

The world of Telius, much like our Earth. A single landmass divided into 5 kingdoms, each having their own specialty, magic, cold arts, songs, wisdom, destruction. Home to humans, dwarves, and elves. Calia, a girl living in the kingdom of magic, which was now fallen, after the great war, had never believed what the history books said. She always wanted to find the truth of the world. When a terrible incident happened to their family, separating her from her sister, she sought out to find her. But little did she know, this world was nothing like the one in the history books. A journey to restore homeland. Here's to justice, love, betrayal, friendship, and more importantly, adventure.

Sujashree_Roy · Fantasy
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11 Chs

5. Guests

Calia's Pov:

I was excited for 2 days in my life. My birthdays, and the new years.  I've never had friends who celebrated them before and today was no exception. Still, my birthdays were always perfect, thanks to my family.

And even if the circumstances weren't ideal... It could still be beautiful. So, when the time came for my 18th birthday, I jumped right into preparing for a day of joy and celebration. I was over the moon.

Year 1411:

I woke up to the smell of sweet smell of caramel, and jelly. I shifted my gaze to the right and saw the face of my little sister, standing all giddy, with something behind her in her hands.

"C'mon, breakfast is ready." She said, as she handed me a small box wrapped in pink paper. I got out of bed, smiling as I unwrapped the box.

"Happy Birthday, Cala!" I heard mom say as she opened the door. I grinned.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I told Avicia as I looked down at the pair of earrings. It was red and blue  beads, made out of what felt like jasper crystal. They were pretty. "But thank you."

Mom walked in, then gave both of us hugs. "Happy birthday my baby girl" she said, showering kisses all over my face. "Now, will you go and get dressed? You have to go to the academy...and theeennnnn we can have noodles with everyone!" She tickled my belly, smiling happily.


"The nature is the source of every element in existence." Mr. Jack began.

"The air is abundant of wind, the moisture is a source of water, the scorching sun, a source of fire and the ground, a source of earth type.  This creates a balance between these elements and it is this equilibrium that determines our physical existence." Mr. Jack continued.

He went on like that, teaching us about our surroundings. How everything around us has its own purpose and how we must live accordingly.

"I will need a mage of every element here." he scanned the ground and picked four of us, including me.

"Calia, try to conjure a fire ball over...there" he pointed at a place where the sun's rays were exceptionally strong. I concentrated, and formed a rather large ball of fire. Mr. Jack then diffused it with his water magic.

"Good, now conjure the same, here" he pointed again, this time, there were no sun rays in that part  of the room. That was weird...

I tried again but nothing happened. No flames appeared. Instead, I created another one but it too disappeared when my hand met the flame.

"What is going on?" I asked, looking around in confusion.

"This signifies the lack of fire type mana in this region, which is why you were not able to conjure the ball. However if you try to conjure one directly from the palm of your hands, you will be able to do it, because your palm has an abundace of your inborn element" he said as he watched me do the same. He was correct.

Our dark haired teacher then turned towards the group and explained the theory

"The nature does not have every element in abundance everywhere. You will have a hard time conjuring waves in a dry desert and you would not be able to conjure a rocky chair in the middle of the sea. However, it is possible. With enough practice and  dedication, you will master this technique eventually" he said as he conjured a wave of water in the distance above the sand.

We clapped as the wave passed through the floor. "So, what you have learned so far is only a small part of the basics. Once you are more experienced and able to perform certain spells, you'll have mastered your element and you will own it."


Third person pov:

Around noon, Calia was returning home, from the academy, with a basket of herbs in her hands. She's been practicing how to heal with herbs since she wanted to be a nurse. She walked home, jumping and singing, thinking about what she will do and what not. She even wished her father would be home, to wish her...and they'd have a nice family dinner.

When she reached home, she saw two men outside their house. One had  white beard and wore glasses and the other one was taller than him with long dark hair. Calia raised a brow, suspicious of the two strangers.

"Can I help you?" she asked, skeptical.

The taller man stepped forward. "We are guests, of your dad"

Guests? As in guests for my birthday?

Father was here? These thoughts roamed the brown haired girl's mind. Her smile widened. This day couldn't be any better. She ran towards the entrace inside their dining room.

A high pitched scream filled the room, it was from Calia. The basket of herbs dropped down from her hands, she was terrified from what she just saw...she thought the day would be perfect...oh how wrong she was.