
Telekinesis In Multiverse

this is a story about a guy with telekinesis travel to another world ................................. Current World: Nier Automata .................................. The next world plan is either rwby or halo author note > I am just doing this because it is fun writing if you have any suggestions don't forget to put them in the comment section > busy entering college update will be slower

Souleye123 · Video Games
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26 Chs

oh god

i starts heading outside the camp while looking around the place, i can see there are more android around here even some of them starts building a wall out side the camp with a stone so i decide to help to them little bit while heading outside

"hey need some help?" one of the android notice my attire but i take of my helmet to show my face and he was surprised by me

"no need us android were built for this and we don't want to dirty your hands" i put my helmet back

"i don't need to touch the stone ill show you" i use the telekinesis to move all the stone, the android were surprised by this and look at the stone

"so where do i put it?"

"uhh just put it where the rest of android putting the stone" i nod and move all the stone to make a wall of stone, the other android was who was picking up the stone was suprise by this even stop what they are doing

"oh yeah can i see the skematik for the wall?"

"Sure here" he give me the skematik for the wall


i starts putting the stone on each place, and use my knowledge to make a wall i destroy the stone for a bit and the combine them together and after i am done a big wall appear in it is place,

many android who watch this has their jaw agape, the first android who i first meet start to question me "you can do that?"

"Yep, so where is the rest of it that need wall?"

"uhh right this way" the android starts to lead my way and i pick up the stone, and together we build another wall, after the final hole was close the android who watch this starts to clap, i starts to look at them and bow to them

"thanks you soo much for helping us my name Garry the leader of the build team" he bring his hand for a handshake

i grab his hand to handshake "no problem maybe already know me but my name is Evan" i let go of the hand and ask a question "soo Anemone decide to build a wall?"

"Yeah, with the increase android we have a lot more manpower, we use it to build wall over there and make a gate over there and repair building right here and other things that is needed, we plan to expand more with increase android every day" he point the direction of it while i was listening to his explanation, hmm does he know that i am planning to increase more android with my telekinesis?

"hmm interesting" maybe this is for the good? but i did not think that anemone was really listening to my advice, but with this we will be prepared this time not like last time Anemone people got massacre by cannibalism machine

"Yeah we are expected to expand until 1km around the camp for a time of 6 month from now on, does what said anemone not sound insane? that mean there will be more then 2000 or even more if my prediction is right, heh there is no way that is true" yeah about that i am pretty sure your gonna need to expand more in the future

"uhh about that" he turn his head to look at me

"i can use my telekinesis to revive android who is dead soo there is going to be more android" he was listening the word but his eyes went wide after i finish my word

he stare at me for uncomfortable time until i call him "hellooo anybody home" i shake his body and his stop staring

"S-Sorry so that's why Anemone was asking us to gather the body of dead android" Anemone already begin her plan eh? then i should not be slacking too

as we are talking someone shake me from behind and i look behind to see a android who is smiling at me

"hello You must be the one we are guarding today" i look at them closely and surprise by who is guarding me

the first one was Stella who wave at me with happy expression and other one is Margaret with a creepy smile... WHAT?!

"HELLO EVAN" hey Evan hehehehe" Stella was excited jumping around like rabbit while Margaret was laughing like really scary

"hello both of you can you uh, gave me a second" i call anemone real quick

"hey Evan what's wrong?"

"nothing why i am teaming up with Stella and Margaret?" Stella does not matter i was asking why of all android here it have to be Margaret

"simple Stella wants to repay for what you did so she volunteers so i accept her and Margaret? well she is really skilled at her job, and i trust her to be bodyguard duty with her experience and the fact you already know her make it better"


"what's wrong? you don't sound to happy should i switch them?"

