Chapter 23: Highkagay's Funeral
As I walked towards the school entrance, I suddenly felt a wave of intense stress and anxiety wash over me.
The event that had just happened truly and properly hit me, reminding me of my powerlessness in this world.
My heart started pounding rapidly, and my breaths became shallow and quick.
I didn't even realize I was manipulating the emotions of the earth until I stepped onto the school grounds.
As soon as my foot touched the pavement, the sky began to grow dark and ominous.
The wind picked up speed, whipping my hair around my face. I heard a distant rumble of thunder, and I knew that a storm was brewing.
The air grew thick and heavy, and I could feel the tension in the atmosphere.
The other students around me seemed to sense it too, as they hurried towards the entrance with their heads down, trying not to get wet from the storm.
As I walked into the school building, I didn't notice the leaves being torn from the trees by the strong gusts of wind or the lightning crackling in the sky outside.
I was too consumed by my own emotions to pay attention to the world around me.
It wasn't until I entered the calm, quiet atmosphere of the school building that I realized what I had done.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down, and gradually the storm outside began to dissipate.
The sky cleared, and the sun peeked out from behind the clouds.
The leaves returned to the trees, and the air grew still once again.
I knew then that I needed to be more careful with my emotions and their effect on the environment around me.
I couldn't allow my own feelings to cause harm to the world.
(POV Scott)
"Did you guys see that?" I asked Kira and Allison, as we saw the events of Augestine entering the school transpire.
"What in the jesus…" Allison murmured, as Augestine walked towards his locked.
I quickly covered her mouth, since he could probably hear us with his heightened senses. I didn't want him to doubt us, but we three needed to clarify what we had just seen, so we moved to a side of the school, where even an Alpha like me couldn't hear him anymore.
"Can he control the weather?" Allison asked as we moved away.
"That definitely seemed like something sketchy." Kira said, stating the complete obvious.
"Stiles usually does this." I blurted out as Kira shot towards me with a questioning look.
"He usually is the one who figures out everything." I continued.
"I texted my dad what happened. He said he will look for things with weather manipulation, bloodlust from werewolves and innate banshee attraction." She said.
(POV Mathew)
As I walked into my new physics class which I had applied for last night as a trial lesson, I couldn't help but recognise a character from the last season from the show here.
Tracy Stewart, was sitting at the back of the class, vigorously taking notes for the current chapter today.
She had a slim build with long brown hair with soft facial features. Her hair which was in curls today just fell onto her back giving her a sort of mature appeal.
Realizing that she was one of the main cast of the dread doctors season, I tried to sit closer to her, yet the seats near her were already taken. It wasn't any particular reason than the class was full.
"Alright class, today is mainly regarding Light. I hope you guys have been following along with the readings." The teacher began the class.
Light…such a boring, complex yet intriguing topic at the same time.
Right after physics class, Tracy had left so I didn't really have a chance to talk to her at all. Yet what had happened with God was still running through my mind.
I needed to kill the doctors, and I would probably get a reward from it…yet the doctors were probably beyond my current power level.
I haven't even fought any supernatural being so I am unsure of many things.
There was a lot I had yet to figure out and a lot for me to do…however I didn't let this stray me from my main goal.
My goal wasn't power.
It wasn't to kill.
It wasn't to rule.
No, my goal was to live my own teenage life. Sure, I might have picked the worst town for it, but I want to be able to make friends.
'And the best place to start is by gathering people into doing something I love.' I thought.
"So you want to start your own Music club? What's your prior experience with music?" Ms Harrison, the senior music teacher asked.
And as she did…I remembered all the countless hours I spent on tens of instruments.
Recalling being on the world stage at the age of 7, playing the Piano in front of tens of thousands of people, I smirked a little.
"I am fairly competent." I replied.
"Well, I am all for it. I have been asking for this for a couple of years now. Unfortunately I am going overseas for a short while. Mother in-law is sick." She said, as she stood up from her seat after singing the form I passed to her.
"Doesn't even matter if you're bad. I will teach you guys after coming back." She said with a bright smile.
I nodded, thanking her before leaving the room.
Brendon was waiting outside for me with an expected look.
"So. I can teach you Hokage's Funeral now."
"Language! This is a school!" We heard a teacher say.
During Lunch time, all the people from the manga club were present.
Well, Brendon had gathered most of them, since they all had not just read but also watched Naruto.
"Still don't know how you guys didn't know One Piece existed." I said as everyone walked in.
"Thank god you had recommended it to us, Augustine. This Marine Ford arc is crazy." Said Christopher, another member of the club.
"Wait, did you read all 500+ Chapters already?" I asked in complete shock.
"Well…kinda got hooker you see. When you've read as much manga as me, a seasoned reader. A chapter in 3-5 minutes becomes normal." He said, puffing his chest a little.
