Blake:What look it's 3am i have school in a few hours.
Blake: I swear Blue is this you.
Blue:No it's your grandma.
Blake:Oh okay, Grandma i'll freaking kill you.
Blake:What about them
Blake:er okay
Blue: oo and also the doctor said i could go to school it's gonna be my first time.
Blake: i thought you said you've only had cancer for three years.
Blue:i dont even remember what i said why should you i've had many other sicknesses that prevented me from going to school.
Blake: i'll remember not to remember and sorry about your childhood.
Blue: Oh thats okay i was home schooled.
Blake: Oh, well i have school in a few hours so im hanging up.
Blue: whatever dude.
Blake: er okay.
okay so i thought people may not like dialouge stories so i'm twisting it a bit yeah wish me luck! and also just feel free to add this book to your library i would do it for you but thats a bit rude isn't it please add it.
oh okay well then