going to take me away! They were going to take everything I love. And then they'll destroy everything I care about.

There is a policy in Telius, or rather, Enchancia, that if someone is unable to pay for something, they could sell furniture, their belongings, or even, humans. This is disgraced upon by many citizens and yet no one dares to stand up against it.

They say you will never understand a problem, or a threat, if you haven't experienced it. I never had a problem with the 'policy'. But it was only now that I realized how cruel it could really be. How many families must suffer under their control? To sell their possessions and let others enjoy them? Who knows what else they can do to them!

I knew they were evil, but I never thought they'd actually resort to this. The idea sickens me.

"Mom..?" Avicia's voice snapped me back into reality, I realized I had been staring at the floor for minutes now. I looked at her concerned face and shaked my head. "I'm here" I whispered.

"So I'm assuming you are Ei Aster and this is Avicia." The tall man spoke again, making my blood boil.

"Where is Calia Aster?"

Oh god. Calia.

My face went pale. Calia will be home soon, I has to tell her about everything, I have to save them, Avicia is just there what if he does something to her--...Hundreds of thoughts raced my mind in a matter of seconds, as I tried to think of a way.

"We're not going anywhere. Not on my watch" I glared.

"I guess we need to use force after all" the leader smirked.