
Telekinesis In Multiverse

this is a story about a guy with telekinesis travel to another world ................................. Current World: Nier Automata .................................. The next world plan is either rwby or halo author note > I am just doing this because it is fun writing if you have any suggestions don't forget to put them in the comment section > busy entering college update will be slower

Souleye123 · Video Games
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26 Chs


"Say i have being curious, Stella"


"I never heard of android having a scout model" from the game i never heard of resistance member have a Scout model

"Oh that's because we are a newly build model"

"So if you build a S Model is there B model or D?"

"You mean Battler and defender model? not yet the reason android build S model because it is a lot more cheaper to produce and we are not rich like those YoRHa type soo we can only build a few Scout model and we still don't understand how the blackbox work so we need 2 or 3 fusion reactor to fuction"

"That's Really expensive"

"Tell me about it, but i have curious what is it we are looking for?"

"2 thing, one is junkyard"

"Junkyard? you mean the junkyard that YoRHa left over?" Margaret said

"Yep that's it"

"OH oH i know that because us Scout model were requested by Anemone to search for it, we did found it"


"Yep, but...."


"Machine life form have infested the place there at least 2 Goliath class over there, so it is nothing more then a suicide if going there unprepared"

"Oh alright" i should deal with it after training on how to deal goliath

after running for 30 minutes i arrive at the place

"And what's the second reason?"

"You will know if i show you" i looking around the sand for the exact location from the game after 5 minutes i found the place

"We are here"


"This" i grab the little pods who is bury in the sand


"YoRHa pod.."

"Yeah, Stella can you check the pod and turning it on if posible?"

"Are you sure want to turn it on? if YoRHa knows we are using their stuff they are not gonna like it"

"Heh if they are planning to leave their stuff then it is better for us to use it"

"Alright Just give me a second"

"Hmm from the looks of it the owner discard these pods and left it on safe mode, the motives is unknown"

"Can you bring it online?"

"Give me a second" she type something on the invisible keyboard "andd done"

"That was quick"

"The pods were only offline for some reason so it was easy for me to turn it on"

We wait for a moment when the pods suddenly shot up to the sky and look at us for a minutes before answeing

"Report: multiple subsystems are damaged, including long-range communication, Observation: are you android is the one Turning me on?" looks like a women voice

"That's right what happened? why are you burry in the sand?"

"Response: Memory bank has being damage. Reason: Unknown."

"In other words you don't know"


"Well what are you plan now pods?"

"This unit wishes to return to the group it was assigned to."

"Well i don't know about you but i don't see your owner being alive around here"


"Hey how about you come with me? became my companion"

"Warning: non-YoRHa unit are not permitted the use property of YoRHa"

heh i was waiting for this "Then how about human?" i take off my helmet and show my face

the pods stop talking for moment and just float in front of my face

"Uhh pod?"

"Query: Is the unit in front of me is human"


Pod float in front of me for a minutes before answering

"Scan indicates body is made of organic. Conclusion: The unit in front of me is human"

"So you trust me that i am human?"

"affirmative. Query: Why is Human is on the surface?"

"We can talk more when we return back to base, machine lifeform is still around here i don't want to be detected by them" i put my helmet back

the pods just float around my head and decide to stop

"The request is not against by protocol. request accepted."

"Nice, what's your name?"

"This unit has designation of pod-007"

"pod 007 heh a bit too long from now on i will call you seven is that okay?"


"Nice too meet you, my name is Evan" i bring my hand for a handshake with the pod

pod just stare at my hand for a moment but bring her hand for a handshake

"from now on you are my companion"

"affirmative. This pod shall assist the designated human indefinitely"

"Great Let's go!!" i rise my hand in excitement getting a pod

"Wow, i can't believe that works,"

"Is it not obvious?" i smug at my companion

"well did you get what you wanted" Margaret looking around the place

"yep let's go back to the camp"

we starts running back to the camp while trying to avoid machine's 'i feel like i forgot something important'

(Pod Pov)

'Reporting finding of human to the YoRHa Member' The Pod use it's antenna to send a signal to the bunker

'Status: long-range communication has being damaged.'


Calculating Complete

'Sending small important file in exchange for long range communication' the antenna broke while sending the file

(Bunker Pov)

It was peaceful as day in the bunker many of YoRHa doing their respective job when a one of the operators noticed something strange

"What the heck?" Operator 40 continue typing at the keyboard then procceed to call commander

"Commander you need to see this"

"What is it?"

"I don't know one our pod just send a data to the bunker and it said it was a level 5 important"

"level 5?" commander stare at her with an incredulous weird way

level 5 mean there is something more important as killing a alien? what could be more important then it?

"Commander, we have intercepted the information you will not believe it what it just send"

"well what is it?"

"uh you won't believe it, ill just send it to the screen"

The other android who watch this begin to read what it was sent and their eyes went wide from seeing the data

"Operator what the heck i am seeing?" commander white see a statistic of body including the heartbeat, health, and other things.

"Is not obvious what is it? it is a data of a live human"

every operator stop what are they doing and looks at the screen surprised by this

".....Are you sure this is not false information?" Commander ask in false hope of humanity to survive

"Negative Commander"

"Can you locate the location of the information send?"

"Sorry commander but it looks like the Pod communication has being damaged we are unable to find the location"

"Continue searching for the location if you found the location immediately report to me understood?"

"Understood commander" other Operators begin to gossip about what just happened but Commander White sees this as a false hope

'Human on the surface? There is no way that can be true, i already know that humanity dead, must be damaged Pod has made them send False information' Commander white Ignore the false alarm and went back to discuss with the commander of the Army of Humanity on Major Operation Blitzkrieg with 4,500 units heading for Cotentin Peninsula, Normandy, France

(To be continued)


ANDD CUT, as you can see not every human is perfect the OC of course make some mistake

anyways i have question what genre do you think this is? anime and comic or video game?