
Telekinesis In Multiverse

this is a story about a guy with telekinesis travel to another world ................................. Current World: Nier Automata .................................. The next world plan is either rwby or halo author note > I am just doing this because it is fun writing if you have any suggestions don't forget to put them in the comment section > busy entering college update will be slower

Souleye123 · Video Games
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26 Chs

Showing android the grim situation

(Evan Pov)

after i was done with the speech i was swarmed by many kind of android i was having tough time dealing with them, but anemone help me get through of them and begin to lead me to my new house?

"anemone why did you lead me to this place"

"Remember when i said that a room was prepared just for you? well this is the place"

The place was 2 tall story house with a gray color on the outside maybe to keep hide the place?

i was staring at the new house with disbelief why the heck would they build me a house when i can just live in the room just fine?

"you know anemone i can live in the room just fine you know"

"nonsense the android who work on this was full-on commitment to build this if you refuse they will be sad"

"well i won't say no to free house" walking to the house i see that the door require scanning to enter and even an automatic door? man living in the future is great

when i try to enter the house i forget 1 thing "can you call Emelia here?*

"hmm? why do you want to call her?"

"we need to discuss with her the situation of the camp"

"sure give me a second" she starts to type something on her pad and look at me again

"alright she should be heading here any second now"

while waiting you look around to find her and you see a Lone android is heading my way running

"Sorry for the wait i came here as fast as i can when you call me"

"don't worry we are not really in rush well come in"

as i enter the house i was surprised that twin is here "welcome back Evan" devola and popola

"hm? oh hello devola and popola what are you doing here?"

"did anemone not tell you? from now on we are going to be living inside your house to take care of you," said popola while looking at Evan

".....Is this really fine? are you not scared that i will not do anything to you guys while i am here?" wait does this concept is still here even though they are android??

"It is fine even if you did something we don't mind even if you ravage us" devola make a dramatic move like i was going to ravage her

i deadpan at her dramatic move "...anyways we should all go to the living room we have much to discuss" devola and popola start to leave to make some privacy but i stop them

"that include you both come on" i pull them to the living room, both twin was surprised but still follow me

anemone and Emila was curious what kind of discussion but remain silent as the rest of answer will be there while

once we arrive we Take a seat in our respective seat and begin to talk

"now you guys must have notice but this place is overcrowded" i get straight to the point of this place

"we can see that since the end of your speech our number of people in the resistance just shot up 200% and that number is still increasing as we speak, morale also shoot to the roof with you being here" said Emelia while looking from her report

anemone whistle at the report "now that is the highest record i ever got"

"yeah anyways because of this not organized place i want to make a different team from their specific skill" anemone and Emelia got interested on how i will deal with this

"and how do you want to do it?

"simple we will make a team, they will be assault team, healing and maintenance team, managing team , R&D team many more if needed" and i need my own team if i want to deal with those machines or red girl i should try to recruit A2 after the mess is done

"and the second thing is i need a special suit for me that can block a scanner unit" THIS is the 2 most important i don't want those machine network finding me i was just lucky not getting found and it is only a matter of time

"That's fine ill get the suit for you ready tomorrow morning" Emila starts to write something on her pad

"huh that was quick"

"heh don't underestimate us engineer you thought we are going to lose to those YoRHa guys? think again"

hmm if they work this quick i can have a bunch of plan for them, (for some reason Emila feels a shivers) "now if that was done we will Discuss the real reason i am calling all of you here" everyone start to focus when i say this

"you must have noticed but i don't want those YoRHa to find me And there was another reason for it" question mark on appear on their face

i prepare my self to drop a friking Hiroshima bomb on them "i have feeling machine network has managed to hack YoRHa server." not really feeling if you understand the situation

every of the android in this was shock at this news

"wait wait wait what do you mean YoRHa server has being hack?! and how do you even know this" anemone was the first one to freak out

"...let's talk of how i know this another time and it is just like i said the YoRHa server has being hack and if the YoRHa know this"

"The machine will knows to" Emelia finish my word

"that's right and that is why i was asking help for all of non YoRHa type because i don't trust them and the situation was perfect for me without those YoRHa here" except 9S, 2B and A2 cause they are literally the protagonist of this world and we are just the side character for side quest lol anyways back to the topic

"is that the reason you don't want YoRHa to know this?" popola question my situasion

"that is right and the situation was too good to past up when those guys are still busy fighting" i starts to speak again but something click on my mind "wait how long until YoRHa come back?"

