
Telekinesis In Multiverse

this is a story about a guy with telekinesis travel to another world ................................. Current World: Nier Automata .................................. The next world plan is either rwby or halo author note > I am just doing this because it is fun writing if you have any suggestions don't forget to put them in the comment section > busy entering college update will be slower

Souleye123 · Video Games
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26 Chs


i walks to the gun store and starts thinking about what kind of gun i am going to need that is the best again metal

"now according to the wiki, machine are mostly made from the weaker metal cause of the rust and android are mostly made of titanium geez that's a really strong metal for android but i guess that make sense how they can stand a few slashes from of sword even a hit from friking goliath." now that i know what they're made of, i need a gun and weapon that can penetrate their metal easily.

hmm for now let's take a look for the best one Evan thought as he walk inside the gun store to look for the best weapon

"yep there is sure a lot for me to choose from oh there is also a Type 95 automatic rifle from china" seeing the word says 'made in china' make him remember all those cheap items from china stuff he buys in the store

this sure is great that i can choose a weapon not only from America but other countries as well, now i need a weapon that can penetrate metal easily and have a lot of ammo

"maybe like an anti-tank rifle or 20 mm? use 50 cal think that's enough to penetrate metal not like i am going to fight android all the time now for the list of guns hmm M2, M3, and M85 machine guns, SASR Barrett, M82 rifles ohh there is even thunder 50 bmg, AND ANZIO 20 mm gun?! man these things HUGE i can already imagine penetrating titanium like a paper with these things"

As he try to pick up the weapon he thought it was going to be super heavy but it is surprisingly light weight that he can carry around like a pistol

"but how? i already have much time harder picking up a gallon of water let alone guns that are even bigger than most guns"

maybe it has supposed to do with the gods? he did say that he make my body stronger for me to use telekinesis

if he did say make my body stronger i should try the telekinesis after this and how strong my body is

for now let's try these bad boys on the target practice, oh also i should try to pick up titanium for me to see if i can penetrate it and other lists of weapon if i can Evan thought himself as he picks up other weapons that maybe useful against them

(1 hour later)

"BOOM BABY HAHA now with these Anzio 20mm guns i don't have to worry about the machine or even android to kill if i need to hope i don't need to"

as he use the gun it did penetrate the titanium with ease and that's the regular ammo but with armor-piercing ammo, he already penetrates thick armor titanium like paper

now that i have a gun for long-range and medium-range weapons done i am going to need close range gun or weapon but man it sucks that there no emp grenade in the weapon store guess i watch too many movies to thought there will be one

"now for the strongest weapon i can find here? maybe ill go to the weapon store after this then." after he is satisfied with using the gun he went straight to the weapon store to see the best weapon

"there is sure a lot of weapon for me too choose but let's see which one is the best weapon against metal." i begins to touch each weapon for battle

(30 min later)

"wow this super steel sword is soo marvelous that even though i don't have knowledge about the weapon is already breathtaking from just touching, must be a master the one that made this, for now, let's try it" awkward movement can be seen as he tries to slash some wood




"THAT'S LOT OF DAMAGE and with my strength, i don't have to worry about close range"

The reason i want a sword is i don't want a habit of using guns with limited ammo i can bring even though i don't like getting close to them

"but there is a problem i don't have a teacher who can teach me how to use a sword, there is a video of how to use it, but i prefer if there is a teacher who can teach me"

guess that my second objective going there, maybe i can get A2 to teach me swordsmanship? alright that's the plan

for now ill try to train my shooting marksmanship to at least can shot while moving and also train telekinesis to master better than nothing i guess time to train

(1 month later)

hello thanks for reading this chapter next chapter will be mc first world to visit, i don't want to bored you guys with bunch of talk like talking and what kind of training soo deal with it oke?

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