
Telekinesis In Multiverse

this is a story about a guy with telekinesis travel to another world ................................. Current World: Nier Automata .................................. The next world plan is either rwby or halo author note > I am just doing this because it is fun writing if you have any suggestions don't forget to put them in the comment section > busy entering college update will be slower

Souleye123 · Video Games
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26 Chs


Evan is currently wearing a suits and now are heading to the stage

"hahh keep calm and i can do this" i was have really nervous, those MC on fanfic make it look easy got damn i am already having a breakdown right now, maybe i should have make a wish for Gamer mind cause it is really useful for this situation

But GOT DAMN there is over 500 android here

"why is there Soo many android in here??"

this is a lot more than in-game when i remember

anemone seeing my confusing decide to answer

"that's simple most of Android here were either fighting outside, making stuff inside a room, but the majority came from outside camp when they heard a stage was made for human, a rumor spread fast and almost all android run here when they heard it, Soo almost all android in the area is here except those YoRHa they are still fighting somewhere, there was also suggestion for broadcast but consider it was pretty easy to be hack by machine we quickly cancel it, and you said yourself make a stage but you did not say how many people who should watch Soo i go all out"

huh, i thought there were going to be only 100 android but i did not guess that more android camp from outside

while i am still nervous anemone decide to voice her mind

"don't worry i have being there too when it was my first time being a leader" anemone noded in understanding she was a timmed when she was but a mere fighter but when suddenly thrown to be leader she was really nervous

"any tips on how to not be nervous?" Evan while looking at anemone hoping there is tips

"sorry that's for you to find out"

really helpful anemone "well sucks, but man you sure work fast for this kind of stage" Evan seeing the place is pretty huge

"heh you have to thank the rest of the people here when i tell them the humans need help they immediately go all out and after 24 hour it is done"

"WHAT you guys are not tire after working so long?"

"? what are you talking about android won't get tired just from do this you know"

i start to sweatdrop from her comment and thought my self man i have to fix their common sense if i want to work with them

sound of footstep appear behind anemone

anemone look behind to see Emelia

"anemone it is your time come on" said Emelia while looking at anemone

nod in understanding she begin to look at Evan "well that conclude our talk get ready yourself Evan and see ya" she said while beginning to walk with Emelia

"don't worry if you were ever nervous we will right beside you to help out alright?" said Emelia in small smile

i look at Emelia for a second and smile back "Thanks Emelia for the confidence"

(3rd POV)

"hey are you sure that the rumor true" android 1

"i don't know maybe it is a hoax you know there has never been a human appear for thousand-year and all of them on the moon" android 2

"but there was another rumor that there was a room made especially for human not too far from resistance camp and the order was from even from anemone herself" android 3

"holy crap Maybe you are right, but it still does make any sense why would they be down here and there is no proof yet" android 2 said with a question, the other also android confuse

"i heard anemone is going to make a stage on City Ruins and there is even human there!" android 4

"WHAT" all the other android in the group said at the same time

"yeah and it has to be hot spot for almost all androids the area soo it should be crowded" android 4 with excited face

"you know can we not watch it from here? that many people should have brought a broadcast" android 1 ask in pain because of the pathway from desert to camp a bit far

"can't anemone say herself that if a broadcast appears it will attract a machine you know what will happen if they know that the human is there" android 3 said grimly

"the machine will send someone to kill him" android 2 nod in understanding

"well what are waiting for? we should heading there! i am not going to miss this history moment," android 1 said as she run, the other begin to follow her in understanding

rumor spread like wildfire after 10 android appear 50 come and so on until 400 android that is still increasing, anemone already bring her people to make sure no machines get in and are checking one by one for any spy

by the time already reach 12 am almost 500 android in the stage and anemone can be seen walking to the stage to talk

"alright i won't do chit chat and get straight to the point you all here because you heard of rumor that a human is here right?" everyone around the stage nod

anemone look around and take a deep breath and let it out and answer their question

"the rumor is true"

everyone then got silent from anemone statement various shock face appear on there face , Evan is already take a photo of this for memory sake while laughing inside

"and the reason we make the stage so we convey this information"

"now i am sure everyone one of you have a question, but it will be answered personally by the human himself, so let me introduce you guys Evan" when she call him, Evan put his phone in his pocket to walk to the stage

every one of the android got curious when they see him walking to the middle

i look around the android first and start with a simple greeting "hello everyone"

Everyone one of the android there start to scream to question him that make his ears hurts

"are you really hum-"-re you not on the moo-" -angerous to be here when the machine while still out there-"

the question continue until you tell them to calm down "alright alright calm down i will answer the majority of the question you want to know if i am really human right? let's see" out of majority of android there should someone who can hack

"regular android can be hack while human can not let's see if you can do it" many android try to hack Evan but confuse can be seen in every android

"i can't hack him"that's impossible even a single piece of electronic can be hack"

many confuse reason they can not hack him, but of course you can not hack something where there is nothing to hack

"that's right the reason you can not hack me is that my body is not made of android parts, but an organic"

every android got pretty excited if what he said if he is true when somebody yell from among the android


everything got quiet when they hear the scream

you look at their direction and see a android cried in disbelief

anemone seeing the person decide to whisper in Evan ears

"careful That is one of the older androids name 'Margaret' who fight in the 9 machine war she lost a lot of friends fighting the machine and when she heard rumor that the human was extinct she beginning to lose hope"

"and seeing a human here, she start to be angry " Evan nodded in understanding

she sobbed for a second before she scream again "IF YOU REALLY ARE HUMAN PROOF IT OTHER THEN THAT" other android also curious if there is other proof if Evan is really human

hmmm now how should i handle this?

(to be continue)


ANDD CUT the speech was a lot more word than i thought so i am going to make part 2 for the speech, anyways don't forget to support the fanfic and bring a suggestion if you have any as always i will see you next chapter.