"they are doing major operation with the army of humanity if i am right it is at Peninsula, Normandy,France and if i am right they should be back after 2 months or less if the operation failed"

"oh yeah i heard too, it was the largest operation they did with over 4,500 unit," Devola said

"nice with such a long time we can prepare ourselves"

"wait i still don't get it if the machine network manage to hack YoRHa server then why did they not destroy the bunker or something?" Confusion appears on anemone face

Emelia decide to answer in my stead "is it not obvious anemone? that mean YoRHa is nothing more a puppet for them to control all this time"

"What so you are saying.....," anemone eyes went wide "then this makes all sense of why they have not overwhelm us all this year but why would they do that? why would they just not outright just kill us"

seeing this situation every android in the room starts to despair from the situation yeah that will be my face if i were them i was surprised as them when i first noticed red girl (N2) already hack the server long time ago

"everyone calm down now if you know the situasion clearly we need to safe guard me in here and deal with threat slowly" after 5 minutes every android in the room starts to calm down

"they did manage to hack the server but that's it, the android are not being control just yet so maybe if we tell this to commander white without those machine network notice maybe we can deal with the threat"

"i already write a bunch plan on how to win this war and i just need all of you to listen"


- improve software for dealing with hacking on all resistance android and if they ever got hack they have to delete my memory of being human

- prepare ourselves if ever YoRHa turn our back again us

- telling this situation to every android in the resistance so they can keep a secret of me being here even from YoRHa

- recruit or build more member android to deal with this situation

- tell the situation to YoRHa without machine network notice it


" i will add more if the situation demands but for now this is enough"

"now with my telekinesis, i can revert the damage to anything even a dead android can be revived as long as i have knowledge on how they work and if the body still there, so devola and popola both of you will be busy teaching me alright?" both twin nod in understanding

"that is a really useful can android learn it?" anemone said with hope

"i am afraid not right now"

"damn but with your power, we can get manpower easy enough, and android dead pretty much everywhere" anemone get excited cause there is literly million of android scatter around the world

i nod in excitement the machine won't know what to hit them "recruiting a YoRHa unit is also fine if they are not traced by machine network, but don't let the pods or tactical support units know cause they are highly danger as well if they are still connected to pods network" red girl can literally just look at me from pods eye and kill me if i was too dangerous

everyone in the room nods and anemone speak again "i will start to spread this news to every android in the camp to deal with this threat and begin the plan for this while keeping this secret from YoRHa if possible" anemone starts to get up and walk out

"i am coming with you anemone" Emelia stand up and walk with anemone

"btw anemone before you leave"


"now that i am here none of the android here are allowed to kill themself doing suicide run or scout alright?" i am planning to add a tracker so i can notice all of the android well being in and out of the camp

"Evan that will be hard you know?"

"that is why i am here anemone, to improve this place and make less chance of getting kill i mean come on why are you still using fking guns from the era of hummanity?" 10,000 in the future i thought there will be more powerful gun, but this place still uses friking Ak-47?? yeah all of the android death now make more sense

"we can't do anything about it the resource around area is limited and we can barerly making it from scraping for material" Emelia shake her head

"ah if you just need that i have a lot of way we can get more"

"we can talk this more when we are done now i have to go before they spread rumor to other area bye Evan"

"oh yeah don't forget to gather the dead android so i can revive them and bunch of parts for android cause there bound to be part that is missing"

anemone and Emelia nod in understanding and starts to leave and you look at devola and popola

"are you ready to learn"

"can we do this a bit later? i am still mentally tired from doing speech"

"that's fine, devola can you lead Evan to his room"

"no problem come on let's get you to bed"

I start to walk with devola when popola speak again

"oh yeah Evan don't forget tomorrow you need to have a check-up for your health alright"

"oke" i barely have the energy to answer as i was Soo tire from speaking that i was suddenly in bed sleeping man tomorrow going to be busy


ANDDD CUT, as you can see i am not dead yet, upload chapter will be a bit more late cause i am lazy to write and my free time it is getting short from almost entering college, if you want to motivate me to write don't forget to support me by give me gems and giving me a suggestion on what to add so it can be popular, my goal will be getting this 1 million views and 1000 collection for this fanfic and 100,000 word to write so you don't have to worry that i will stop suddenly (i am still at 15,000 word) anyways i will see you next chapter

(btw do you have any suggestions on the best time should i upload the chapter?)