Early in the morning as usual kyle heard the door open and quickly ran out to meet his mom. This time he didnt say anything, his mom just stood there like a 14 year old who was trying to sneak into the house.
Kyle went back to his room and few minutes later he got ready for school and hurried out.
His mom heard him leaving so she ran after him.
Kyle's mom: are you not going to have breakfast or wait for me to drive you to school.
Kyle: i dont want your help mom, i am fine.
Kyle's mom: i love you
When kyle was walking down the road he heard footsteps like someone was behind him. Suddenly someone grabbed him from behind and kyle was about to retaliate when he saw it was David, the guy he met at the basketball court.
David: yo, how are you doing man.
Kyle : i am fine.
David : you attend Harvy high?
Kyle: yes i do.
David:ok man, i just graduated recently, waiting to get into college.
Kyle: that is great to hear.
David:that school sucks man.
Kyle :i know right, it sure does.
David: i will holla at you later.
Walking to school ain't as easy as kyle imagined, he got to his first period 10 minutes late. And got detention for that, the teacher instructed him to meet after school.
Kyle tried to plead with the teacher because he had training, but the teacher still refused.
During lunch break kyle sat with Trevor and some boys.
Coach mike quickly walked into the hall and announced they have a friendly match later that day with a neighborhood school.
Kyle knew he wouldn't be available for the match and he hasn't trained with the team yet and that was an opportunity for him to prove himself but he didn't tell coach mike.
Tracy, linda, and anna approached kyle while he was with his friends.
Tracy:hello kyle.
Kyle :hi, are you guys here to embarrass me more.
Anna: come on dont be rude, sorry about last time.
Linda: yh my boyfriend is just so insecure, anyway we have a proposal to make.
Kyle: what is that?
Linda: we want you to be the face of our graduation year book.
Kyle : i dont understand, what about Bryan isnt he suppose to be the one for all this.
Anna: he is not as cute as you are so...
Kyle: ok whatever will get you girls off my back i will do it.
After the girls left,Kyle and Trevor were walking towards the football field when Kyle mistakenly hit a girl and her books fell on the floor .
Kyle picked up the books and looking at her face he realized it was same girl that he saw at the principals office .
Her name was Kath she also enrolled newly to the school .she seemed to have earned the attention of so many guys because of her extreme beauty.
Kyle: Hi, I am so sorry about that.
Kath: never mind, it's ok
Kyle: I am Kyle .
Kath ; it's nice to meet you ,my name is Kath.
Kyle. I am going to the field for training ,you wanna come or you have something doing ?
Kath: I would love to, but I have a music class right now and I can't be missing classes.
Kyle: it's cool we will hang later.
Kyle and Trevor then proceeded to the field.when they got there coach Mike was just talking to the boys .Kyle quickly hurried in and joined them.
coach Mike was really pissed ,he talked about the upcoming friendlies against a neighborhood school and the lack of courage of his players.
They haven't even won a single match since they started .
coach Mike adviced the boys to try hard so they can get into the big league and win competitions.After all this he told others to train and went to Kyle.
He seemed really pissed that Kyle has been skipping training , but Kyle explained all to him and coach Mike just gave him a warning .
Kyle was asked to leave the training as a punishment for it.
Kyle left training skipped his last class and went home .
Things have been really rough for him.
It's obvious he misses his old friends,his old life and everything he left behind . It's like he shouldn't be close to anyone because at the end they will still end up leaving .Constantly Kyle is being tortured by the pictures and videos of his past life that he had in his phone. So when this happens he simply deletes everything in order to assume he is starting over.
When Kyle got home he just kept his bag on the couch and hurried to his room to rest.Few minutes later he heard voices in the living room. Kyle quickly rushed out because they haven't had any visitors lately .When he got there he saw his mom with another man sitting on the couch .
His mom was so surprised to see him at home ,she just stood there and stared at him.
The man came to introduce himself to Kyle and asked him to join them.
Kyle calmly declined the offer and went back to his room.
few minutes before nightfall Kyle came out and couldn't find them there , so he just went outside for a walk.
few hours later he came back home and still couldn't find his mom.
This moment he got really pissed and called her severally but she didn't pick up.
Kyle just took some cereals and ate ,then went to bed .
From what's happening it's not hard to assume that his mom is dating someone .And that is where she has been spending the night .
young Kyle could not possibly make decisions for his mother or yell at her. His elder brother Derek , had a fight with his mom the last time he spent Christmas with them .
And that was the last time Kyle saw him, thank God modern technology ,we have phones that can help us .