"n-no there is no need thanks for the info" i hang her up and look at both of them

well can't say no to a gift "well with that out of way we should introduce ourselves again and tell our skill so we can coordinate better"

"OH OH i want to be first, as you can see my model is scout so i can hack and run away fast if i need to be i can fight close range but that's not what i specialized at"

"then i am next i am gunner model to fight long range and i love explosive" Margaret grab one of the explosive and swing it around her arms

i can see Margaret use Ak-47 behind her back while Margaret use a Katana

"then i am next i specialized in close range, i can block damage with my shield and can even use long range weapon with my telekinesis if i need"

"OHH that's Soo cool what else you can use the telekinesis for" Stella said with a star in her eyes

"other then revert the damage nothing yet i am still a newbie with this power"

"hmm that is interesting" Margaret said

"come on we are not going anywhere if we keep talking we have job to do"

"YESS"understand Evan"

i nod at them and look at Garry "Yeah if nothing else i am leaving bye Garry" i wave at him and starts to leave

"be careful Evan" Said Garry and he wave at me back

i starts to head outside of the building zone both android is following from behind me, i begin running and they both following from behind

after for a minutes of running something click in my mind, 'wait can i Dash like those main characters the twin did said they send some knowledge on how to fight let me try,' i try following the pattern in my memory and sudden Dash i was there "WOAH i can now Dash now let's see if i can double jump" i try jumping in the air and it WORKS "THIS IS SOO COOL" i try many other move in my brain while my companion is a gape at seeing me

"woah a human can do that?" Stella question Margaret

"why are you asking me? i never meet a human" Margaret also confuse seeing this

i starting to run, i was running around 30 km/hour I AM FAST now hehehe this is fun but the android looks like can run faster.

"so while we are running we should talk to each other to know more" Stella said

"sure what do you want to know?"

"well why are you here? not on the moon like the other"

hm well good thing i already prepare this scrip "as i said back at the stage i was preserved in cryo pods back at 2004 when white chlorination syndrome spread, we.... were were desperate on how to survive so we decide to work together building the cryo pods and with the speed of WCS, billions die in just a month, it became time bomb for us, we speed up the process sacrificing everything we have just to get this project done"

"oh, wait does that mean there were other people who survive in the project?" Stella with excited eyes meeting other human

"....no all of them are dead" i answer bluntly without remorse the android who watch this gasp at what just i said "without anybody supervising the place it became nothing more then tomb for human grave 1000 humans and only 1 survive and that's me"

"...oh, i am sorry for your lost" Stella bring her head down in shame

"it is fine even if i am alone in this world, i still have you guys right?"

"but we are both android....." Stella said looking at Evan

"and do you think i care, at least i have 2 android who want to help me and accompany me in this danger world thank you"

Stella and Margaret feel fuzzy at being thanks but still keep their focus on the mission

suddenly Stella went up and look at her right "contact Lone machine" Stella said

"ohh let me try, i want to test my combat"

both android look at each other Margaret decide to answer ".....alright but we will keep watch of you" YESSS

after running for a minutes we found the machine in daze looking at the sky

"perfect" i run to the machine and took out my sword


"huh? that's it?" my sword also got more stronger not bad

i let go of my sword and look at my companions "Not bad for your first combat" we starts running again after the machine destroy

"yeah but sucks that i still can not try my other weapon"

we are getting close to my vehicle but we still did not find a single machine "Where are the machine~ i want to destroy them~"

"heh i understand your feeling when i first make explosive" Margaret said

"did you learn it from jackass?"

"oh? do you know her?"

"pretty hard to not know her for being famous of explosive"

"hehe then you are right i am still learning to make a bomb from her"

few idles talk later, we arrive at my vehicles

"WOAH that's such cool vehicles" the other android was in Awe looking at the vehicles

"thanks come on getting in the car we bringing it back to the resistance camp" i open the door to the driver seats and get in the other 2 take the back seat"

"if you guys already comfortable let's get out of here" i starts the engine and drive the vehicles to the resistance


ANDD DONE, you know everytime i read the Lore of nier automata i almost fall in love of it Even the song is great! and because i have a bit more time i can make 2 chapter only today

so yeah don't forget to support me as that Will keep me motivate to write and byeee