"That still doesn't add up." I murmured.
"Your right, the math aint mathing." Brendon also said.
"I might have skipped school a little for it."
"Hahahaha." I couldn't help but laugh. I also remember skipping school, but it was usually to grind some games and watch anime. After all, one could read manga inside of the class.
"Anyways. Shall we begin?" Christopher asked.
"Right. Anyways this is a slightly complex song. I know most of you just want to see me play it. Anyways, after this, those who would want to learn how to play and sign up for the club take a form from me. The rest of you are welcome to stick around." I told them.
(POV, Tracy Stewart)
"This is so annoying. Why do cliffhangers have to be so bad?" I muttered out loud, after just completing an episode of Naruto Shippuden.
I was currently near the Music Room in the school no one uses since no one plays.
I had just finished Naruto a while back, hanging through the fillers and reaching Shippuden.
But class was about to start in 15 minutes, and I didn't want to begin a new Episode since I didn't like pausing the show halfway.
'I wonder how strong Naruto is right now. Is he as strong as an Elite-Jounin? 2 years with a Legendary Sanin, he has to be at that level right? Considering Jiraiya should be a Kage-level Shinobi.' I couldn't help but think in my head.
Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone else to talk to about this. My social group in the school was the cheerleaders. Even though I wasn't a part of them, I hung out with them.
They didn't like all these 'cartoonish' nonsense so I never told them about it.
I couldn't even join the Manga club since they always get made fun of.
As I took my earpiece off, I heard someone speaking from inside of the room.
"..from me. The rest of you are welcome to stick around." I heard.
I looked out through a small window to see a handsome teenager, around my age, sitting at the Piano.
'Isn't that Augestine, the new kid in my class?'
As he relaxed his fingers, while constantly adjusting the seat to get into proper position, he said, "The Song's name is Hokage's funeral. For those of you who haven't reached that part yet…well my bad I guess."
I smiled a little at that.
The 3rd Hokage's death hit me hard at the time. I mean, when you're drawn into an anime, you don't question the logic. It's only after a couple of days you go,' Well that was idiotic.'
Even though I felt emotional for every little scene, his death had made me tear up.
I swore from that day, I would only feel attached to characters that probably wouldn't die, like Jiraya. I even liked Asuma's fatherly vibe a bit.
Jiraya was definitely my favorite. The way he treated Naruto made me like him even more. The only downside was his massive perviness which I found funny.
I shipped him and Tsunade a lot for sure.
After realizing I was getting consumed in my thoughts, I saw the Augestine begin to play.
He placed his hands on the keys and began to play.
From the first notes, I knew I was witnessing something truly special. His fingers moved gracefully across the piano, producing a sound that was both hauntingly beautiful and powerfully emotive.
As the melody of "Hokage's Funeral" filled the room, I felt a deep sense of sadness wash over me. The mournful notes seemed to capture the essence of loss and grief in a way that words never could.
It was as if Augustine was able to tap into the very heart of the piece and bring it to life in a way that was both deeply personal and universally relatable.
As Augustine continued to play, I couldn't help but feel completely entranced by his performance.
His fingers danced across the keys with such ease and precision, and it was as if each note had been carefully chosen to elicit the maximum emotional impact.
As the piece progressed, the mood shifted, and I felt myself becoming more and more caught up in the music.
The tempo increased, and the melody became more urgent, conveying a sense of desperation and longing that was almost palpable.
As Augustine approached the climax of the piece, I felt myself holding my breath in anticipation. The music swelled, reaching a crescendo that was both exhilarating and heartbreaking at the same time.
And then, all at once, it was over. The final notes faded away, leaving a stunned silence in their wake.
The audience erupted into thunderous applause.
Then, I looked around, releasing most of the audience was Manga club members.
I also observed Augestine, who seemed extremely calm in the middle of the applause, not even showing a hint of nervousness, like he had performed before on a much larger scale.
'He looks oddly familiar.' Was my last thought before the bell rang and everyone slowly made their way out of the room.
I also sneaked out, but couldn't help but glance at Augustine, who was looking down at his phone but had a knowing smirk on his face.
(Authors note: Just curious guys. Is making a patreon worth it? Seems like a lot of pressure to keep up when ppl pay, no? Cause what if I make a chapter and I get busy. Seems like I would let a lot of people down then. That being said, I do plan on making one since I lowkey get paid for something I'm doing as a passion so why not uk. Lmk if you guys will support.
Also, some of you might be unhappy with my next chapter, but let me make my story and trust me. I will be focussing on teen wolf, I am just trying to build the world. Since this is a teen wolf story, I will be making mc involved in plot. But I need to build character, plot, world and then I need to write about him getting to live his life. I have plans just trust. FYI, this is supposed to be slice of life as well, if it isnt lmk. Any suggestions? Lmk)