

Blue: Hello i'm calling about the apple's

Blake:which apple's

Blue:don't play dumb doctor.

Blake:I'm not a doc- Macy is this you are you prank calling me again i swe-

Blue:who is this Macy person.

Blue:I called cause i was told an apple a day the doctor a day. I've been eating apple's everyday for the last 16 years but here i am in a hospital.

Blake:I swear Macy didn't know you were this creative now tell me what are you in the hospital for.

Blue:I have cancer.

Blake:Yeah right i can hear your laughter from my room.

Blue:I'm not Macy i am Blue and i was given this number by a guy named Mark who was visiting his gran.

Blake: ooooo. Wait then why'd you call me a doctor.

Blue:Cause my doctor wont tell me why im in the hospital even after i've eaten an apple a day for 16 years.


Blue: have you never heard the saying 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'.

Blake:I have.

Blue:Then could you please tell me why i'm in the hospital.

Blake:Er i don't know what to tell you.

Blue:it's my fault isn't it i shouldn't have forgetting to eat the apple last three years maybe i wouldn't be in the hospital now.

Blake:It isn't your fault.

Blue:I would answer that but i have to go for a checkup. I never got your name.

Blake:My name is Blake.

Blue:Well goodnight Blake.


Blake:Goodni- did she hung up oh well.


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